Why does the t zone on the face peel?

Oily skin with signs of acne is usually called problematic. But there are other problems - for example, too dry, flaky skin. Surprisingly, these extremes are sometimes found on the same person. Let's try to understand the causes of peeling.

  1. What you need to know about peeling skin
  2. The main causes of peeling on the face
  3. How to get rid of the peeling problem
  4. Tools Overview

What you need to know about peeling skin

If untidy white scales appear and the skin becomes rough, it means that the barrier functions of the skin have been impaired.

The formation of scales signals problems in the skin © iStock

“Peeling indicates damage to the protective hydrolipid mantle and increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin.

The structure of the stratum corneum is disrupted: corneocytes cannot evenly and quickly exfoliate from the total mass of cells.

Typically, peeling is accompanied by a decrease in NMF, a natural moisturizing factor consisting of uric and lactic acids, amino acids, metal ions and other components of the intercellular fluid. And also by the destruction of the hydrolipid layer and aquaporin proteins - water conductors.” Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy

The main causes of peeling on the face


This condition can occur if you regularly spend a lot of time in rooms where the air is dry (due to the operation of air conditioners or heating devices), and neglect proper cleansing and moisturizing care, which are necessary for skin of any type, including oily skin.

In 20% of people, the skin is genetically predisposed to dehydration due to a reduced supply of water and glycerol from the dermis to the epidermis or insufficient synthesis of the filaggrin protein.

“Dehydrated skin, in addition to the discomfort it causes, is characterized by a dull, grayish color and so-called lines of dehydration - small wrinkles that appear in places of facial folds, and just out of the blue. These wrinkles are very easy to distinguish from signs of age: they smooth out immediately after applying moisturizer.”

Improper care for oily skin

With combination skin, dry areas on the cheekbones and corners of the mouth are adjacent to the oily T-zone and require separate care. Applying gel to them is a bad idea for oily problem skin.

In addition, if there are inflammatory elements and comedones on the skin (and adolescence is long behind us), you should not use anti-acne products designed for dense, young skin with a huge margin of safety. The effect may be the opposite.

Sensitive, thin skin

It is typical for experienced allergy sufferers. As a rule, experienced people already know which cream helps them. But with age, closer to 50 years, the skin becomes drier and more capricious due to a drop in the level of female hormones. And if there is no active moisturizing care, it easily loses moisture, fades, flakes, and ages faster.

Reactive thin skin is susceptible to peeling © iStock


A dry, cold climate is also not conducive to maintaining the required level of moisture in the skin, and extreme temperatures can be too severe a test for the hydrolipid barrier.

“Often, from the cold and wind, the skin peels and turns red, and the hands themselves reach for a rich, nourishing cream. But it is better to choose a product that is rich in texture but moisturizing, because these symptoms are caused precisely by a lack of moisture. The combination of moisturizing and nourishing components in the cream can be considered optimal: hyaluronic acid and natural oils.”


If you wash your face with soap, even the oiliest and densest skin will begin to peel off. That is why one of the main rules of health and beauty is not to cleanse the skin “to the point of squeaking” and use a toner after washing. This is important for maintaining the pH of the skin and the integrity of its hydrolipid mantle, which retains moisture.

Excessive peeling

Exfoliation is an important part of your beauty routine. But we are talking about dead cells of the stratum corneum. If you use the scrub more often than the manufacturer recommends, this can lead to the destruction of the stratum corneum rather than its cleansing, and as a result, peeling.

Peels for home use are considered softer than professional ones, but they also require careful attention and compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Even the most gentle peeling can damage dehydrated and sensitive skin.


Peeling and severe dryness indicate a lack of vitamins. A blood test will help you find out which of them is in short supply. It makes sense to take vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F orally and apply externally (as part of care products).

B vitamins are a key component of cosmetics for irritated, flaky, allergy-prone skin.

Decorative cosmetics with dry texture

Using facial products around the eyes

The skin in this area is vulnerable in everyone, without exception, due to the small number of sebaceous glands. It is very easy to dry it out and cause it to peel using inappropriate creams and cleansers.

“One of the main reasons for extreme dryness on the eyelids is improper cleansing: there are people who like to wash off makeup with baby soap, shower gel, or hand wipes lying around in their bag. The pH level and detergent base of such products are completely unsuitable for thin skin, and peeling of the eyelids is the most harmless of the consequences.

Dry eyelids are often associated with inadequate care © iStock

Some medications, especially those used without indications, can lead to dryness of both the cornea and eyelids. Therefore, growing eyelashes using drops purchased at the pharmacy is not the best idea.”

Allergies and other diseases

Allergy in any of its manifestations, from skin reactions (dermatitis) to rhinitis and asthma, can develop at any age. When the cause of peeling skin is unclear, it is important to consult a doctor in time. In addition to allergies, peeling skin can also indicate some dermatological diseases, and can also be a symptom of internal changes.

How to get rid of the peeling problem

Find out the reason and eliminate it if possible.

Use for cleansing products for very dry and sensitive skin.

Instead of a scrub or peeling, use moisturizing masks.

If possible, spray damaged areas thermal water.

Provide the skin with maximum intense hydration.

Choose nourishing creams based on fatty acids for dry and sensitive skin.

Facial peeling is a seemingly harmless, but rather unpleasant problem that can occur at any age, in men and women. Most often this is caused by external influences, but sometimes peeling of the skin indicates a dermatological pathology. In such cases, you should clearly understand why the skin on your face is peeling, what to do, and in what cases you need to see a doctor.

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Why does the skin on my face peel?

Peeling of the skin on the face is a process of accelerated exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin, or rather, its dead cells. A flaky face looks unsightly, and an attempt to hide the flaking with the help of foundation only focuses attention on the problem. The fight begins with finding out the reason that led to peeling of the facial skin:

Dry skin type is often caused by genetic factors. Dry skin is characterized by increased sensitivity: even the slightest irritation leads to rapid peeling.

In such cases, care procedures should be carefully selected, and cosmetics should not contain alcohol or other aggressive components. Often, dry skin is caused by insufficient fluid intake and exhausting mono-diets, which lead to vitamin deficiency.

  1. Weather

In winter, the skin on the face peels due to exposure to low temperatures and strong winds. An important factor that greatly dries out the air in the room and, as a result, the skin, is the constantly turned on air conditioner. In this case, peeling is temporary and disappears on its own when provoking factors are eliminated and moisturizers are added to skin care. However, cold sensitization should not be ruled out. An allergy to cold requires a thorough examination by an allergist and comprehensive treatment.

Peeling of the skin often occurs in the summer during the holiday season. Excessive exposure to the sun, swimming in the sea (salt water dries out the skin greatly) can provoke a reaction on the face and ruin the impression of your vacation.

  1. Improper skin care

Peeling of the face occurs after salon peeling, and the intensity of the rejection of the skin layers depends on the concentration of acid in the peeling agent and the depth of exposure. The cosmetologist stipulates the duration and intensity of the reaction before the procedure so that peeling of the skin does not become a sudden unpleasant surprise for the patient.

At home, women often abuse scrubs and peels. Even using regular soap to wash sensitive skin and rubbing the skin too hard can cause your face to peel. Often, a peeling reaction occurs when using cosmetics containing alcohol (ethyl, salicylic) and lanolin, as well as when using expired or low-quality skin care products.

Please note: glycerin provides temporary moisturizing, but long-term use in creams causes the skin to dry out.

Poor quality care affects not only the more delicate facial skin of women, this often also applies to men. Most often, the skin on the face of men peels due to the use of regular soap during shaving. The combination of irritation from the razor and aggressive detergent substances leads to itching and the appearance of small flaky scales.

The skin on the face is peeling photo 2

  1. Skin diseases

Limited areas of peeling often indicate a dermatological disease. In case of skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea - peeling of the skin is often accompanied by severe itching and redness.

An allergic reaction should not be ruled out; in such cases, not only cosmetics and other external products, but also food products and medications (both for external use and long-term ingestion) can act as a sensitizer. With allergies, the skin on the face peels and turns red, and papules (nodules) and vesicles (bubbles with liquid) often appear.

Skin allergies are especially common in children: weak protective function of the skin, an immature immune system and insufficiently developed digestion can provoke a sensitization reaction even with the slightest exposure to an allergen.

Skin is peeling - what to do first?

Correction of skin care often helps to cope with peeling, since most often this condition is caused by external irritation. For peeling skin should be excluded following:

  1. Washing with soap.
  2. Rubbing your face with a towel.
  3. Alcohol-containing skincare products and expired cosmetics.
  4. Stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time.

The skin on the face is peeling - what to do and how to avoid the problem? Simple rules will help not only cope with peeling skin caused by external irritation, but also prevent its reappearance:

  1. Washing with special gels, or at least neutral soap with moisturizing ingredients in the composition.
  2. Dry your face after washing with a soft towel or napkin using blotting movements.
  3. Regular use of moisturizing creams or toners. For dry skin, fatty creams are perfect (the simplest products are baby cream, Vaseline), the fat base prevents the evaporation of moisture. For oily skin, you should choose water-based moisturizers to avoid acne and other skin problems.
  4. Use a scrub or peeling for dry skin no more than once a month. If oily skin on the face is peeling, these procedures are recommended once a week. After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer.
  5. Inspection of cosmetics: remove all products that contain alcohol (ethyl, salicylic) and lanolin.
  6. Regular ventilation of the room and humidification of the air, especially during the heating season.
  7. Correction of the drinking regime, inclusion of more fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  8. When outdoors, you should use a scarf in winter and a hat in summer (to cover your face from direct sunlight).

What should men do?if the skin on your face is peeling? The most important thing is to change the product you use when shaving. Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of shaving foams and aftershave lotions that do not interfere with its water balance and protective functions. Typically, such products are labeled for dry skin or sensitive skin.

When is it time to go to the doctor?

red spots on the face flake and itch photo

The risk that peeling skin is caused by some disease cannot be ruled out. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Peeling lasting more than 2 weeks, subject to all rules of adequate skin care;
  2. Sudden, severe peeling of the skin;
  3. If the skin on the face peels, turns red, or red spots appear, itches;
  4. Purulent elements appeared, indicating an infection;
  5. Peeling and itching of the skin in young children affects their condition (they are capricious, sleep poorly, and sometimes there is a slight rise in temperature).

Treatment of peeling on the face - drugs and effective procedures

The key to effectively eliminating peeling facial skin is identifying the cause of the condition. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Bepanten and Panthenol are excellent products for eliminating irritation and preventing skin infections. Quickly heal microdamages of the skin.
  2. Antihistamine tablets (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Zyrtec) - their use is advisable only for allergic peeling of the skin. For adults, 3rd generation drugs are recommended - Telfast, Gismanal (do not cause drowsiness).
  3. Ointment with hydrocortisone - perfectly eliminates peeling. However, the corticosteroid hormone contained in it limits the duration of use. Although hydrocortisone is practically not absorbed through the skin, this ointment should be used for no more than 14 days. General recommendation: hormonal agents are used only if there is no effect when using other creams and ointments.
  4. Antibacterial, antifungal ointments - used for peeling caused by skin infection, used only when prescribed by a doctor.

To eliminate flaking of the skin on the face at home, recipes with honey (washing with water with the addition of honey), masks with olive oil and vegetables (carrots, raw potatoes), cleansing the skin with oatmeal (crushed oatmeal is used as a soft scrub instead of morning washing with soap) are excellent. .

Peeling skin can be easily eliminated in beauty salons using modern skin care procedures:

  1. Peeling is the removal of the flaky layer of skin using acidic preparations. The peeling agent (fruit acids, lactic, salicylic or trichloroacetic acid), its concentration and frequency of the procedure depend on the skin type and the severity of the problem.
  2. Mesotherapy is intradermal injections of complex preparations, which include vitamins, microelements and hyaluronic acid. In this case, the moisturizing effect is achieved quickly and lasts for a long time.
  3. Biorevitalization - the effectiveness of this procedure is based on the moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid. Injections not only provide hydration, but also significantly improve the overall appearance of the skin, evening out its tone and eliminating age-related changes (wrinkles).

The choice of a method for eliminating / treating facial peeling and prescribing certain medications, especially hormonal ones, is the prerogative of a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Only eliminating the causative factor will avoid the appearance of areas of peeling in the future.


One of the problems faced not only by women, but also by representatives of the stronger sex is peeling of facial skin, often accompanied by severe itching and an unpleasant feeling of tight skin. Most often this problem manifests itself in the autumn-winter period.

Why does the skin on my face peel? External causes of peeling

Reasons Why does the skin on my face peel and dry?, there are many, but they can all be divided into three categories:

To external reasons that provoke peeling of facial skin, the appearance of a feeling of dryness, include the action of environmental factors. Severe frost, chapping in winter, excessive tanning, including visiting a solarium, cause the skin to begin to suffer, and affected areas appear where itching, tightening, and peeling are observed.


peeling skin on the face

External factors also include allergic reactions caused by flowering plants. Often the reason why is the skin on my face dry and flaky? becomes allergic to water. The use of low-quality cosmetics will not only cause the appearance of problem areas, but can also provoke the development of such a complex disease as contact dermatitis, the treatment of which will require time and financial costs. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider the selection of cosmetics and creams.

If your skin is dry, you should not use creams that dry it out. Consulting a cosmetologist will help you choose a rich cream.

How to protect your face from external factors

If the reason Why does the skin on my face peel in winter?, is frost, using a special cream before going outside will help protect it. In summer, it is important not to neglect sun protection products, especially during the period when the sun is most active. Dry indoor air often causes problems. Using humidifiers often helps solve the problem and take care of your health. It is important to humidify the air not only in the office, but also at home.

If the cause of the problem is an allergic reaction to ordinary water, you should stop using it and give preference to boiled or filtered water.

Internal factors

Impaired functions of organs and systems of the body are internal factors that negatively affect the condition facial skin and call her peeling. It is important to contact a specialist who will help determine the cause of the problem. One of the main reasons that cause peeling of facial skin is insufficient water intake, which provokes a lack of fluid in the body. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to drink clean water that does not contain sugar, dyes, and still water.


baby's skin peels

In addition, peeling can appear at different ages.

Why does the tender one suffer? baby skin? As a rule, this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. In winter, this is the effect of frost, strong wind, in summer - the effect of sunlight. In addition, the appearance of peeling on the baby’s cheeks may be evidence of a lack of vitamins or food allergies. Consulting with a specialist will help determine the cause of the problem.

Men, although less frequently, also face the problem of the appearance of areas of peeling. In men, the most common cause of the problem is the use of low-quality cosmetics. Their use dries the skin, resulting in infection and signs of an allergic reaction. In this case, you should refuse to use standard soap and give preference to cleansing lotions that have a caring effect.

What to do if peeling appears

  1. If the cause is a vitamin deficiency, and this can only be determined by a specialist, making adjustments to the diet will help solve the problem. The doctor may recommend, based on laboratory data, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. Including vegetable fats in the diet will help replenish the supply of vitamin E, the deficiency of which often leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin.

A diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables will help prevent premature aging of the skin and its fading.