Why did acne appear again?

Hello! I have been suffering from such a problem as acne for a long time. No matter what I tried, no matter what I applied, nothing helped. Then one friend advised me to get checked for worms, she said that my daughter had it too and she had worms, she was prescribed 3 tablets of Decaris and everything went away for her. I got tested, I actually had worms, I was prescribed Dekaris, I took it and my face became clear in just a week. My joy knew no bounds. And then literally half a year passes and I am again covered with acne, and in a short time. I confess that I didn’t go to the doctor then, but decided to self-medicate. I thought it was all from worms and drank Decaris again, and the acne went away again. Then I thought that I was constantly becoming infected with worms, and as some people do, I decided to take Pirantel once every 3-4 months, but it did not get rid of my acne. I don't know whether my acne is caused by worms or not. And why only Dekaris helps me. I read that it also stimulates the immune system, maybe you can replace it with an analogue if this is the problem. It’s not possible to get tested or go to the doctor right now because of work. But later I will definitely do it. But I would still like to know someone’s opinion, because I don’t really trust doctors.

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Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Wash your hands often! Buy all kinds of soap, liquid or solid, and always, always wash your hands with hot water. Dirty hands are a source of infection. It’s disgusting to read, she’s such a dirty adult, she has worms..(





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You most likely have a variant of acne... The fact is that acne (pimples, blackheads,
points - comedones), any “configurations”,
more often, -
This, streptococcal inflammation (transition of saprophytic
streptococcus, living in symbiosis with humans, into a parasitic form -
due to any changes in exchange)
and, possibly, activation of saprophytic
facial microscopic mite Demodex. Even if the tick
was not formally found - it does not matter (the tick exists
in almost all people, but it is not always found when scraping!) Ointments and creams
this disease is usually poorly tolerated... Ready-made remedies (zenerit,
skinoren, baziron, curiosin, etc.) are also, as a rule, ineffective.
Cosmetic procedures can even worsen the further course. No need to take anything internally
- because there is no infection! Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples (this is also
increases irritation and causes scars)! Demodex mites and streptococcus exist in the skin
Almost all people are its NORMAL saprophytic inhabitants. And while they
nothing provokes the transition to the parasitic stage - we are their presence
We do not notice. They are not a disease - they are the NORM. Therefore the body will not give
fight them with antibiotics and antiparasitic drugs inside - he
will turn on immune defenses to SAVE these inflammatory agents! Try the following (this circuit
treatment developed by me and has been successfully used for more than 20 years): purchase
in the pharmacy there are 2 bottles (40 ml each) 2% salicylic alcohol, packaging
ampoules 1% Dioxidine solution (amp. 10.0), bottle Dimexide
packaging of tablets
"Metronidazole" Open all ampoules
dioxidine, mix it with the entire volume of lard. alcohol, add 1 table. spoon
dimexide and 4 table. spoons of boiled water. Then crush 3 tablets
metronidazole, pour into the solution and shake until maximum dissolution. To prevent drying, add 1 bottle (25 ml)

Wipe 2 times a day (at least six months).
By the way, this can also help with other inflammations on the skin of the face. Before
Shake when using. And you need to wash your face not with tap water, but with bottled water
mineral water (only natural, not artificially mineralized)…

If any
additional questions - write to [email protected]

consultations by email mail, individual production of medicinal ointments and lotions

tel. 8 (495) 680-64-40

mob. 8 (906) 615-23-23

(call from 9.00 to 11.00 in the morning and from 18.00 to 20.00 in the evening

The appearance of a pimple on the face is always unpleasant. In some cases, this phenomenon can be stopped by knowing your body's reaction to certain allergens and maintaining hygiene. Often, the process occurs spontaneously. Usually the rash is accompanied by itching and even pain. The aesthetic side of the issue is no less troubling. Redness, swelling and possible suppuration clearly spoil the appearance. Especially when acne suddenly appeared on the face. The desire to get rid of them quickly can aggravate the situation. Getting your skin in order is only possible with a careful approach that takes into account identifying the causes and determining the type of pimple.

Acne formation and development

Medicine has long established why acne appears on the face. The main role in the formation of pimples is played by the sebaceous glands, or more precisely, the ducts that carry sebum beyond the dermis. In ideal condition, the process of removing sebum occurs freely, without causing harm to the body. Pollution, changes in the functioning of organs, age, environment - all this can cause blockage of the canal. The pore takes the form of a black dot or has a white head. In this case, the outlet opening expands under the influence of sebum coming from the glands.

Under the influence of bacteria that have received a nutrient medium, the clogged pore turns into a reddish tubercle, which marks the formation of a pimple. Redness is accompanied by pain when touched and possible itching. The active proliferation of bacteria leads to an increase in the mound, which bursts when it reaches a critical size. The release of purulent formations to the outside is more or less favorable. When the “explosion” is carried out deeper, things can take a serious turn, in which not only the skin suffers.

Causes of pimples

There are many factors that determine the appearance of acne. Most of them are inherent in the abnormal functioning of the body. The causes of rashes can be:

  1. metabolic disorders;
  2. hormonal imbalances;
  3. individual organs (liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  4. nervous tension, stress.

Skin is the main outpost and indicator of the body. She is the first to encounter all changes in the environment and sensitively reacts to the slightest disturbances within a person. Acne is one of the signals that informs about some kind of failure.

The influence of the environment on the dermis can be expressed in increased temperature. To prevent dryness, the sebaceous glands begin to intensively secrete fat. Its accumulation on the surface leads to the adhesion of dirt, bacteria and germs. There is a blockage of the channels. The result is that my face is covered in acne.

Approximately the same process is observed during sports and heavy physical activity, only the influence of temperature contributes to increased sweating.

Acne can be caused by toxic substances and cosmetics. They often cause rough, dry skin. The stratum corneum interferes with the normal release of sebum.

Allergic reactions, when the entire face is covered with small pimples, can easily be attributed to the influence of the environment. Irritation is accompanied by redness and severe itching. Scratching increases the area where bacteria spread, causing a lot of pimples to appear.

The most common allergens:

  1. animal hair;
  2. household chemicals and cosmetics;
  3. plant pollen, flowers.

Internal allergies are caused by foods and parasites.

An important factor in the appearance of rashes is hormonal changes. They accompany a person in his youth, when the body is undergoing restructuring. Hormones contribute to the formation of acne during pregnancy.

Age makes its own adjustments. As the skin ages, increasing peeling causes plugs to form in the pores.

Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins (especially vitamin A) weaken the immune system, which immediately affects the skin. He is no longer able to restrain the attacks of bacteria that contribute to pustular rashes.

Interesting information about the causes of acne is included in the video.

What does the location of acne tell you?

As a rule, rashes, at least initially, occupy certain areas of the skin. Having discovered a lot of pimples on the face, you can make a preliminary diagnosis of the pathology of any organ or identify deviations in the normal functioning of the body:

  1. The skin of the nose is often characterized by enlarged pores and provides fertile ground for the appearance of acne. A sudden formation in this area indicates a lack of oxygen and poor blood supply. The situation is typical for people who neglect fresh air and lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  2. rashes on the bridge of the nose can form due to stress and can be hormonal in nature;
  3. pimples around the lips may indicate gastritis and even an ulcer;
  4. a weakened immune system signals the formation of acne in the ear area;
  5. abnormal functioning of the female reproductive system is indicated by rashes on the chin;
  6. if acne suddenly appears on the cheeks, the body is overwhelmed with toxins and waste. Rashes indicate poor nutrition;
  7. pimples on the cheekbones can indicate malfunctions of the kidneys and problems with urination;
  8. a rash on the forehead can indicate intestinal diseases, cholecystitis and gallbladder pathology.

You can read more about acne areas here. But always remember, these phenomena are not a 100% diagnosis. Isolated cases are not a cause for particular concern. Systematic, constant acne is much more dangerous. What to do in this case can only be determined by a specialist.

Types of acne

Successful and quick elimination of a pimple is closely related to its type. The most common rashes are:

  1. comedones. Characterized by black dots representing plugs in the sebaceous ducts;
  2. papules. They are a consequence of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into comedones and are accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  3. pustules. They represent the process of development of papules and are distinguished by the appearance of suppuration on the surface of the pimple.

Healing procedures

Preliminary preparation for eliminating pimples

Having determined the number of negative formations, you can first determine what to do with acne on your face. If there are less than 10 of them, then most likely, external agents will be sufficient for treatment. When the number of pimples approaches 50, external treatment will have to be accompanied by internal preparations. A larger number requires immediate medical intervention.

Before eliminating a pimple, care should be taken to ensure cleanliness and sterility. Opening a comedone and allowing bacteria to enter it can lead to quite serious consequences.

Home conditions

To quickly get rid of acne, you need to clear it of pus. Squeezing is possible only if you are convinced that it is ripe and pressing will not require effort, accompanied by pain, the formation of a bruise and a scar later. The affected area is wiped with a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol. It is advisable that hands be treated appropriately. The core of the pimple is compressed without affecting the surrounding surface. This will completely clear the sebaceous duct.

After removing the pus, the wound is treated with alcohol. After about an hour, a small amount of Levomikol, Baziron or Baserit is applied to the affected area. These products can always be purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

Facial cleansing at home and a lotion made from chamomile and celandine brewed in equal proportions will help prevent redness. It is advisable to use it before bed and in the morning treat the area with ice cubes.

Traditional methods have many remedies that can quickly remove sudden rashes. The beneficial effects are based on the use of natural products that minimize the negative effects of home treatments.

A few proven recipes:

  1. The pimple is treated with aloe juice, which is previously kept in the refrigerator for three days.
  2. Chamomile (inflorescences) is poured with boiling water and infused. The resulting infusion is used to wipe the skin three times a day.
  3. You can reduce and remove a pimple by applying a baked onion to the damaged area and leaving it for 2-3 hours.
  4. Good results are achieved with lemon slices used as a mask before bed.
  5. Baking soda is mixed with water to form a paste-like consistency. The resulting mass is applied to the pimples and left for 2-3 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  6. You can eliminate a pimple using beaten egg white, which is spread on the inflamed area and left for about 10 minutes.
  7. A noticeable beneficial effect is noted by applying warm tea leaves to the pimple.

Combining natural products with the contents of a home first aid kit increases the chances of a speedy restoration of the skin. Only in this case it is necessary to exercise great caution.

The pimple or wound is treated with iodine after squeezing out the pus. After about 30 minutes, the area is wiped with a swab dipped in lemon juice. Iodine disinfects the wound, lemon dries, relieves inflammation and removes yellowness.

An effective remedy against pimples is salicylic-zinc ointment.

Visit to the salon

Cosmetic procedures significantly increase the chances of getting rid of acne. This ensures that the skin looks normal and the effects of rashes are masked. Specialists use professional means to ensure safety and prevent negative consequences.

Among salon methods, peeling is popular, which can be chemical or ultrasonic in nature. The procedures cleanse the skin of dead particles and excess sebaceous secretions. Ultrasonic peeling massages the skin, improves blood microcirculation and strengthens the immune system.

Photo and laser therapy actively help against acne, promoting the effective destruction of bacteria.

Acne and medicine

If nothing helps with acne or it becomes a real disaster, seeking medical help is necessary. The varied nature of the appearance of rashes is often not limited to communication only with a dermatologist. You may need specialists such as:

  1. allergist;
  2. endocrinologist;
  3. gynecologist;
  4. gastroenterologist

Often, complex therapy is required to treat acne.

The most common anti-acne medications include: Prednisolone, Loratadine, Cetrin and Diazolin.

Preventive measures

It is almost impossible to completely avoid acne. However, by following certain rules, you can minimize the possibility of their formation. Required:

  1. Maintain hygiene and regularly care for your skin.
  2. Minimize the use of cosmetics or use products based on natural ingredients.
  3. Try to avoid contact with allergens.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Eat normally.
  6. Avoid dehydration.
  7. Be regularly examined by specialists.

Some people, without thinking, start using unfamiliar, advertised drugs when they see that their face is covered in acne, which is highly not recommended. Only a reliable, proven remedy and consultation with a specialist guarantees complete relief from rashes.

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  1. Oksana 09/13/2017

I have always had oily skin that is prone to breakouts. At one time the acne went away, but now it periodically appears again. I bought Ilon at the pharmacy, a plant-based ointment. This is my second week of using it and I’m very pleased with the results. There are no new rashes, and old pimples have become less red and are slowly healing.

Now, indeed, there are many possibilities for treating acne, but, oddly enough, the problem remains. I personally cured them with retasol, but it took a lot of time and patience.