
The subconscious is the part of our brain that is not controlled by consciousness. It contains our unconscious thoughts, memories, emotions and instincts. The subconscious mind plays an important role in our lives as it influences our behavior, decision making and even our health.

In psychology, there is the concept of “subliminal”, which means lying beyond the capabilities of sensory perception or beyond the threshold of our consciousness. This means that the information we receive may be invisible to our consciousness, but at the same time influence our actions and decisions.

The subliminal mind can be used in advertising to get us to buy products or services. For example, advertising may use sounds that are not audible to our ears, but that make us feel better or evoke certain emotions.

The subconscious mind can also be manipulated to change our thoughts and behavior. For example, if we want to become more self-confident, then we can use self-hypnosis techniques that help us believe in our strengths and abilities.

However, the use of the subconscious must be careful and intelligent. If we use it too often or incorrectly, it can have negative effects on our health and well-being.

Thus, the subconscious is an important part of our psyche and can be used to achieve various goals. However, we must remember that its use must be conscious and ethical.