Finger pads

*Finger pads* are small objects that are used to relieve pain, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations in the fingers or toes. They are made of soft material and are shaped like a cushion, which allows you to apply additional pressure to the site of the problem.

In medicine, pads have become widespread due to their use in various fields. In particular, they are used during operations and procedures where it is necessary to stop bleeding or reduce pain. The pads can also be used to treat injuries, burns, insect bites and other skin injuries.

It is worth noting that finger pads are made from various materials. Made from natural fabrics (wool, cotton, linen), as well as from synthetic materials - felt, plastic, rubber.

The main manufacturers of pads are: Luga Sumistris Medicus (Spain), Medela (Switzerland) and Others. It is important to understand that when choosing a pillow you should pay attention to the material and size of the product.

The pads are a medical product. Therefore, before using a finger pillow, it is recommended to consult a doctor. They are not suitable for people with open wounds, burns or allergies to the materials from which the pillows are made. If the symptoms decrease, then most often the side effects are temporary.

One of the main advantages of using pads is their convenience. They can be worn both on the fingers and on the palms, and can also be used in work that requires a long stay in one position. In addition, the pads have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce swelling and inflammation.