Redness (Suffusion)

Redness (Suffusion) is the spread of redness over the surface of the skin, caused by a sharp hyperemia of the area.

Redness of the skin occurs due to dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the area. This may be caused by irritation, inflammation, increased body temperature or emotional excitement.

The most common causes of skin redness:

  1. Allergic reactions, insect bites, contact dermatitis - lead to inflammatory edema and hyperemia.

  2. Burns, frostbite, heat strokes sharply disrupt blood circulation in the skin.

  3. Infections, fevers - increased temperature dilates blood vessels.

  4. Stress, shame, embarrassment - the release of adrenaline causes redness in the face.

  5. Skin diseases - rosacea, urticaria, psoriasis, etc.

  6. Physical activity - increased blood flow to the muscles.

Redness of the skin is usually painless and goes away on its own after the cause is eliminated. However, in some cases treatment is required - antihistamines, hormonal drugs, local remedies. If redness lasts for a long time, you should consult a doctor to identify and treat the underlying disease.

Redness (Suffusion) is the spread of redness over the surface of the skin, caused by a sharp hyperemia of the area. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors, such as allergic reactions, infections, injuries, hypothermia, circulatory disorders and other reasons.

One common example of redness is the redness of the skin caused by a burn or insect bite. In such cases, the inflammatory process activates the circulatory system, and blood begins to actively flow into the affected area, which causes a sharp reddening of the skin. Redness can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction to various substances, such as food, medicine or pollen.

However, redness is not always a harmless phenomenon, and in some cases it may indicate serious illness. For example, acute redness of the skin combined with a high fever may indicate an infectious disease such as sepsis or erythema infectiosum.

Treatment for redness depends on its cause. If the redness is caused by an allergic reaction, you should take antihistamines and avoid future contact with the allergen. In case of burns and insect bites, it is necessary to wash the wound and apply products that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. If redness appears in combination with other symptoms, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and treat the underlying disease.

Thus, redness is a common phenomenon that can be caused by various factors. Although in most cases redness is not a serious problem, in some cases it can be a symptom of serious diseases, so it is necessary to monitor your health and consult a doctor if suspicious symptoms appear.

**Redness** is not an independent disease or symptom, but rather a term for a disorder of the blood supply. Redness on the skin can occur due to vascular diseases, skin inflammation and skin tumors. Reddened skin differs from healthy skin in color and brightness

Redness is the dilation of blood vessels located next to the skin, which leads to a change in its color. As a rule, people who suffer from redness: have hypertension or circulatory disorders; prone to allergic reactions; spend a lot of time in contact with electricity (electricians, power plant operators, programmers); should often be outdoors.

Redness can have many reasons, but the main ones are the following: - diseases of the heart and blood vessels; - diseases of the respiratory system; - allergies;

Also among the reasons should be the excessive influence of UV radiation; low physical activity; low platelet count; excess adrenaline; long-term intense physical activity; uncomfortable clothing that squeezes the skin; carrying a heavy bag or backpack; nicotine in the form of cigarettes or chewing gum; a diet rich in foods that promote fluid retention in the body; medications containing aspirin or paracetamol; To prevent redness, you must know the cause and eliminate the underlying disease. When diagnosing the initial stages of the disease, it is recommended to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.