8 Count Combinations Continued

Combinations for 8 counts (continued)

In this article we continue our consideration of combinations for 8 accounts discussed in the previous article. Let's continue to explore three new combinations that will help you diversify your workouts and add elements of movement to your aerobic gymnastics.

No. 5. Measures (eights) - the general name of the element abacus movements of the legs movements of the arms

  1. V-Step:
    1. Step 1: Right leg to the side and forward, right arm bent at the elbow (90°).
    2. Step 2: Left leg to the side and forward, left arm bent at the elbow (90°).
    3. Step 3: Right leg back to starting position while clapping hands.
    4. Step 4: Left leg back to starting position while clapping hands.
    5. Step 5: Right foot back on toe, right foot forward (left foot remaining in front of chest).
    6. Step 6: Bring your right leg to your chest, right hand to your chest.
    7. Step 7: Left foot back on toes, left foot forward (right foot remaining in front of chest).
    8. Step 8: Bring your left leg to your chest, left hand to your chest.

No. 6. Starting position of the arms: elbows bent in front of the chest

  1. Marching (walking in place):
    1. Step 1: Step with your right foot, right foot forward.
    2. Step 2: Step left foot, right foot to chest.
    3. Step 3: Step right foot, left foot forward.
    4. Step 4: Step with your left foot, left foot to your chest.
    5. Step 5: Step with your right foot, straighten your arms up.
    6. Step 6: Step with your left foot, bend your arms in front of your chest.
    7. Step 7: Step with your right foot, straighten your arms to the sides.
    8. Step 8: Step with your left foot, bend your arms in front of your chest.

No. 7. Measures (eights) - the general name of the element abacus movements of the legs movements of the arms

  1. Basic Step:
    1. Step 1: Step forward with your right foot and extend your arms forward.
    2. Step 2: Place your left foot next to your right, clap your hands.
    3. Step 3: Step your right foot back and extend your arms forward.
    4. Step 4: Place your left foot next to your right and place your hands on your waist.
    5. Step 5: Mambo forward: right leg forward, transfer your body weight to it, the left one rises slightly from the floor, circle with the right hand forward, left hand on the belt.
    6. Step 6: The body weight is transferred to the left leg (it is slightly bent), the right leg lifts off the floor slightly and is in front.
    7. Step 7: Place your right foot next to your left, circle your right hand back, left hand on your waist.
    8. Step 8: Step your left foot in place.

No. 8. Measures (eights) - the general name of the element abacus movements of the legs movements of the arms

  1. Knee Up:
    1. Step 1: Step forward with your right foot, freely moving your arms as if you were marching.
    2. Step 2: Raise your left knee up.
    3. Step 3: Step back with your left foot.
    4. Step 4: Place your right foot next to your left.
    5. Step 5: Straddle: Step left foot to the side, right leg straightens to the side.
    6. Step 6: Right leg to the side, left leg straightened to the side.
    7. Step 7: Left leg to starting position, arms up.
    8. Step 8: Right leg to the starting position, lower your arms down with arcs inward.

Now you have several more 8-count combinations to use in your workouts. Remember to monitor your breathing, perform movements accurately and accurately, and enjoy aerobic exercise. Happy training!

Source: www.aerobica.newmail.ru