
Polydactyly is a congenital anomaly of the development of fingers and/or toes, in which there are more than 5 fingers in different proportions or combinations. The anomaly can affect any number of fingers and toes, and can be unilateral or bilateral. People with polydactics may have unique visual, auditory, and tactile experiences that can lead to a variety of opportunities for creative, occupational, and physical activities.

According to statistics, polydactyly is one of the most common congenital pathologies of limb development. It can occur as a result of mutations in genes responsible for the normal development of the embryo, as well as as a result of errors in the process of genetic copying. Polydacty can occur in families or may not have a specific connection with certain genes or environmental factors.

One of the key issues related to the clinical significance of polydactyly is the extent to which it affects a person's quality of life. Despite the fact that in some cases the defect can lead to disability, in other cases it can be minimal and lead only to cosmetic defects. Depending on the specific type of polydaction, the degree of complexity of the defect, and the age of the patients, they may experience varying levels of discomfort and restrictions in daily life.

However, many people with polydectics successfully overcome the difficulties associated with their defects and achieve great success in various fields of activity, including sports, art, science, business and politics. Examples of celebrities with polydactic hands include Dan Cohen, who co-founded Def Jam Recordings and starred in the film Rain Man, and American director of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video, Heather Rose Park. They were able to continue their careers, despite their differences, thanks to high achievements, perseverance and hard work.

People with polydactyl limbs have greater variability in their approaches to solving their problems than people without this pathology. Although medical treatment for polydactyly usually involves surgical removal of the extra digits, people with such problems have not yet had surgery. Instead, they are offered adaptive socialization and training, e.g.

Polydacty is a syndrome in which a person has more than the normal number of fingers or toes. This is a rare genetic disease that can be caused by various reasons and manifests itself in varying degrees of severity.

Polydactyly usually appears during the development of the embryo in the womb until the 7-8th week of pregnancy, when the processes of emergence, growth and development of body cells and tissues occur. There are several varieties of this pathology, from the mildest, causing a cosmetic problem, to the serious, when the carrier has a disability.

One of the most famous types of polydactyly is superior polydactysm, which involves doubling the upper row of fingers. In this case, the fingers of the fingers can have a different number of phalanges (one, two or three phalanges). With upper polydactylism, it can vary from one person to another, from a few extra phalanges on one finger to complete duplication of all the upper fingers.

Treatment of polydactyly involves surgical correction of the pathology. The excess phalanges brought to the desired state are removed. In addition, various treatment methods are used for rehabilitation, the purpose of which is to give a person the opportunity to fully work with his hands.