
Polymyositis is a generalized muscle lesion that can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

The muscles most often affected are the shoulder and pelvic girdle. They begin to weaken and become painful to the touch.

Microscopic examination of the affected muscles reveals diffuse inflammatory changes.

To alleviate the patient's condition, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed.

The skin over the affected muscle areas often turns red and atrophies.

Polymyositis is similar to dermatomyositis, which also involves muscle damage.

Polymyositis is an acute or chronic inflammatory muscle disease that is characterized by severe muscle damage. The main symptoms are muscle pain, muscle weakness and atrophy. The causes of polymyositis are still not fully understood. It is believed that the disease is associated with a disorder of the immune system and the body’s reaction to some factor. Some studies have linked polymyositis to the Epstein-Barr virus.

Symptoms of polymyositis can vary from person to person, but the most common are muscle pain and weakness. People with polymyositis may also experience increased fatigue, low blood pressure, and swelling along the affected muscles. Symptoms of polymyositis often appear suddenly and may include fever, cough and headache. As a rule, the development of the disease leads to noticeable muscle weakening within the first few weeks. As the disease progresses, the damage spreads along the entire muscle, affecting the areas where it connects to the joint. Diagnosis of polymyositis is carried out by a rheumatologist or neurologist. The doctor will conduct a thorough analysis of the patient’s symptoms and complaints, as well as an examination. In some cases, a muscle biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis. The goal of treatment of polymyositis is to minimize the symptoms that appear, and in the early stages of the disease, to slow down the development of the disease and possible disability of the person. Treatment for polymyositis depends on the severity and speed of development of the disease, the degree

Polymyositis: clinical description

Polymyositis is a systemic disease that affects the muscles of the limbs. Polymyositis is often accompanied by other diseases: arthritis, bronchial asthma, arthrosis. Violation of muscle activity leads to limited movement of a person.

Symptoms of the disease To suspect the disease, you should pay attention to the characteristic signs of polymyositis:

* rapidly increasing pain in the muscles; * difficulty in movement; * muscle weakness; * drastic weight loss; * increased body temperature; * constant fatigue. Causes of the disease Symptoms of polymyositis are caused by the influence of various factors:

1. infections; 2. injuries; 3. stressful situations; 4.