Polymorphism Cryptic

Introduction to the topic “Cryptographic polymorphism” **Polymorphism** (from the Greek polý - “many” and morphe - “form”) in programming is a property of a function that allows it to be used in different contexts without changing its behavior. Thus, a function of one type can be used to be called within another type, while maintaining its original semantic meaning. A necessary condition for a function to be used as a non-reference (external) function is encapsulation. If the function code is accessed directly, then it is said to be in spherical code. The function can also be used with the `__init__`, `__new__` and `__call__` modifiers - these are properties of the `@staticmethod` and `@classmethod` decorator. In this case, we can talk about “statically polymorphic” or “class-polymorphic”.

For example, the function for calculating the square root: ``` def sq_root(x): return x ** 0.5 ``` and the function for calculating the parabolic function:

```py def parabola(coefs): function coefficients y = ax^2 + bx + c pass ``` both functions can be used in a program, inside a function and/or class, equally successfully. They accept arguments, a return value, and retain the behavior of the source code within their bodies in the same way. As a result of their implementation, they can be considered functions, i.e.