
A pollinator is a device designed to collect plant pollen and transfer it to another plant for pollination. It is an integral part of the pollination process, which plays an important role in the reproduction of many plant species.

Pollination occurs when pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant of the same species. This allows the pollinated plant to produce seeds, which in turn can lead to a new generation.

Pollinators come in a variety of types and sizes, depending on the specific needs of the plants they pollinate. For example, some plants can only be pollinated by certain types of insects, such as bees or butterflies, while other plants can use the wind to carry pollen.

However, in cases where insects or wind cannot provide sufficient levels of pollination, pollinators can be used to improve the process. They can be used both outdoors and in closed spaces such as greenhouses.

Pollinators can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic and wood, and come in a variety of shapes. Some pollinators are shaped like a brush, which allows them to collect pollen from one plant and carry it to another, while others are shaped like a small branch, which allows them to easily penetrate a flower to collect pollen.

In general, pollinators are an important tool in agriculture and horticulture, and play an important role in ensuring successful pollination of plants. Without them, many plant species would not be able to reproduce and continue to exist.