Pride (Diarrhoea)

Diarrhea is an excessively frequent bowel movement in which the stool has a soft or liquid consistency.

Causes of diarrhea:

  1. Intestinal infections. Various viral, bacterial and parasitic infections can cause inflammation and disruption of the intestines.

  2. Inflammatory bowel diseases. These include colitis, Crohn's disease and others. With these diseases, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa occurs.

  3. Absorption and digestion disorders. With malabsorption and other problems with the absorption of nutrients, excess fluid accumulates in the intestines.

  4. Irritable bowel syndrome. It is characterized by impaired intestinal motility and frequent urge to defecate.

  5. Psychological factors. Anxiety and stress can trigger diarrhea by affecting bowel function.

With prolonged and profuse diarrhea, a lot of fluid, salts and nutrients are lost in feces. This can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time and receive adequate treatment.

Diarrhea (Diarrhoea): Symptoms, causes and treatment

Diarrhea, also known as diarrhea, is a common condition characterized by excessively frequent bowel movements and soft or runny stool. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including intestinal infections, inflammatory bowel disease (such as colitis or Crohn's disease), malabsorption, anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome. Severe or prolonged diarrhea can lead to significant loss of fluid, salts and nutrients, which are excreted from the body in the stool.

Symptoms of diarrhea can vary depending on the cause and severity. Common symptoms include frequent and loose stools, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, increased body temperature and general weakness may occur.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea is intestinal infections. Bacteria, viruses or parasites can enter the body through contaminated food or water, causing inflammation and irritation of the intestines. Viral infections such as rotavirus or herpes simplex virus are often the cause of diarrhea in children. Bacterial infections can be caused by Salmonella, E. coli or Campylobacter. Parasitic infections such as giardiasis and amoebiasis can also lead to diarrhea.

Other causes of diarrhea include inflammatory bowel disease. Colitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic inflammatory diseases that can cause diarrhea as well as other symptoms associated with intestinal inflammation.

Malabsorption, a condition in which the body is unable to fully absorb nutrients from food, can also cause diarrhea. Disorders such as celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or irritable bowel syndrome can cause diarrhea due to digestive problems.

Treatment for diarrhea depends on its cause and severity. In most cases, diarrhea will go away on its own within a few days without medical intervention. However, severe diarrhea that is accompanied by dehydration and significant loss of nutrients requires medical attention. Your doctor may recommend oral rehydration solutions to replace lost fluids and salts. In case of infectious diarrhea, antibiotics or antiparasitic drugs may be prescribed. For inflammatory bowel diseases, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators can be used.

In addition to drug treatment, it is also important to follow diet and lifestyle recommendations to relieve symptoms and speed recovery. It is recommended to avoid spicy, fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcohol and coffee. An extended diet may include easily digestible foods such as razor, toast, potatoes and broths. It is also important to drink enough water and avoid dehydration.

Diarrhea can be an unpleasant and potentially dangerous condition, especially if it is accompanied by severe symptoms or continues for a long time. If you have severe or prolonged diarrhea, it is recommended that you see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Overall, diarrhea is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of reasons. Prompt medical attention and proper treatment can help you quickly overcome diarrhea and restore your health.

Diarrhea is a condition characterized by bowel movements that are too frequent, even when it is not necessary. Unfortunately, this happens to everyone, but the consequences may be different. Each person has their own individual characteristics of the intestines and body.

What is diarrhea and what are its symptoms? In this condition