Popova Sign

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Lev Ivanovich Popov in 1946 received the Gold Medal named after A.P. Borodin of the USSR Academy of Sciences for developing a method for analyzing the isotopic composition of compounds based on IR spectral data. His scientific research is devoted to the decomposition of multinuclear molecules in the spectra using the theory of nuclear effective charges.

Lev Ivanovich was not only a talented scientist, but also an excellent teacher who trained dozens of qualified specialists. In 2008, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Pervushkina, his student, was among the laureates of the President of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists for achievements in the field of molecular spectroscopy. She is the author of methods for improving the quality of spectroscopic data using dating analyzes of the kinetics of nuclear reactions, which are actively used in studies of supernatural objects in quantum chemistry, cosmochemistry and geochemistry. The International Citation Index is an indicator used to assess the degree of influence of the results of scientific activities of scientists and organizations. We will turn to the problem of determining the indicator of the importance of the results of scientific activity (relevance and influence), knowing about which, it is possible to determine the significance of scientific publications and the Hirsch index, which characterizes the publishing activities of scientists and research organizations in numbers. Calculated by