Posthumous Changes

Death is an inevitable process that occurs for all living organisms. However, even after death, the body continues to undergo changes. These changes are called post-mortem changes and they occur due to disruption of the structure of organs and tissues of the body.

One of the first signs of post-mortem changes is the cooling of the body. This happens because the body stops producing heat and the environment continues to cool. The body is cooled to ambient temperature.

Another sign is thickening of the blood. When the heart stops beating, blood stops circulating throughout the body and it begins to thicken. This can lead to blood clots.

Also, after death, the body begins to disintegrate. This process is called rotting. Rotting occurs due to the action of bacteria and enzymes that begin to decompose the body. This leads to the formation of gases, which can cause the body to swell and change its shape.

Another sign of post-mortem changes is a change in skin color. When the body stops receiving oxygen, the skin becomes pale. However, over time, the skin may turn blue or green due to the formation of sulfhemoglobin.

In addition, after death, muscles lose their ability to contract, which can lead to changes in body posture. This explains why some bodies can be found in strange positions.

Post-mortem changes are a natural process that occurs after death. However, this can be a difficult time for many people and it is therefore important to be aware of post-mortem changes to understand what happens to the body after death.

Post-mortem changes are a serious change in the structure and functions of organs and tissues in the human body after death. These changes can be caused by various factors such as traumatic injuries, diseases, infections and other reasons. The purpose of this article is to examine in detail the main causes and mechanisms of post-mortem changes.

Causes of post-mortem changes
