
Indicanemia is pseudohypercalcemia - a disorder of calcium metabolism. The main manifestation in adults is a change in gait and muscle weakness, and arthralgia is sometimes present. Also, intestinal and dyspeptic syndromes are characteristic of childhood (stool acquires a specific “fecal” smell). The course is spontaneous and if left untreated, skeletal deformation is possible. Disturbances in calcium balance are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood. Pathogenesis is also associated with disorders of its exchange with metabolites and uricemic function of bone tissue. The excess is formed from proteins and phosphates from amino acids and phosphorus, and is actively produced by the bacterial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of its secretion can manifest itself as pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, bedwetting and convulsions. Hypercalcemia is observed in the following situations: hypophosphatemic rickets, prolonged vomiting, postoperative condition, intoxication with vitamin D-oxide compounds, thyrotoxicosis, parathyroid insufficiency, hyperparathyroidism, heart failure, cystic fibrosis, malignant neoplasms (bone, prostate, pituitary, lung, breast cancer) glands, ovaries), liver cirrhosis and nephrosclerosis, hemorrhagic kidney infarction, prolonged immobilization, insufficient spinal support, overdose of vitamin A and hormonal stimulation of the skeletal system, side effects of thyroid-metabolic anesthetics, less commonly, pancreatic acidotic agenesis. Due to the fact that the ability of cells to selectively absorb ionized calcium is reduced, the primary process can develop at any age and is not accompanied by system-wide or local changes. In severe deficiency forms, hyperglobulinemia appears, which affects neuromuscular transmission and can lead to myasthenia gravis. A long course of the disease contributes to a decrease in the body's reserve capacity and the development of bone isotope deficiency syndrome. Differential diagnosis is made with myotonic disease and neuromuscular diseases with impaired muscle excitability. In children, the process is accompanied by a shift in the acid-base balance towards an increase in pH, changes in the rheological properties of the blood, a decrease in coagulability with an increase in the time of lysis of blood elements and fibrin coagulation. The appearance of symptoms occurs against the background of dysplastic changes in various organs and systems.