
This article will review the drug Posterisan and its characteristics, including a description of the manufacturer, indications for use, contraindications and side effects, as well as interactions with other drugs.

As you know, hemorrhoids are a common problem for many people. It can lead to painful symptoms such as bleeding, itching and discomfort. To treat hemorrhoids and other anal problems, many people use a variety of medications and procedures, but sometimes they can be too expensive or have unwanted side effects.

One of these drugs is Posterisan. This is a combination drug that includes extract and shell components of Escherichia coli, which live in the lower intestines. This medication is used for topical use, such as a suppository or ointment.

The reference points associated with the drug Posterisan are given in the description of the drug provided by the company, the manufacturer of the drug, Doctor Kade GMBH (Germany). The company indicates that this medication is classified as an “anti-hemorrhoidal anti-inflammatory” drug. The drug is available in the form of ointments and suppositories.

Indications for the use of Posterisan include problems such as hemorrhoids, dermatitis in the anal area and fissures. In addition, the drug can also be used to treat anal itching, anusapapellitis, and other similar diseases. When using this drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

A contraindication for the use of this drug is hypersensitivity; it should also be noted that studies have not been conducted during pregnancy and lactation. In exceptional cases, the use of this category of medications is permissible, however, consultation with a doctor is required.

Based on general experience with the drug in humans, there may be some side effects during its use, such as allergic reactions. However, in all cases, all of the above recommendations should be taken into account. The benefit of this drug is its effectiveness in relieving symptoms. But it is worth noting that each case is individual and to solve the problem it is necessary to consider all possible options.

Of course, thanks to its unique properties, you can start using this drug even in infancy. Indications of this are reflected in the literature of drug registries.

To summarize, we can say that the drug Postrizan is one of the most common medications for the treatment of hemorrhoidal and anal diseases. It can help temporarily get rid of problems with hemorrhoids, anonitis and other unpleasant symptoms