Potassium Tellurite

Potassium tellurite: X-ray contrast agent produced in Russia

Potassium tellurite, also known by its international name "Potassium tellurite", is a radiopaque contrast agent produced in Russia. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of radiocontrast agents and is presented in the form of solutions with a concentration of 1% and 2%.

Potassium tellurite is produced by the company Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. ON THE. Semashko, one of the leading manufacturers of pharmaceutical products in Russia. This company is known for its high quality products and commitment to innovation.

Radiocontrast agents play an important role in medicine, especially in the field of diagnostics. They help visualize the patient’s internal organs and tissues on X-ray images, which allows doctors to more accurately determine the presence of pathologies and make the correct diagnosis.

Potassium tellurite has radiopaque properties, which means it is able to absorb x-rays and produce a contrasting image on x-rays. This helps highlight organs and structures that would otherwise be less visible or indistinguishable in images.

The dosage form of Potassium tellurite in the form of solutions facilitates its use in clinical practice. Solutions can be injected into the patient before an x-ray examination, ensuring good distribution of the contrast agent in the body.

It is important to note that the use of radiocontrast agents, including Potassium Tellurite, should be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. They must consider the indications, contraindications, and correct dosage for each patient to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the study.

In conclusion, Potassium tellurite is a radiocontrast agent produced in Russia by the company Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. ON THE. Semashko. It comes in the form of solutions and is used to create a contrast image on x-rays. Correct and controlled use of this drug helps doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and improve patient care.