Obtyraniya belt

The rub band is a narrow border that is formed around the entrance hole of a gunshot wound. It consists of soot, lubricating oils and other substances that coated the bullet.

The wiping belt can be quite wide and extend several centimeters around the wound. It can be black or brown in color and come in different sizes. The presence of a rub band indicates that the wound was caused by a firearm.

The reason for the rubbing belt is that the bullet, as it passes through the body tissue, coats itself with various substances such as soot, lubricants and other materials. These substances remain on the bullet after the shot and can be found around the entry wound.

The presence of a rubbing band indicates that the gunshot wound was caused by a firearm and can be used to identify the weapon used to commit the crime. However, it is important to note that a wiping belt is not the only evidence needed to identify a criminal.

In order to avoid wiping belts, it is necessary to follow safety rules when handling firearms. In particular, you should use special cartridges that do not contain soot and lubricants, and also do not wear clothing that could be contaminated when firing. It is also important to monitor the condition of the weapon and regularly clean and lubricate it.

A bandage is a narrow border of infected skin tissue that surrounds the entrance to a gunshot wound, resulting from the passage of a bullet or projectile through the skin.

The wiping belt is formed within a short time, from several hours to a day, and represents a few millimeters of a narrow lesion