Red lines appeared on the arm

In the process of interpreting the lines on the palms, palmists focus not only on their location and shape, but also on the signs placed on them: moles or peculiar points. Even a point on the Life line carries a special magical meaning.


Which hand to guess by

Every novice palm reader is faced with the dilemma of which hand is the most correct way to interpret fate. For a more accurate forecast, it is worth taking into account the location of the Life line on both hands.

According to experienced palmists, you should first determine which hand is active and which is passive.

Definition of active and passive hand

Hands are distinguished by a more developed limb. The active hand of a right-handed person is the right, and that of a left-handed person is the left.

The signs on the passive hand are what a person came into this world with, what is written on his family. This hand can be used to interpret how family circumstances and parental attention influenced life, how the person was raised and what were the conditions for his development. And also learn more about the presence of internal incentives, personal motives and goals that he sets for himself.

The drawing on the active hand shows what has been acquired throughout life and what changes await the person. From it you can see the talents and abilities developed by a person.

To compare both lines it is worth considering:

  1. development and change;
  2. length and direction;
  3. addition of signs on each of the palms.

Experienced palmists tend to believe that if a person has reached the age of majority and is over 21 years old, then the drawing on the active hand should be examined more carefully. For younger people, it is worth predicting using the passive.


When doing fortune telling, one must take into account that with age, both hands and the lines on them tend to change. Changes in the right hand are often associated with technical damage during life. At a young age, you should not interpret the signs on your palms too critically.

Life Line

It is one of the most famous and significant marks on the palm of every person. The life line contains not only a person’s life path, but also his potential. This mark on the hand requires careful examination, analysis and has many interpretations.


It encircles the Mount of Venus, which is considered the articular part of the thumb. It is located at the bottom of the palm.


Long, with a perfectly smooth shape - a rare occurrence. Its structure is deep and uneven. Often found with minor tears and deviations to the side. There may be signs, dots or moles on it.



Characterizes the vital forces, their quantity and human capabilities, indicates the indicators of energy and natural nutrition of the body:

Point on the line and its meaning

According to the laws of palmistry, points on the palm, especially on the Life line, cannot bode well. In most cases, such a sign is interpreted as minor troubles in the family that accompany a person throughout his entire life journey.

Point size

Depending on the size of the sign, you can determine its meaning. Small dots can be interpreted as a person’s tendency to frequent illnesses and viral infections.

A huge point on the arc of Life can prophesy the manifestation of a dangerous disease. In most cases, this is an incurable disease that leads to death.


Sign color

By the color of the dot you can tell which side to expect danger from:

  1. black or dark brown - accident;
  2. red - threat posed by natural phenomena.


The position of the point on the Life line is also considered very important. If the sign is placed where the line ends - an ambulance, a serious illness, at the site of the rupture - death is possible.


Each palmist can interpret certain lines and signs in his own way. You need to carefully analyze the dots and symbols on your palms and take into account all their features.

It is worth paying attention to what this sign can prophesy: ​​upcoming inevitable problems or a good opportunity to change your life and correct mistakes. During fortune telling, it is worth taking into account the person’s life circumstances and his age, as well as the drawings on both hands.


External signs.
Red palms indicate toxic damage to the liver: hepatitis or hepatosis is possible.
Marble drawing on the palms speaks of problems in the autonomic nervous system.
Palm skin acquires a yellowish tint, then there are probably changes in the liver or gall bladder (hepatitis, cholelithiasis, disorders of the biliary tract, cholangitis, cholecystitis).
Brown spots on the back of the hand speak not only about age (disturbances in the pigment color of the skin, characteristic mainly of older people), but also mean that you have problems with the gallbladder.
The skin on the hand, and especially on the palm, peeling small plates, this may be true evidence of a lack of A and D. If the palms peel off in large plates, you need to consult a dermatologist: a fungus has settled on your hands.

Hand temperature - condition barometer:
Cold hands - a sign of impaired peripheral circulation, the body lacks nicotinic acid. Therefore, you need to take care to replenish its supply with the help of vitamin preparations or add to your diet foods that contain this acid in abundance: dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, cabbage.
Palms are burningThis means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication caused by poisoning with drugs, alcohol, and chemicals. Doctors call them hepatic.
"Crawling" syndrome on the palm indicates that a person has problems with the endocrine system.
Wet hands also indicate endocrine problems - possibly hyperfunction of the thyroid gland
Dry and pale skin on the palms - hypofunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
Spots on fingertips may indicate health problems.
Little fingers often go numb - You should contact a cardiologist - these problems are related to the cardiovascular system. Numbness of the thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system.
Deep longitudinal folds on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, similar to wrinkles, you should pay attention to the endocrine system - perhaps you have hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus.
Fingertips turned purple — we need to take care of the digestive system. Dark red or even purple - you should pay attention to the kidneys and liver.
Spots on the Mounts of Venus (as palmists call the raised bases of the thumbs) - a possible sign that not everything is in order with the genitals.
Itching on the side of the index finger of the right hand indicates problems in the functioning of the colon. Roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger often indicates problems with the gallbladder.
Crunching in joints - a sign of calcium deficiency
Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by paying attention to the condition of the joints. Excessively flexible joints (as well as, conversely, those that do not bend at all) with a general decreased tone of the muscles of the fingers mean problems in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
Crunching in the joints of the hands indicates a lack of calcium in the body. Irregularly shaped, painful finger joints are a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes occur in people suffering from gout.
If the joints begin to painfully swell and swell, or redness appears, you should urgently consult a doctor - this is a clear manifestation of polyarthritis. And pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warns of the imminent manifestation of a serious illness in the knee joints.

By the shape of your hand you can calculate future ailments.
It has long been noted: the wider the palm, the better the health. However, people with wide palms and short fingers are prone to disorders in the circulatory system, especially increased blood pressure.
Narrow palms with thin long fingers and pale skin are usually found in people with a delicate nervous system who are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure, time zone changes, sharp sounds, and emotional overload.
Those with small hands have an overly sensitive autonomic nervous system: their “signature” diseases are bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum, and hypotension.
People with fleshy palms most often have problems with blood circulation: their metabolism is reduced, and hypofunction of the thyroid gland is possible.

Point hurts indicates problems in a specific organ
According to Chinese medicine, the point in the very center of the palm is considered the energy center of the entire body. If, when sharply pressing on it with the thumb of the other hand, a piercing pain is felt, this means the presence of serious health problems and indicates the need to seriously take care of your well-being.


Dots on the lines mean sudden complications, unexpected outbursts of anger, conflicts, illness or severe stress. But in most cases, the dots indicate a disease of a particular human organ. The dots appear easily and also disappear quite quickly. It’s just that the dots that signal present and future problems, as a rule, are very noticeable because they are bright red or dark in color. And the points responsible for the past either disappear from the palm or become light and are not noticeable against the background of the skin.

Each line contains only dots...

(“Eastern song” Valery Obodzinsky)

  1. White dots - as a rule, events that have already happened.
  2. Red dots – real events (minor problems).
  3. Dark (black, brown, purple, gray) points – present or future events (very serious problems).

On lines:

  1. Dark dots on the line Life – severe physical obstacles, illnesses, operations. Sometimes such points indicate that a person may suffer from bleeding.
  2. Dark dots on the line Hearts - sharp, sudden grief, a sign of mental suffering caused by troubles in personal life, conflicts with partners, friends, relatives, in short, a difficult period in a person’s life. A point on the Heart line under Mercury means misfortune, problems from children.

On the hills:


  1. A red dot on the Mount of Venus (near the lines of influence or life) is a serious illness from a love affair.
  2. A dark point on the Mount of Venus is a predisposition to hearing impairment (on the right hand - the right ear, on the left hand - the left ear).
  3. A black dot at the bottom of the Mount of Venus means problems with the genital organs, venereal disease, sepsis.


  1. A red dot on the Mount of Jupiter means professional difficulties and failures.
  2. A black dot on the Mount of Jupiter means loss of position, constant failure.


  1. Red dots on the Mount of Saturn along with a large length of the first phalanx of the middle finger mean a predisposition to caries.
  2. Dark dots on the Mount of Saturn indicate a negative event that can occur at a certain time and relate to any area, fatality.


  1. The dark spot on the hill of the Sun is a spoiled glory.
  2. Red dots on the Mount of the Sun are a predisposition to eye diseases.


  1. Red dot on the Mount of Mercury - due to increased fearfulness, great nervousness and anxiety, this person will suffer failures. Illness can also be a cause of failure. Failures in business or marital life.
  2. A dark dot on the Mount of Mercury is an injury or accident leading to paralysis.
  1. Red dots on the Mount of the Moon - a disease of the nervous system, hysteria.
  2. A dark dot on the Mount of the Moon indicates dysfunction of the digestive tract.
  3. Small red dots at the bottom of the Moon signify misleading and morbid fantasy, as well as perverted sexual inclinations.

Lower Mars: (under the Mount of Jupiter)

  1. A dark spot on lower Mars is fatal.

Upper Mars: (under the hill of Mercury)

  1. A dark dot on the upper mount of Mars indicates intestinal dysfunction.
  2. A red dot on the upper hill of Mars warns of fever (especially after injuries), the possibility of getting wounded in battle or a fight.
  1. A dark dot on the Mount of Uranus is a sign of radiation sickness or cancer.


  1. A dark point on the Mount of Neptune means problems with the uterus and childbirth in women.

Between the hills:

Jupiter and Saturn:

  1. A red dot in the hollow between the index and middle fingers is an eye disease.

Saturn and Sun:

  1. A red dot on the hollow between the middle and ring fingers often indicates a cold or extremely advanced dental caries.

Sun and Mercury:

  1. A red dot in the hollow between the ring and little fingers indicates tension or severe pain in the shoulders, back, or lower back. In the upper part of the cavity (almost between the fingers) there are problems with the ears.

On fingers:


  1. A red dot on the upper phalanx of the thumb means problems with the bronchi.
  2. A dark dot on the lower phalanx of the thumb is a disease of the thyroid gland (possible cancer).


  1. A red dot on the upper phalanx of the index finger is an inflammation of the oral cavity.

Middle finger:

  1. A dark dot on the upper phalanx of the Saturn finger is an infectious disease, malaria.
  2. The red dot on the middle phalanx of the Saturn finger is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
  3. A dark dot on the lower phalanx of Saturn’s finger is any major financial loss or loss.

Ring finger:

  1. A red dot on the middle phalanx of the ring finger is a disease of the knee joint (on the right palm - the right leg, on the left - the left leg).
  2. A red dot on the lower phalanx of the ring finger means nervous disorders, stress and bad mood.

Little finger:

  1. A red dot on the upper phalanx of the little finger means problems with the intestines, chronic constipation.
  2. A red dot on the lower phalanx of the little finger is a kidney disease.

Finally, I would like to note that it is incorrect to judge a disease or an event only by some single point. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to examine other signs and lines on both palms.

Author: Abarin Yuri (2015)