Nasolabial folds appear, what to do?


According to cosmetologists, pronounced nasolabial folds, which until recently spoiled the appearance of older ladies, have become “younger” and often bother women aged 30–35. The reason for this is a decrease in the amount of elastane and collagen, which the body produces more and more slowly over time. Add to this improper skin care and bad habits - and now all our vices are “evident”.

But it is not all that bad. Modern plastic surgery offers methods of getting rid of such “decoration”. A woman can take a number of simple actions at home.

Let's understand the reasons

Nasolabial folds are not some scary “monster” that older ladies can expect to encounter. They are present on our face all our lives: in the form of grooves located from the nose to the corners of the mouth. But with age they become more noticeable. The skin of older women is drier and thinner than that of young beauties, and with this feature, nasolabial folds become more noticeable. The reasons for their appearance are as follows:

  1. poyavilis-nosogubnye-skladki-wnSTCC.webp

    Excessive thinness.
  2. Dramatic weight loss - fat goes away, but the skin, stretched by its excess, remains. True, in a flabby and saggy form.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids at night can cause swelling and stretched skin.
  4. Tension (applies to you, those who like to clench their lips or teeth).
  5. Mechanical stretching of the skin due to improper application of cosmetics or illiterate self-massage.
  6. Anatomical features of the facial structure, for example, malocclusion

Removing nasolabial folds

Experts divide procedures that eliminate nasolabial folds into salon and home procedures. Lipolifting, hyaluronic acid injections, contouring, as well as injection-free mini-lifting offered by cosmetologists are quite expensive. An alternative to them is massage and facial fitness. Their effect is not immediate, but long-lasting.

Mini lift


Operating method
. The name of the procedure uses the word “mini” because, unlike a regular lift, the incisions are small. In addition, the operation takes only an hour and a half and is performed without anesthesia. The patient is not admitted to the hospital.

Mini lift, scientifically called mini-facelift, is recommended, according to experts, for women 30–40 years old. In addition, if you have a round face and chubby cheeks, you cannot use fillers that will make your face look puffy, and removing nasolabial folds with this method is a real salvation for ladies of this “type.”

Like any operation, mini-facelift has contraindications:

  1. Inflammations and wounds on the surface of the skin.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Blood clotting disorder.

Hyaluronic acid injections

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Hyaluronic acid fills wrinkles, as if pushing them out. The advantage of the procedure is that even one session will give visible results. However, after a few months acid is removed from the body, and you will have to repeat the injections.


It is important to know that this substance is the most important component of the tissues, joints and cornea of ​​the eye. It is involved in skin regeneration and its natural hydration. When hyaluronic acid is lost, it loses elasticity, becoming dry and lifeless. This is where the well-known and hated “loose skin” comes from.

Hyaluronic acid administered in injections is similar to that which is formed naturally. Therefore she is capable restore proper level of hydration, increase the tone and elasticity of the skin, without causing allergies or rejection.

The procedure is painless and takes only half an hour. After acid injections into the nasolabial area, slight swelling may occur, which will subside within two days.



This - injections of own subcutaneous fat. It is taken, as a rule, from the buttocks and abdomen, and is cleansed. Since adipose tissue taken from the patient’s body is used, it does not give allergic reactions and is not rejected. The procedure is quick and without harm to health.

Lipolifting is non-traumatic and very effective. In addition, the resulting effect is longer than with other salon procedures. True, there are contraindications. These are cancer, diabetes and poor blood clotting.

Contour plastic

The essence of the method is simple - fillers are injected into the nasolabial folds - natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic. The first group includes preparations based on hyaluronic acid. The effect from them is less long-lasting, however, allergic reactions can be avoided.

Artificial fillers will provide a more lasting effect, but you must be prepared for unpleasant consequences such as dermatitis. Using a very thin needle, the drug is injected directly under the wrinkle. Experts say that the pain of the procedure is insignificant. Redness, swelling and itching at the injection site are temporary problems.

Is there an alternative?


However, as already mentioned, a woman is able to help herself without going to salons. For example, using facial massage. By the way, this is a less painful way to combat age-related changes, and also has no contraindications. The main thing is not to forget that such measures should become a habit. When combined with proper nutrition and giving up bad habits, they can work wonders.

Before you begin massaging the nasolabial area, cleanse the skin of your face and hands.

It is an acupressure massage performed with your fingertips. Morning and evening are best for him. Place your index, middle and ring fingers together. Tap the resulting structure on the nasolabial folds. After this, slightly stretch the skin from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones.

This is an Indian massage technique based on biologically active zones and points.

Rub your palms together, then connect your index finger to your middle finger, and your ring finger to your little finger. The first pair is located above the upper lip, and the second, respectively, under the lower lip. Move your fingers to the tragus of the ears, as if drawing a smile. The movement is repeated 22 times.

This is a Japanese geisha massage. Place your index fingers on the upper depressions, which are located at the wings of the nose. “Draw” 5 eights up and down. It is important that they are carried out with pressure. Stop pressing on the skin, but leave your fingers in place. Place the middle and ring ones on the bridge of the nose, and stretch the skin from the center of the nose to the folds. Repeat three times. Increase pressure as you move toward the folds, and decrease as you move back. Using your palms, smooth the skin from the center of the face to the earlobes. The movement is performed with pressure three times.

  1. Facial gymnastics suggested by Carol Maggio.


A cosmetologist serving Godllywood stars has developed her own system of exercises that completely remove nasolabial folds. Those who have tried it on themselves claim that the result is comparable to plastic surgery.

Mentally mark 2 points. One is in the middle of the lower lip, the other, respectively, in the upper lip. Open your mouth so that the points remain on the same line, but move away from each other. If done correctly, it will look like an oval. Move your fingers up and down the folds with quick movements until a burning sensation occurs.

Is there some more a few simple tricks, which will take about 10 minutes to complete.

  1. Using muscle force, “pull” your upper lip down for 10 seconds.
  2. Take in air and slowly move it with the muscles of your lips and cheeks.
  3. Exhale slowly, stretching your lips with a tube.
  4. Puff up your cheeks, as if there were a ball, and push the air out without opening your lips, with effort.
  5. Inflate the balloon.
  6. Japanese gymnastics with a bottle. Use your lips to grab the neck of a 0.5 liter plastic bottle and lift it. Hold for half a minute. Gradually the bottle is filled with water - 5 grams daily. Continue this way until half of it is filled.
  7. With your index fingers, press your lip under your nose, and with your thumb and middle finger, press on the corners. In this position, first smile and then open your mouth slightly.

Removing nasolabial folds with cosmetics


Cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid are best for eliminating folds in the nasolabial area. In addition, they will help well in the fight against such a deficiency. collagen masks. You can replace them with homemade compresses.

But first, make it a rule to wipe your face with an ice cube immediately after washing your face in the morning. Frozen decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort will enhance the effect.

  1. Mix warm milk and a packet of yeast. Keep in a warm place for about 10 minutes. Apply the composition to the nasolabial folds and wash off after half an hour. After the mask, use toner and cream.
  2. Brew natural green tea. Dip a cotton pad into it and apply the compress to the desired area. It must be warm. To maintain proper temperature, lower the disk into the mixture every 4 minutes.
  3. Boil bay leaf, chamomile and St. John's wort. Wet a cotton swab with liquid and leave it on the nasolabial area for half an hour for 40 minutes, securing it with an adhesive plaster. For greater effect, you can add egg white or olive oil to the mask.

The masks are performed in a course - 2 days in a row. This is followed by a five-day break, and again the procedure.


Getting rid of nasolabial folds is not an easy task. It is much easier to prevent their occurrence.

  1. Sleep only on your back.
  2. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily.
  3. Nourish your skin with masks, creams or oil.
  4. Watch your diet.
  5. Be sure to use sunscreen.

To successfully combat nasolabial folds regular procedures are required. And remember - they did not appear in one day, which means they cannot be removed quickly.

Pronounced nasolabial folds give your face a tired look, even if you are full of strength and energy. What to do to prevent them from appearing ahead of time, and how to remove them if they have already appeared?

  1. The cause of wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle area
  2. How to prevent the formation of nasolabial wrinkles
  3. Is it possible to get rid of nasolabial folds at home?
  4. Massage and gymnastics
  5. Cosmetology procedures
  6. How to hide nasolabial folds with decorative cosmetics

The cause of wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle area

Nasolabial folds are wrinkles in the form of longitudinal lines connecting the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips. Their appearance and depth depend on several factors:

anatomical features of the face;

facial muscle tone;

the structure of the facial part of the skull and the dental system.

The main reason for the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles is genetic predisposition © iStock

“Sometimes we ourselves are actively approaching the day when the mirror will not please us with the reflection: sudden weight gain or loss, diets with a small amount of liquid, the habit of sleeping with our face buried in the pillow, and too intense “massage” when applying cosmetics reduce the elasticity of the skin.”

Facial expressions. Especially “obsessive movements”, when a person smiles often and widely, bites his lip or habitually wrinkles his nose.

Smoking. Nasolabial folds form very early in smokers. The kit comes with a “bonus” in the form of purse-string wrinkles.

Incorrect bite or facial features. For example, low and large cheekbones, plump cheeks.

Environmental factors. Ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology and aggressive climate deplete the adaptive reserves of the skin.

The main reason for the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles is a genetic predisposition to the deformational type of aging, when heavy fatty tissue sank, forming a skin pocket, that same fold.

Find out what type of aging you are predisposed to with the help of a test.


How to prevent the formation of nasolabial wrinkles

The formation mechanisms also lead to methods for preventing and correcting nasolabial folds.

Protect your skin from the sun. Still think that SPF products are only needed to avoid getting burned while tanning? This is mistake. Ultraviolet radiation is destructive to skin cells not only on the beach. Therefore, you should use sunscreen every day. When on vacation or while playing sports in the sun, use products with the highest protection factor and renew the coating every two hours. For normal city life, SPF 20 is enough. Do you use sunscreen correctly?


Moisturize your skin well. Regularly use products with moisture-retaining components: hyaluronic acid, glycerin or chitosan.

Use free radical protection. Starting from the age of 20–25, include cosmetics with antioxidants (vitamins C and E, plant extracts) in your care. They will help protect tissues from free radicals, the main enemies of youth.

After washing do not rub your face with a towel, just blot your skin with it.

Keep in mind: the use of acids increases photosensitivity, and ultraviolet A rays (the most dangerous for the skin) “work” all year round. So those who regularly exfoliate need sun protection 365 days a year.

Is it possible to get rid of nasolabial folds at home?

The answer to this question is no. When it comes to anti-aging measures, it is clear to everyone that it is much easier to prevent the signs of age than to fight them later. There are a set of measures that will help prevent its occurrence.

Proper skin care
Cosmetics should include powerful moisturizing components, antioxidants, and anti-aging ingredients.

And this is a specific approach to the problem of nasolabial folds. After all, their formation is directly related to the activity of the facial muscles in this area. By relaxing them in the right way, we improve the condition of the skin by increasing blood and lymph flow, and also prevent the formation of wrinkles in the area. You can take an annual course of manual facial massage in the salon, but you can also do it at home according to our schemes - it takes a few minutes.

Specific exercises help maintain both muscle elasticity and skin elasticity. All this helps to smooth the skin.

How to get rid of it using cosmetics

You won't be able to get rid of these wrinkles completely, but proper care will help keep your skin in good condition.

The nasolabial fold deepens over the years due to a complex of factors, including a decrease in the elasticity of the skin and its turgor. The problem also needs to be solved comprehensively, including in daily care products that solve different problems.

Moisturizing masks with collagen or hyaluronic acid have a pronounced effect: saturate skin cells with moisture, smooth out wrinkles.

Antioxidant creams and serums inhibit the oxidation process of cells, protecting them from the harmful effects of free radicals and, as a result, from premature aging.

Oils and nourishing creams form a protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents water molecules from evaporating.

Acid serums and peels help eliminate dead cells of the stratum corneum, speed up cell renewal processes and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Retinol, enzymes, soft acids (glycolic, milk) smooth the skin and promote its renewal.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen provide a pronounced visual effect. These substances do not penetrate deep into the dermis, but form a softening and smoothing film on the surface of the skin.

Molecules of sugars and glycopeptides have a corrective effect due to the ability to penetrate deeper layers of the skin and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Ramnose and proxilan increase the elasticity and density of the skin, “push out” the fold, reducing its depth.

Cosmetics for the prevention of nasolabial wrinkles

Intensive anti-aging care Redermic C10, La Roche-Posay

Apply to clean, dry skin with massaging movements. Recommended for use with sunscreen products.

Firming cream against signs of aging at different stages of Slow Age, Vichy

Deep action regenerating serum “Revitalift Laser X3”, L’Oréal Paris

The proxilan molecule stimulates the production of natural components of the cellular matrix. Hyaluronic acid maintains hydration levels in the skin.

Anti-glycation cream for mature skin AGE Interrupter, SkinCeuticals

Proxilan accelerates the synthesis of natural proteins necessary to strengthen cellular tissue. Phytosphingosine restores skin barrier functions. Blueberry extract slows down the process of formation of glycation products.

Home Recipes

For lovers of homemade cosmetics, here are several recipes for anti-wrinkle masks. But let's be honest: if you see a recipe called “Mask for nasolabial folds,” rest assured, these are empty words. Any home-made masks can moisturize, soothe the skin, tone it, but cosmetics cannot smooth out such deep folds as nasolabial folds. The meaning of such masks can be reduced to the massage that accompanies their application.

Mask with coconut oil, honey and yolk

Coconut oil is a favorite of “self-cosmetologists.” © Getty Images

1 tablespoon coconut oil;

1 teaspoon olive (or any other vegetable) oil;

1 tablespoon honey;

1 egg yolk.

slightly soften the coconut oil, there is no need to bring it to a liquid state;

thoroughly stir all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

How to use:

cleanse your face and wipe with toner;

Apply the mask in an even thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes;

Massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with your fingertips in a circular motion for several minutes from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose;

leave the mask on for 15–20 minutes;

Carefully remove the product with a soft cloth, also rubbing as much of its residue as possible in the area of ​​the nasal folds from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose.

Not recommended for oily skin prone to breakouts: coconut oil is comedogenic.

Aloe and coconut mask

Aloe really moisturizes the skin, and the consistency of the aloe gel is very pleasant. © Getty Images

1 tablespoon coconut oil;

1 tablespoon of aloe gel (read how to prepare it here);

3-4 drops of citrus or rose essential oil.

How to cook:

mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use:

cleanse the skin and wipe with tonic;

Apply the resulting gel in an even layer to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds or to the entire face, avoiding the area of ​​the lips and eyes;

Gently massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with your fingertips for several minutes, lifting with light circular movements from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose;

leave for 20 minutes;

Gently massage unabsorbed residues into the skin, remove excess with a soft cloth.

This mask can also be used as a cream if you apply a thinner layer. And don’t forget to carefully remove excess, combining it with massage.

Clay anti-wrinkle mask with garlic

If age could be compared to evil spirits, then he would not be able to resist such a remedy. © Getty Images

1 tablespoon clay;

1 tablespoon honey;

1 clove of garlic;

1 tablespoon milk.

How to cook:

Peel and finely mash a clove of garlic;

mix with honey and clay;

Stirring constantly, add milk and bring to a homogeneous consistency.

How to use:

cleanse the skin and wipe your face with toner;

apply the mask to the nasolabial folds or to the entire face, avoiding the lips and eyes;

leave for 15 minutes;

rinse with water at a comfortable temperature;

blot your face and wipe with toner;

apply moisturizing treatment.

The mask may tingle the skin due to the active substances contained in garlic. If the tingling sensation is more like a burning sensation, immediately rinse off the mask with water. Make sure that the garlic never gets on the mucous membranes.

Protein compress

Whipped protein is as common in homemade cosmetics as it is in baked goods. © Getty Images


How to cook:

separate the white from the yolk;

beat the white and yolk separately.

How to use:

from a soft paper napkin, cut out a mask with holes for the eyes, nose and lips (or strips of the required width to cover the area of ​​the nasolabial folds or the entire face);

Apply an even layer of whipped egg white to your face, avoiding the lip and eye area;

leave for 30 minutes;

carefully remove the napkin;

wash your face with cool water;

pat dry with a clean towel;

spread the skin with beaten yolk;

leave for 10 minutes;

rinse with cool water, pat dry and wipe with toner.

Massage and gymnastics

If the corners of the lips begin to droop, this is a symptom of ptosis, which means that not only the skin, but also the muscles are involved in the process. In this case, invasive intervention will be the most effective, and massage is indicated as a preventive measure: elastic muscle tissue will hold the skin in place, preventing the facial oval from shrinking.

A good way to prevent nasolabial folds is self-massage and gymnastics.

Facial massage stimulates lymph flow, helps improve metabolism, and maintains skin tone. A home alternative to salon massage is self-massage.

Classic massage

After cleansing, apply oil to your skin so that your fingers glide over your face without difficulty.

Alternating stroking and massaging movements with your fingertips, move from the center of the face to the periphery.

After the procedure, remove any remaining oil from the skin.

Asahi facial massage

After cleansing, apply oil to your skin so that your fingers glide over your face without difficulty.

Act very delicately on the skin, moving in zigzags along the lymphatic pathways (from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top), adjusting the pressure.

To correct the corners of your lips, place your fingers on them (three on each side) and make upward upward movements.

Remove any remaining oil from the skin.

Preventive gymnastics

Daily prevention is the most reliable way to combat nasolabial wrinkles. After all, a lot depends not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the elasticity and fitness of the facial muscles. Therefore, do not forget to devote a few minutes every morning to this gymnastics.

Puff out your cheeks, holding your breath for 10-20 seconds, then exhale. Repeat several times.

Run your tongue up and down the nasolabial folds inside your mouth. Repeat several times.

Pull your lips forward, then relax. Repeat several times.

Cosmetology procedures

One of the methods for reducing the depth of nasolabial wrinkles is filler injections © iStock

Hyaluronic acid injections

After the injected substance fills the wrinkle, the cosmetologist massages the area to distribute the drug evenly. The effect of this procedure lasts about a year.

These are injections of the patient's own fat tissue. Fat fills the fold, making it invisible, but compared to injections of hyaluronic acid, this method is less effective, since a significant part of the injected fat can resolve soon after the procedure.

Medium chemical peel

Helps reduce the depth of wrinkles, but significantly increases photosensitivity, so photoprotective products are required.

How to hide nasolabial folds with decorative cosmetics

foundation (base);

concealer one tone lighter than natural skin tone;


apply the overall tone as usual;

Using concealer, apply several dots along each nasolabial fold with your little finger and blend, pressing gently into the fold (without smearing);

give time to absorb, integrate into the general tone;

draw a line with highlighter over the concealer if it is a pencil, or apply several dots with your little finger if the highlighter is liquid or cream;

Using a sponge or fingers, carefully blend the highlighter, slightly extending beyond the nasolabial fold.

Since getting rid of nasolabial folds is usually a concern for aging skin, it makes sense to select decorative cosmetics with caring, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Liquid highlighter Glow Mon Amour, L’Oréal Paris It is notable for the fact that it not only copes with makeup tasks, but also cares for the skin, including thanks to coconut oil, and also makes application easy and pleasant.

Weightless Complete Coverage Concealer, Naked Skin, Urban Decay It has the lightest texture, which allows you to apply any number of layers to the skin to achieve the required density. The composition of the product matches anti-aging cosmetics: a complex that stimulates collagen synthesis, Matrixyl, an antioxidant component from lychee fruits, moisturizing hyaluronic acid, green tea rich in antioxidants.

Every woman at any age wants to look beautiful, but no one has yet managed to overcome age, so wrinkles are an inevitable reality. The most unpleasant sign of age-related changes are nasolabial folds. Alas, nasolabial folds appear not only in ladies of Balzac’s age and older, but also in very young girls. If you don’t yet know what nasolabial folds are, then you are lucky, and probably young, but sooner or later you will notice deep wrinkles on your face that start at the wings of the nose and go down to the very corners of the mouth. If you don’t know how to remove nasolabial folds forever at home, then you are in the right place, our article is just for you. But before you start fighting this type of wrinkles, you need to study the reasons for the appearance of nasolabial folds.


Causes of nasolabial folds

Many may probably assume that nasolabial folds are facial wrinkles, but this is far from the only sign; let’s look at other reasons:

  1. Very often, young women who are constantly losing weight may notice the appearance of those same nasolabial folds on their faces. It seems that they weren’t there quite recently, but with rapid weight loss, the subcutaneous layer of fat decreases, and the skin does not have time to adapt to these changes. Therefore, it is precisely where the plump cheeks were most recently that “sagging” of the skin occurs.
  2. The external environment also has an important effect on the condition of our skin. The action of ultraviolet rays, frequent changes in temperature, wind, poor ecology of megacities, all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Heredity is also the cause of the formation of nasolabial folds. More precisely, a special facial structure.

Separately, I would like to highlight bad habits, for example, smoking. A woman who smokes cannot boast of a healthy and youthful face.

  1. The early appearance of nasolabial folds can provoke sleep with your face in the pillow. Try to get used to sleeping on your side.
  2. Illiterate facial skin care can also cause the appearance of such wrinkles. For example, excessive stretching of the facial skin during massage or application of cosmetics.
  3. The early appearance of wrinkles can also be explained by a phenomenon such as dehydration. This is why cosmetologists and doctors recommend drinking enough liquid per day. That is, an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean still water per day.
  4. Anatomical features of the face and the structure of the skull play a significant role. Severely convex cheeks or malocclusion can cause early nasolabial folds.

Important to know! In order to get rid of nasolabial folds, you need to focus on the cheekbones. It is important to create volume in the cheekbones and also strengthen the muscles of the upper cheeks. This will tighten the face and reduce nasolabial wrinkles. We will talk about what exercises will help you with this below.

How to remove nasolabial folds in the salon

Of course, if you have shallow grooves, then they can be removed, or at least reduced, with the help of masks, creams, exercises and massage. But more pronounced wrinkles require a more serious procedure. It is a professional cosmetologist who can help remove nasolabial folds. What methods do beauty salons and cosmetology clinics use?

We recommend this type of procedure for slightly pronounced nasolabial folds. The essence of the method is to introduce into the skin preparations that include hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Mesotherapy improves metabolism and skin condition.

This procedure is based on the introduction of gel-like fillers made from hyaluronic acid under the skin. Thanks to this, volume is added and wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect usually lasts up to a year.

This procedure is similar to contouring, but much more complicated and longer. Instead of a gel-like filler, your own fat cells are used. The material is taken, for example, from the abdominal area. The adipose tissue is cleaned and processed. Lipofilling can have unpleasant consequences, since it is still a surgical intervention, and after this procedure, the likelihood of the nasolabial folds returning is not small.

Surgical facelift

This method is the most expensive. But it helps smooth out even deep folds and wrinkles.

The average price of a face lift is from 4,000 in the regions and from 5,000 in Moscow.

How to remove nasolabial folds forever at home: mask recipes

If you do not have the financial ability to carry out salon procedures, but want to remove nasolabial folds, then your grandmother’s recipes will come to your aid. A significant advantage of home cosmetology is its naturalness and safety.

The main thing is regular skin care:

  1. masks should be done up to 2-3 times a week (depending on skin type);
  2. Apply the cream twice a day: in the morning - daytime, moisturizing, in the evening - nighttime, nourishing;
  3. Before cosmetic procedures (masks, scrubbing, peeling, applying cream), do not forget to cleanse your face with tonic or milk.

Gelatin mask for nasolabial folds

The gelatin mask for nasolabial folds contains the following ingredients:

  1. Edible gelatin – 4 tsp.
  2. Warm water – 100 ml.
  3. Spirulina – 8 tablets.
  4. Vitamin A – 4 drops.
  5. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

The power of the gelatin mask lies in these very elements. For example, gelatin is natural collagen, but it is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, but it does its job well on the surface. Spirulina is a storehouse of amino acids and vitamins. Vitamin A stimulates the production of your own collagen, and lemon juice is an excellent antioxidant.

To prepare the mask, pour gelatin with water; half a glass of water will be enough. Leave the gelatin to swell for half an hour. Spirulina tablets also need to be filled with water to infuse them. Then add vitamin A and lemon juice to the spirulina. Heat the gelatin a little in the microwave and mix with spirulina. The mask should have a jelly-like state. Apply the gelatin mask to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes.

Bay leaf mask

The composition of this mask is as follows:

  1. Bay leaves – 7-10 leaves.
  2. Warm water – 20 ml.
  3. Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  4. Olive oil – 1 tbsp.

Bay leaves contain a lot of essential oils that help smooth out wrinkles. Eggs contain retinol and protein. Retinol is an ardent enemy of wrinkles, and protein makes our skin elastic and smooth. Olive oil nourishes the skin with moisture and beneficial elements.

To prepare the mask, you first need to boil the bay decoction. Cover the leaves with water and let them simmer for about 10 minutes. Strain the broth and cool. Beat the egg with a whisk, add olive oil and the resulting bay decoction. The mask will turn out to be liquid, so it is best to apply it with gauze. Action time is about 30-40 minutes.

Starch mask

As you know, starch is the first aid in the fight against aging. It is very easy to prepare a starch mask; it contains the simplest ingredients:

  1. Potato starch
  2. Fresh cream

Mix starch with cream and apply to the problem area for 15-20 minutes.

Clay mask

An excellent remedy for any age. I buy regular blue or green clay for 30 rubles. in Auchan. This is an excellent budget lifting product. Clay is rich in minerals; it pleasantly tightens the skin, and after frequent use, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out.

It is advisable to mix the clay in a glass container (I use an old face cream container).

I used clay brought from Israel and didn’t see any difference.

Proportions - as indicated on the package.

Herbal compresses

Cold compresses tone the skin. Warm ones smooth it out. To do this, use herbs that suit your skin type. Most often, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, and coltsfoot are used for compresses. You can mix herbs. For 1 tbsp. herbs - 200 ml of water. Let the broth brew. Keep on your face for no more than 20 minutes. Compresses can be made on the entire face, or on the most problematic areas, applying cotton pads soaked in the broth.

Do not underestimate compresses, they also promote the production of collagen in the skin. Plus, they can be done daily.

Do not overuse herbal infusions. It is advisable that the compress be fresh every day.

Masks based on vegetables and fruits

Will cosmetics help?

After 30 years, every woman should start taking care of her skin, everyone knows this. And in this matter you cannot do without cosmetics. Of course, a cream, even the most expensive one, is unlikely to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles forever, but as a component that will keep your skin in proper condition, it is simply necessary. When choosing a cream, pay attention to its composition. It should contain substances that help fight wrinkles:

  1. Retinol
  2. Collagen
  3. CoenzymeQ10
  4. Proteins
  5. Amino acids
  6. Hyaluronic acid.

It is also worth paying attention to what skin type and age the cream is intended for. For a woman of fifty years of age, cream “25+” is not suitable, and the same is true and vice versa.

Gymnastics and exercises for nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are a very insidious enemy, so to eliminate them you need to use all possible methods. Cream, fluids and masks are not everything; you also need to do special exercises regularly. The purpose of the exercises is to improve blood circulation and tone.

  1. Exercise "Tube". Pull your lips into a tube and hold them in this position for just a few seconds, then relax your facial muscles. The exercise must be repeated at least 5 times.
  2. Exercise "Ball". Inflate a balloon daily. This exercise perfectly trains all the muscles of the face.
  3. Exercise "Bottle". Fill a plastic bottle with some water. Use your lips, not your teeth, to lift the bottle by the neck. Hold for 20 seconds and then lower the bottle. If it's too heavy, reduce the amount of water in the bottle.
  4. Speak clearly in front of the mirror all vowels of the Russian alphabet.
  5. Pull your cheeks in tightly, hold for 15 seconds and relax.
  6. Now, on the contrary, puff out your cheeks strongly and release air through slightly parted lips.
  7. Take air into your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other.
  8. Smile widely and then sharply curl your lips into a tube.
  9. Exercise "Spoon". Place the handle of a tablespoon between your lips. Slowly lift the spoon up, hold it in this position, and then slowly lower it.
  10. Open your mouth wide, forming the letter “o” with your lips. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  11. Try to touch your chin with your upper lip.

These exercises are not difficult to perform, and they take little time. Repeat each exercise 15 times and after 10 days you will notice a positive result.

Massage for nasolabial folds

Massage is another effective way to combat nasolabial folds. Massage is especially useful in older age. We offer you a Japanese effective massage technique for nasolabial folds.

  1. Run your fingertips up and down along the nasolabial folds. 6 times will be enough. But world-famous cosmetologist Carol Maggio recommends rubbing it along the nasolabial folds until a burning sensation appears. This massage technique is the simplest, and it is called Shiatsu.
  2. Place your fingers on the corners of your mouth and stretch the skin upward as much as possible, then massage clockwise.
  3. Use your palms to stretch the skin from the center. Just use a minimum of force, otherwise the skin may be damaged.
  4. An excellent remedy that combines massage and deep internal effects on the skin is a massage with rubbing oils into the skin. For example, a daily procedure of rubbing oil based on olive and vitamin E is an excellent lifting remedy for facial skin.

Do not forget that wrinkles appear from a lack of moisture in the skin. Therefore, moisturize your skin with creams more often. Especially do not forget about them after sunbathing (on vacation or after a solarium).

The simplest massage is to rub ice cubes with frozen herbal decoction on the area of ​​intense wrinkles on the face.

Preventive measures

Dear ladies, remember that nasolabial folds are easier to prevent than to get rid of them later. To look younger than your age, follow some preventative recommendations:

  1. Try not to drink a lot of water at night. Drink your daily dose before 6-8 pm.
  2. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep, oversleeping and, in general, any sleep problems negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  3. Don't sleep on your stomach. Of course, controlling your sleeping position is difficult and almost impossible, but try to fall asleep on your side or back.
  4. Nutrition is equally important for healthy skin. Eliminate smoked meats, salt and other harmful foods from your diet. Replace them with fruits, vegetables and berries, which contain many useful microelements.
  5. Apply sunscreen to your face before going outside. If you are a representative of fair skin and light brown hair. Then you need a cream with SPF from 40 to 50. If you are brown-haired with fair skin, use a cream with SPF from 20 to 40. And finally, if you are not afraid of the sun and you never get sunburned, this is not a reason not to protect your face from premature aging . Just use products with the lowest level of UV protection, i.e. less SPF
  6. Do not go on strict diets, as mentioned above, sudden weight loss will cause the immediate appearance of deep wrinkles.
  7. Cleanse and moisturize your skin daily. Perform cosmetic procedures regularly, once a week, at home or with your cosmetologist.
  8. Every day in the morning, wipe your nasolabial folds with an ice cube. You can use a herbal decoction to prepare a tonic. Pour the broth into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.
  9. Be sure to use quality products that are appropriate for your age.
  10. Master a new direction - face building, and regularly do facial fitness. Do not neglect the massage, just do it without fanaticism and serious effort.

As you can see, there are a large number of methods in the fight against hated nasolabial folds. If you decide to get rid of your wrinkles, have more patience and under no circumstances give up halfway through the process. Only patience and regularity combined with proper care will give you a beautiful and well-groomed face without wrinkles. Be beautiful!

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

Name Application Active Ingredients
Vitamin C fights free radicals, hyaluronic acid and glycerin retain moisture in skin cells.
Apply morning and evening to clean skin, or over serum. The antioxidant baicalin prevents the oxidation of skin cells, which means their aging. Probiotic Bifidus reduces skin sensitivity and strengthens its protective barrier.
Use the serum on “problem areas” - nasolabial folds, area around the mouth, on the bridge of the nose. Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté once or twice daily.