Pravogram Isolated

Inveterate tenants in Russia? Not everyone is suitable for the comfortable conditions of a social mortgage. Tenants are suffering, the state is at a dead end. The state offers apartments for rent, and the State Duma is discussing their legalization. They were conceived as an analogue of current social hiring. Residents are contractually obligated to pay rent. In case of non-payment, the contract is extended, but it is regulated by the law on bankruptcy of individuals. The house goes to the creditor, in this case the state. It turns out that once again the burden is on children and parents (bankruptcy is, first of all, a loss of status).

It is clear that such a proposal is not enough to increase the birth rate. About 5 million families want to improve their living conditions, but they are forced to continue renting. Someone needs to rent, move to a new place, send their children to school, and get hired to work in newly inhabited areas. Having nowhere to get money, they take out a mortgage. Approximately half of the mortgages issued are to people recently out of the child age range. Loans may not be immediately, not all of a sudden, but they arrive