Dose Limit

It should be noted that the Dose Limit, or DL, is established to protect the health of patients from exposure to radiation. What does this indicator depend on and how to calculate it?

The dose limit is the maximum allowable dose of radiation that can be received by a patient during a procedure. This value determines the safe level of exposure to radiation on the body. If this dose is exceeded, radiation reactions of varying severity may develop.

It is important to note that radiation reactions that occur after radiation exposure can adversely affect the health of patients and require long-term treatment. Therefore, efforts should be made to minimize patient exposure to radiation, including through the use of effective protection and control methods.

The effects of radiation are currently widely used in medicine to treat various diseases. At the same time, radiation protection is the most important safety component of this procedure. Therefore, it is important to take into account the maximum permissible dose indicators and correctly determine dosimetric parameters in order to minimize exposure to radiation.