Bursitis Proliferating

Bursitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the synovium of the knee or elbow joint. This inflammation is inflammatory in nature, but the cause of bursitis can be anything: trauma in the form of mechanical damage or sprain, infection, as well as an allergic reaction of the body and severe metabolic diseases.

With bursitis, inflammation of the joint capsule occurs. The inflamed bursa, in turn, begins to gradually thicken, its walls thicken, the connective tissue partitions, with the help of which the bursa is attached to the membranes of the joint, “boil”, as a result of which its walls begin to turn inward, narrowing the size of the joint, for example, a bent finger in the joint to the side. With some types of bursitis, a tumor develops, palpable above the joint, reaching enormous sizes, the diameter of the tumor can reach 20 cm, this formation is not painful, mobile, the skin over it is stretched. Bursitis, like any inflammatory disease of the joints, is characterized by a sudden onset of the disease. Bursitis usually begins acutely and is accompanied by symptoms of inflammation: swelling, pain, redness, and increased temperature of the affected joint and nearby tissues. Often with bursitis, damage to other joints is observed, in particular to the sinuses - organs that are located on the surface of the joint capsules, consisting of connective tissue, between which lies interarticular fluid. Increased pain in the knee or elbow joints. That is, bursitis is defined as inflammation of the synovial bursae and membranes of the joint, clinically and radiologically distinguishable from hygroma and tendovaginitis. Synonyms: bursatin, synojunitis, hemarthritis

Proliferative bursitis differs from ordinary bursitis in the acute course of the disease and pronounced consequences. Previous loads may remain without consequences, but those functions that the body was capable of in a calm state are not performed for a long time - the elbow or knee actually ceases to function. Also, proliferative burstitis is always accompanied by hyperemia of the skin above the disease, which is stagnant in nature; the patient feels a burning and tingling sensation in the area around the joint.