Pregangrene (Preganggepe)

Pregangrene (or Pregangrene) is a serious disease associated with vascular insufficiency, which can lead to the development of gangrene. It is the penultimate stage before the onset of gangrene and is usually observed in patients with lower limb ischemia.

Ischemia is a condition in which blood flow to a certain part of the body is obstructed or completely stopped. With ischemia of the lower extremity, the patient may experience pain, numbness and weakness in the legs. If this condition is not treated, it can lead to the development of pregangrene.

With pregangrene, blood flow in the leg artery is severely limited, which can lead to deterioration of blood supply to the tissues of the lower limb. Patients suffering from pregangrene may experience severe pain, discomfort and numbness in the legs. In such cases, immediate treatment is required to prevent the development of gangrene.

Treatment of pregangrene includes improving blood supply through the use of medications that promote vasodilation. In addition, surgery may be required, including angioplasty or bypass surgery.

Patients suffering from pregangrene should see a doctor at the first sign of pain or numbness in the legs. Prompt treatment can help prevent gangrene from developing and save the lower limb.

Pregangrene is the penultimate phase of vascular collapse, preceding the development of gangrene in the lower extremities. The essence of pregangrene is a chronic discrepancy between the blood supply and trophism in the leg, up to the development of extensive tissue necrosis.

If limb ischemia is not eliminated over a significant period of time, spasm of the peripheral arteries and swelling of the foot occurs. In critical condition, the patient is on the verge of life and death, requiring emergency medical care. Ultimately, spasmodic arteries, damaged factors and blood flow lead to the development of a typical necrotic process - gangrene. If there are no

Pregangrene is the initial form of chronic arterial insufficiency with reversible symptoms, preceding gangrene, that is, meaning a severe chronic disease of the arteries of the lower extremities, in which the lumen of the arteries is narrowed due to their inflammation, edema or spasm and, as a result, the

Pregangrene is one of the causes of disease of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities, which is also called atherosclerosis. According to statistics, this is a lesion that occurs in a person at the first stage of cardiovascular disease. Pregangrene should always be treated and monitored to avoid terminal artery involvement.

Symptoms of pregangrene Although the symptoms of pregangrene ischemic diseases of the lower extremities are not clear, the process always progresses with irritating compression in the vessels, leading to pain. In most cases, people may experience symptoms such as throbbing pain in the muscles of the foot and leg, which makes the person feel as if they have received a light blow. This area is very easy to traumatize as it is very sensitive to all types of touch. People suffering from this disease often complain of swelling of the legs and bloody urine, which is not an indicator of pregalangitis.