
Prematurity is a condition when a baby is born before its due date. Although this is a fairly common problem, premature babies are often not given enough attention, which can lead to serious consequences for their health.

The reasons why babies are born prematurely can vary from normal pregnancies to pregnancy-related complications. In any case, a premature baby should receive specialized care to avoid possible problems.

Prematurity may cause health problems for the baby. For example, an underdeveloped circulatory system can cause heart and lung problems and increase the risk of infections. In addition, premature babies may experience developmental difficulties such as delayed growth and weight, learning problems and social problems.

Premature babies require special medical equipment and trained staff to care for them in hospital or at home. Also, they need special attention from their parents, who must provide them with everything they need for normal growth and development.

It is important to understand that premature pregnancy is a complex process that can have serious consequences for the child and his future health. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health during pregnancy to prevent prematurity and avoid serious problems in the future.