Preparations for chemical peeling of the face

After undergoing a facial cleansing procedure in a salon, many women wonder: is it possible to do a chemical facial peel at home? The answer is yes, but there are several nuances.

It is unlikely that you will be able to carry out deep facial cleansing on your own. And the point is not at all in the absence of drugs for such a procedure - they can be found. Safety and absence of complications are the main aspect.

Cosmetologists also do not recommend doing medium peeling at home to avoid unpleasant consequences. After all, quite aggressive chemicals are used for these purposes, the body’s reaction to which can be unpredictable.

But superficial cleansing with all kinds of drugs and home remedies is even welcome.

Let's delve into the essence of the issue.

What to use for a chemical peel at home

Before you start choosing a peeling drug at home, you need to conduct an “internal investigation” - let's call it this way:

  1. highlight the problems that you want to get rid of through the procedure;
  2. choose the appropriate type of peeling;
  3. conduct pre-peel preparation and stock up on knowledge about post-peel care.

Now we smoothly move on to the types of self-peeling. All the means used can be divided into four groups:

  1. natural products that are available at home or can be purchased in the store. We choose those that have a peeling effect and based on them we create our own composition (recipes for the most effective ones are attached);
  2. professional products that are used to perform procedures in salons. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Professional peeling at home is an excellent alternative to salon care. But carefully read the composition of the product, not only the effect, but also your safety depends on it;
  3. pharmaceutical products that have a peeling effect. There are medications in pharmacies that can not only cleanse the epidermis, but also have a therapeutic effect on “damaged” skin;
  4. products from stores selling components for soap making and cosmetics.

When considering peeling with pharmaceutical products, you should pay special attention to finished products. This is the optimal, safest option, since the composition is balanced and the risk of side effects is almost zero. For example, among enzyme peels, “Enzyme-salicylic peeling Stopproblem” is very popular. It is perfect for young skin, cleanses and prepares the epidermis before applying nourishing masks or creams.

Acid chemical peels are more complex and more aggressive. However, such compositions are capable of combating a large number of problems and can be used at any age.

There are ready-made products with these active ingredients. Very often, acids are included in professional scrubs used for home peeling. However, you can purchase a separate acid at a pharmacy or specialty store and create a product for yourself.

The most commonly used acid components are:

  1. salicylic;
  2. glycolic;
  3. dairy;
  4. retinol;
  5. apple;
  6. pro-grape;
  7. lemon;
  8. almond and others.

Home chemical peeling is an effective facial cleansing procedure that should be performed regularly. This approach will significantly save time and money. However, you need to be absolutely sure that the manipulation will not harm.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Before you do a chemical facial peel at home, make sure that your skin will respond normally to such exposure. The method is quite aggressive and has its contraindications and warnings.

Peeling should not be carried out in the following cases:

  1. allergy to the components of the product;
  2. damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, cracks), as well as in the presence of purulent pimples, exacerbation of acne;
  3. exacerbation of herpes infection;
  4. neoplasms on the face, regardless of origin;
  5. inflammatory processes at the site of exposure;
  6. mental disorders;
  7. exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  8. situational diseases in acute form, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  9. pregnancy at any stage;
  10. breastfeeding period;
  11. age up to 18 years. Only for special indications and in the salon.

The chemical peeling procedure is also not recommended during menstruation and while taking hormonal medications (including contraceptives). During this period, the body's reaction is unpredictable.

Side effects include the following:

  1. skin redness;
  2. dryness and flaking;
  3. the appearance of swelling.

These manifestations may be present for a short period of time (from several hours to 2-3 days). With proper care, they disappear spontaneously and do not require specific intervention.

If after the session you notice severe hyperemia, swelling, or a burning sensation that gets worse, you need to seek qualified help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

It should also be noted that if contraindications are taken into account, all rules of preparation, execution of the procedure, and post-treatment are observed, negative consequences do not develop.

How to do a chemical peel at home

Before studying the specifics of the procedure, let us clarify an important point. If this is your first time using the active composition, you must conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a drop of the prepared mixture to the inside of the elbow or to a small area behind the ear. If after a quarter of an hour no discomfort is observed, the procedure can be carried out.

Let's look at how to do chemical peeling for the face at home step by step. But first, let’s say that 2-3 weeks before the procedure it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun and apply a special cream at night that will prepare the skin for the effects of the active composition.

Now directly step-by-step instructions on how to do chemical peeling at home:

  1. cleanse the skin of makeup and surface impurities. To do this, use gel or milk for washing;
  2. skin preparation. Vaporization is carried out in the salon using a special apparatus. You can prepare your face at home in this way - apply a very warm compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs for 2-3 minutes;
  3. treatment with active composition. You can apply the prepared product with a brush or cotton pad. Distribute evenly over the entire surface, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  4. The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes. Some formulations may have less. During exposure, a slight tingling or burning sensation may occur - this is normal. If the sensation is too strong, immediately rinse off the product with water. To avoid side effects, you must immediately apply a soothing cold compress from a decoction of the string to your face;
  5. After the specified time, the composition is washed off with a large amount of first warm and then cold water. Cosmetologists recommend stocking up on a product to restore skin pH and applying it to your face immediately after removing the working composition;
  6. After five to ten minutes, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream according to your skin type.

Helpful advice. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening. And it is advisable before the weekend for the face to fully recover. Before going outside, use sunscreen with a high level of UV protection.

Home Recipes

As agreed before, we provide recipes for chemical peeling of the face at home. Home remedies include ingredients that are either always on hand or can be easily purchased at a store, pharmacy, or market.

  1. "Fruit Paradise" Preparing the peeling composition is very simple. You need to use fruits with a high acid content: apricots, citrus fruits, kiwi, gooseberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries. To make the procedure more effective, you can make a potion from several components. Just grind the selected ingredients into a paste and carry out the manipulation according to the above plan.
  2. Yogurt-lemon. This self-prepared chemical peeling will not only cleanse the skin of dead skin particles, but will also help cope with age spots. You need to take an equal amount of unsweetened fresh yogurt, lemon juice and cane sugar. Further everything is according to the standard.
  3. Calcium chloride. Do-it-yourself chemical peeling from a pharmaceutical preparation will have an amazing effect. The skin will become soft, smooth, tightened, fresh. But keep in mind that this is a mid-cleaning and you need to act very carefully. Apply the solution from the ampoule to the skin in several layers, and then use baby soap to roll it off along with dirt and other unnecessary particles.
  4. "Emergency help". You won’t be able to get a solution of salicylic acid in a pharmacy – it’s extremely difficult to find it in its pure form. But salicylic alcohol is commercially available. With its help you can get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. But this is a slow and painstaking task. It is necessary to apply alcohol to problem areas using a cotton swab.
  5. Honey, lemon. Among cleansing compositions, honey-based products are especially popular. The bee product has bactericidal, nutritional and moisturizing properties. The simplest recipe is to mix equal amounts of honey and lemon juice. Apply the composition to a previously prepared face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with water and apply moisturizer according to your skin type.

As you can see, there are many alternative natural remedies that are no less effective than professional ones. However, if there are serious problems, the help of a specialist is irreplaceable.

How to care for your face after procedures

There is a certain “set of rules” that ensure the effectiveness of any cleansing procedure (salon or home). Failure to comply may result in negative consequences - remember this!


  1. do not touch your face unless absolutely necessary - the skin is very thin and sensitive after the procedure, injury or infection is possible;
  2. for the first three days, do not wash yourself with a running rein, use a cooled, boiled one for these purposes;
  3. do not exfoliate the skin forcibly, so as not to injure the surface of the face;
  4. regularly apply a moisturizer according to your skin type;
  5. Before going outside, use sunscreen with a high UV protection factor;
  6. do not visit baths, saunas, or swimming pools for a week;
  7. month - taboo on solarium, beach.

Chemical peeling of the face at home is a procedure that should be performed regularly. But give preference to the autumn-winter period, when the sun is not so active.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Chemical peeling for the face at home according to individually selected recipes is a great opportunity to keep yourself in shape all the time. Cosmetologists not only do not object, they even strongly recommend doing such procedures yourself.

The opinion of experts is as follows:

  1. a safe alternative to chemical peeling carried out in the salon - a jointly selected product, procedures, compliance with precautions and post-care rules. A cosmetologist will help you take all these aspects into account;
  2. be sure to take into account your skin type in order to choose the right active ingredients and the regularity of “home cosmetology” sessions;
  3. If you detect any incomprehensible manifestations that cause even the slightest discomfort, seek professional help.

Manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully, do not use highly concentrated products, and take into account the characteristics of your own body. Only then can good results be achieved.


The choice of chemical peeling products at home is very wide. You can purchase ready-made products for your own use, thereby ensuring simplicity and safety.

But for women looking for new means in the struggle for beauty and youth, the invention of exfoliating chemical peeling according to their own taste and taking into account their own characteristics is “a matter of honor.”


Many people may think that performing a chemical peel at home is unrealistic. After all, this procedure is done in beauty salons. But in fact, you can do it at home, you just need to get acquainted with the features of this procedure.

Without careful preparation, you should not even resort to such a procedure, otherwise, instead of the long-awaited positive effect, you can harm the thin skin of your face.

Features of home peeling

First you should follow simple steps:

  1. determine why you need peeling, what skin problems you want to solve with its help;
  2. choose the type of peeling that best suits your needs;
  3. take care of pre-peeling preparation, and do not forget about special skin care.

You can perform the procedure at home with the following chemical peeling preparations:

  1. natural products containing many active ingredients;
  2. professional cosmetics used in salons;
  3. pharmaceutical preparations and products for making home cosmetics.

The main components that have the desired exfoliating effect on the skin include acids and enzymes (they are also called enzymes).

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  1. young people with problem skin;
  2. people with hyperkeratosis;
  3. in the presence of age spots and freckles;
  4. as preparation of the skin for other skin care procedures.

The easiest way to buy “Enzyme-salicylic peeling Stopproblem” is a special drug that was developed specifically for home care. The risk of developing any side effects is reduced to zero. The product cleanses the skin well and prepares it for the application of caring masks.

How to prepare an enzyme peeling


You can try to prepare your own peeling by purchasing papain at a soap making store and selecting the accompanying ingredients. Of course, the recipe may seem complicated at first, but then you will remember all the steps and will do this peeling quickly. The advantage of such a home procedure is that you select the ingredients for the composition yourself, taking into account the needs of your skin.

  1. Mix 50 g of oatmeal (can be replaced with maltodextrin) with 1.5 g of niacinamide, 4 g of papain, 20 g of green clay.
  2. Add 1.5 g of L-arginine (can be found in sports nutrition), the same amount of pearls and ascorbic acid, as well as two bottles of trypsin 10 mg each. It is better to mix in a blender until it becomes a powder.
  3. Mix a little powder with water or activator to dilute alginates and peels. The rest of the dry powder can be stored for a long time in a tightly closed container.
  4. Apply the mixture onto your face; it should not spread. Hold for ten minutes, then roll the mixture with your hands and wash with warm water.

This recipe is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. If you have rosacea, this method should be abandoned.

You can prepare peeling according to another recipe, which is no less effective:

  1. Mix the juice of one lime with three Papaya enzyme tablets, add 25 g each of pumpkin puree and mango, a teaspoon each of aloe juice and glycerin.
  2. Apply for ten minutes, then rinse with water.

This composition must be used immediately, do not prepare it with a reserve - it cannot even be stored in the refrigerator!

Acid peels

Acids can have different effects on the skin, eliminating all kinds of cosmetic defects. These peels are suitable for the following problems:

  1. for oily and dry skin;
  2. at the first signs of aging;
  3. in the presence of pigmentation and uneven skin color;
  4. for lumpy and dense skin;
  5. with a large amount of pimples and blackheads.

Acids exfoliate the skin well. But not every acid will give the same result. For example, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, while azelaic acid is suitable for sensitive skin that needs to be whitened. Lactic acid moisturizes dry skin. And glycolic and retinoic acids accelerate skin cell renewal.

  1. Almond. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, the same amount of chopped almonds, add 50 ml of brewed green tea and a spoonful of heavy cream. Leave for twenty minutes, then apply to the face and décolleté, rinse after ten minutes.

  2. preparaty-dlya-himicheskogo-AmuDN.webp

    Lactic. Mix three tablespoons of kefir, two cottage cheese. Apply for fifteen minutes. Kefir or whey must be acidic, then more acid will be formed.
  3. Glycolic. Take a handful of unripe grapes and grind in a blender. Wash off the composition from your face after fifteen minutes.
  4. Citric. Mix lemon and orange juice with two tablespoons of milk. At the same time, the milk will curdle - it’s okay, this is a natural reaction. The mask turns out liquid. It is applied in several layers. Wash off after fifteen minutes.
  5. Ascorbic. Mix 1 g of ascorbic acid with a couple of drops of plain water. It is applied like all other options. But after removal, you need to apply a vitamin E solution and leave it on the skin overnight.

You can use ready-made formulations with azelaic and retinoic acid, which are sold as ointments in pharmacies. Such products can be used every day, as they have a milder effect, unlike salon products. You don't have to worry about chemical burns. The skin is constantly renewed, acne disappears, and a rejuvenating effect is obtained.

Salon preparations

For a home procedure, you can choose drugs from Arcadia, Mediderma, Gigi. Each of the drugs is sold with detailed instructions, which must be studied before use.

To remove some compounds from the epidermis, you will need a neutralizer, which you can also prepare yourself. It is made from ordinary baking soda. The main difficulty lies in correctly calculating the required alkali concentration. But you can prepare the skin for acid peels using creams that contain retinoic or azelaic acids. They need to be used for several weeks.

Chemical peeling with lactic acid

It must be done correctly so as not to harm the delicate skin of the face. To do this, follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. preparaty-dlya-himicheskogo-hiASa.webp

    Cleanse your skin with foam cleanser. Degrease it - just wipe it with medical alcohol. Apply a rich cream to sensitive areas of the face (eye area, nose, lip edges) to protect them.
  2. Apply the lactic acid solution with a cotton pad. They always start from the forehead, then go to the temples, cheeks, nose, then the chin. If this is the first time this procedure is carried out, it is enough to leave the mixture for a couple of minutes, but you can wash it off even earlier if you feel an unbearable burning sensation.
  3. The solution is washed off in the reverse order - starting from the chin and moving towards the forehead.
  4. After rinsing, be sure to use a moisturizing mask or apply an ampoule concentrate under a special alginate mask.

The course is no more than ten procedures. But you shouldn’t resort to them often - no more than once every seven days! And always after peeling, cover your skin with a moisturizer; it is selected for your specific skin type.

Restrictions on the procedure

The procedure also has limitations that should not be forgotten. After all, you should not assume that the frequency of the procedures performed will increase their effect.

Remember the following:

  1. preparaty-dlya-himicheskogo-vKzHIRP.webp

    Peels are more of an autumn-winter procedure
    . Although many cosmetologists claim the opposite. Any acids will reduce the natural protection of the epidermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to avoid As a result, the skin can react unpredictably during such an important period for every woman.
  3. Do not exceed the permissible acid concentration, hoping that this way the result will be more visible. You need to remember about a sense of proportion!
  4. Do not resort to such cosmetic procedures without preparing your skin for them.. After all, it is very delicate and thin on the face; it is very easy to get a burn if you do something wrong.

Don't rush into this matter. The best effect will be the one you were able to achieve gradually. It is he who will stay with you even after the course of home peelings ends. Pay attention to your skin so that it constantly pleases you with a healthy glow and even tone.

Chemical peeling at home is a great way to achieve perfect skin at no extra cost, eliminate problems with acne, blackheads, and delay skin aging. By applying a special composition filled with one or more acids to the face, you can correct skin imperfections. When choosing home peels over salon peels, it is important to consider the risk of complications. Even a minor error in the procedure and exceeding the concentration of the product will leave unpleasant consequences after cleansing.

What is a chemical peel?

Our skin is made up of many cells. The life of each of them is short-lived, only 28 days. If in youth the skin is able to independently get rid of dead cells and replace them with new and elastic ones, then with age this process slows down, and non-working particles accumulate, forming layers. Such accumulations worsen the condition of the skin, clog pores and prevent the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the epidermis. It is at this moment that you should discover what peeling is.

Dead cells are “weights” of the skin; they weaken the internal framework of the integument and interfere with the normal functioning of other, healthy cells. The main task of cosmetology and peeling is not only to eliminate these “weighting agents”, but also to minimally injure the skin.

Chemical peeling is the best way to quickly and efficiently cleanse the skin, but it uses aggressive components (concentrated acids, alkali).


The essence of chemical facial peeling is quite simple: an acidic composition is applied to the face, which burns out the top layer of cells. Damage to the integument causes active regeneration and renewal of fibers. New fabrics differ from previous ones in elasticity and softness, and accordingly the face looks younger. In addition, “new” skin easily absorbs beneficial components from skincare products, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

What types of exfoliation are there?

There are several classifications of chemical facial peels. This is influenced by the degree and depth of acid exposure, as well as the composition of the product used (exfoliant).

Based on the depth of impact, facial skin peels are classified as superficial, medium and deep.

  1. Superficial peels are the easiest and most gentle procedures, because chemical exposure is limited to the upper layers of the epidermis. They are easily tolerated and rarely cause complications.
  2. Medium peels are a more serious intervention; the chemical ingredient affects the deeper layers of the skin. This procedure is very stressful for the skin, but the end result significantly exceeds expectations. After a mid-peel, the skin needs good support and high-quality post-peel care. The speed of fiber recovery and the ease of the rehabilitation period depend on this.
  3. Deep peeling is comparable in effectiveness even to surgical intervention. Acids affect all layers of the epidermis, right down to the reticular dermis. The slightest violation in performing cleansing. The lack of professionalism of the performer and failure to comply with the requirements for caring for damaged fibers can lead to serious complications and even residual scars, discolored spots on the face and other complications.

Chemical peeling of the face at home is recommended to be done only superficially; in rare cases, deeper effects are allowed. Deep peeling at home is impossible. Such chemical cleaning requires sterile conditions and high professionalism.

Based on the composition of the acid exfoliation product used, they are divided into single-acid and multi-acid.

  1. Multi-acid peels allow you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin, strengthen epidermal cells, normalize their functioning and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturize and whiten. Each of the acids used makes its contribution to improving the quality of the skin, so after such procedures the face looks fresh and glows with health.
  2. Mono-acid products are recommended for use when the problem is pronounced, in order to eliminate it. For example, to combat acne, dry or oily skin, against the first signs of aging or skin pigmentation.

For home chemical peeling, the following acids are considered the safest, but at the same time highly effective:

  1. glycolic;
  2. dairy;
  3. retinoic;
  4. apple;
  5. pyruvic;
  6. lemon;
  7. salicylic;
  8. trichloroacetic and others.

The choice of acid for exfoliation depends on your own preferences, the condition of the skin and the degree of the problem. But in any case, before doing facial peeling at home using aggressive components, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Chemical peeling for the face has proven its effectiveness with unambiguous recognition from women and men. This is the most popular procedure in beauty salons.


Today, cosmetic companies offer those who cannot visit a beauty salon to perform it at home. For this purpose, separate, safer acid compositions have been created. Using them according to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can achieve excellent results.

The main advantages of home acid peels:

  1. There is no need to wait for an appointment with a cosmetologist, find time to visit a beauty salon, and even postpone your own plans. At-home chemical peels can be done at a time convenient for you.
  2. Financial savings. For chemical peeling at home, you can use ready-made cosmetic products and available products (fruit juices, aspirin, inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs). There is no need to overpay for the services of a professional.

There are also negative aspects of home cleansing:

  1. High risk of harming yourself due to insufficient experience in cosmetology. An error in choosing an acidic product, improper exfoliation and exceeding the exposure time can negatively affect the skin and cause complications.
  2. Systematic implementation is required. One procedure of home peeling with acids will not provide the same result as in a beauty salon. This is due to the lower percentage of acidity of the composition. To achieve a significant effect, be patient.

Chemical peeling at home is not able to eliminate significant skin problems, but it will perfectly complement facial care, delay the earlier appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, partially correct existing imperfections and prevent their deepening in the future.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to carry out home facial peeling with acids at the first signs of skin aging. Indications for chemical exfoliation include:

  1. grayness, dullness of the epidermis;
  2. flabbiness, decreased natural tone;
  3. loss of elasticity of soft tissues, their sagging on the cheeks;
  4. frequent single rashes, acne and comedones;
  5. clogged and enlarged pores, blackheads on the face;
  6. first facial wrinkles;
  7. oily skin shine.

Before doing facial peeling with chemical compounds, consult a specialist to see if it can be done and how to do it correctly, without complications. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will examine your skin for contraindications.


It is unacceptable to perform facial peeling at home in the following cases:

  1. there is an allergy to the components of the product;
  2. for ulcers, wounds on the face, as well as for exacerbation of acne;
  3. there is herpes on the face or there are oncological tumors, papillomas;
  4. there is inflammation in the treated area;
  5. for disorders of the nervous system and severe disorders of any of the body systems;
  6. during exacerbation of chronic diseases:
  7. the patient feels unwell and has a fever;
  8. during pregnancy and lactation;
  9. at an early age (up to 18 years).

It is recommended to postpone the procedure during menstruation or when taking hormonal medications. During this period, the effect may be unexpected or completely absent.

Safety precautions for home cleaning

How to do peeling correctly so as not to harm yourself and complicate the situation even more? It is difficult to predict all the subtleties and possible questions when performing cleansing, but the basic rules are worth discussing:

  1. Before exfoliating at home for the first time or when using a new composition, be sure to test for individual sensitivity to the product used.
  2. The preferred time for peeling is late autumn and winter. The sun's rays at this time have less impact on the skin, especially with weakened protective properties.
  3. When choosing an exfoliation technique and composition, rely on your skin type, study the comments on the product, and warnings for use.
  4. The peeling product is applied evenly in a thin layer. Do not touch the area near the eyes, lips, so as not to dry out the fine fibers.
  5. Carefully read the instructions for the product before using it for chemical peeling.
  6. The action of acids may cause a slight tingling sensation, but there should be no pain or burning sensation. If they appear, immediately neutralize the effect of the acid and wash off its particles to avoid burns.
  7. It is not safe to perform deep facial peels at home, even if they are less intense than in a salon.
  8. Home skin cleansing, like salon peeling, is carried out in courses, but not more than once every 10–14 days.
  9. Acids have an aggressive effect on the epidermis, after which the fibers are damaged and weakened, so touching your face with your hands in the first days is strictly not recommended. To moisturize the skin, you can use sprays and thermal water.
  10. Cosmetics for skin care after the procedure should not contain acids, fragrances, chemical components and abrasive particles. Only soft, natural products will be beneficial for the skin during the recovery period.
  11. Any mechanical impact on the integument after cleaning, stripping and scrubbing is unacceptable. This way you will not speed up the peeling of old fibers, but will provoke the formation of scars.

Be careful, low-quality, expired products cause allergies and irritate the skin. It is better to buy peeling ingredients or finished preparations at a pharmacy or from a representative of the manufacturer. At the market and in dubious retail outlets, storage standards are often not observed, as a result of which the products quickly deteriorate.

Popular acid attack methods

Almost all superficial exfoliations performed in a beauty salon can be performed at home without any problems. Cosmetic companies have taken care of their customers and offer separate product lines for home cleansing. Inside each preparation there are instructions with a detailed description of how to do peeling correctly.

Let's consider several popular and worthy methods for home use.

Jessner Peel

One of the most popular acid procedures in modern cosmetology is yellow peeling or Jessner peeling. The composition for facial exfoliation includes several acids at the same time (lactic, salicylic and resorcinol). Their complex action deeply cleanses the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, activates collagen synthesis and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads on the face.


The full course of this type of exfoliation is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Deep cleansing and acceleration of intracellular processes.
  2. Rejuvenating effect, correction of facial surface relief.
  3. Fights extensive acne, deep wrinkles and age-related defects.

Each stage differs in the number of layers of application of the peeling agent and, accordingly, the depth of impact on the skin. However, the algorithm of actions is the same:

  1. Cleanse your face of oil and dust.
  2. Apply an exfoliant.
  3. Neutralize the acid.
  4. We remove the remaining acid preparation.
  5. Soothe the skin with moisturizer.

For the first stage, one layer is enough, for the second - two and for the third - three. Each subsequent layer is applied 5 minutes after the previous one. For patients with sensitive skin, the third layer is applied after a short period of time to prevent the appearance of wounds on the face.

Skin care after peeling is an equally important stage of the procedure. To avoid unpleasant marks on your face from acid exposure, adhere to the following rules:

  1. After exfoliation, wash with acidified water. Movements should be as soft as possible, non-traumatic;
  2. do not peel off peelings and crusts formed after a chemical burn, wait for their natural rejection;
  3. do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, sauna and swimming pool, postpone physical activity and sports until the skin is completely restored;
  4. For a month, avoid sunbathing, avoid direct rays of the sun;
  5. use sunscreen cosmetics every day for 3-4 months to prevent pigmentation from appearing on your face;
  6. do not use decorative cosmetics in the first 7–10 days;
  7. Do not use cosmetic products containing alcohol, aggressive chemical additives, or fragrances until the skin is completely restored.

Milk peeling

Lactic acid is contained in small quantities in the cells of the epidermis, so the cleansing technique of the same name is easily accepted by the skin, as a rule, without complications and lengthy rehabilitation. Let's look at how to do a chemical peel with lactic acid at home:

  1. 2 weeks before the planned cleansing, postpone sunbathing, and add a cream with a small amount of lactic acid to your daily care.
  2. Check how the skin reacts to the acidic composition: apply a little product to your wrist and wait for the reaction. Severe burning, pain and irritation are unacceptable.
  3. Cleanse your face with tonic or cleansing gel.
  4. Apply a diluted milk solution (lactic acid concentration should not exceed 10%). Do this with cotton swabs in parallel stripes from the forehead to the chin. It is important to distribute the composition evenly so as not to burn out individual areas.
  5. For the first procedure, limit yourself to 1 minute of exposure to the skin, then increase this time to 3 minutes.
  6. To neutralize the effect of the acid, treat your face with a weak alkaline solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda per 200 ml of water). Rinse off any remaining medication with plenty of water.
  7. Moisturize your face with cream.

Carry out the next cleansing procedure at least 7–10 days later. In general, the course of peelings is up to 5 procedures.

The main rule of the rehabilitation period is that you cannot use products containing retinol, and in the first days, fatty creams are also unacceptable. Otherwise, the recommendations are general: no thermal effects (baths, saunas, compresses, physical activity) and intensive hydration of damaged tissues.

Glycolic peeling

This type of cleansing is safe and hypoallergenic. The procedure allows you to improve metabolism in epidermal cells, smooth out wrinkles and folds on the face, even out your complexion and eliminate acne problems. Visible changes will become noticeable after just a few procedures.


This type of exfoliation will be useful at 25 and 45 years of age. Glycolic acid with a concentration of 10–15% is used for cleansing.

Glycolic acid peeling is performed in the following order:

  1. The face is cleaned of dust and makeup particles.
  2. To degrease the skin, the face is additionally wiped with a lotion based on glycolic acid (5%).
  3. An exfoliant (glycolic acid up to 15%) is applied to the skin in an even, thin layer. Wrinkles and problem areas can be re-treated. Use cotton swabs to apply the product. Start peeling from the forehead area, gradually moving down to the chin. It is better not to touch the sensitive area around the eyes, eyelids and lips.
  4. After applying the product, wait a while for the ingredient to take effect. Then apply a neutralizing gel. Rinse off the remaining acid composition with warm water.
  5. Secure the result with a natural nourishing mask and moisturizer.

Cosmetologists recommend carrying out the procedure in courses (up to 10 sessions) with an interval of 1–1.5 weeks.

Attention! Do not increase the acid concentration above 15% to avoid causing a severe chemical burn. For more pronounced results, contact a specialist, because doing deep peeling at home is very dangerous.

Alternative home cleaning options

Effective peeling can be done using available products. Their recipes are simple and do not require long preparation. Let's look at the best of them.

Aspirin for facial cleansing

This type of cleansing is suitable for problematic and oily skin. After the first session, oily shine will disappear, pores will be cleaned, and acne will become less noticeable and inflamed. All this is thanks to the antibacterial and drying properties of aspirin.

To prepare the peeling solution you will need:

  1. aspirin (1–2 tables);
  2. 1 tsp. honey;
  3. 1 tsp. cooled boiled water;
  4. egg yolk.

To perform peeling, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Grind the aspirin and dissolve it in water.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Distribute the prepared composition onto the face area like a regular mask. To do this, use a brush.
  4. After applying, leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes.
  5. The product is removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water or a weak alkaline solution. Do this delicately so as not to damage the skin.
  6. Follow with a light moisturizer.

Lemon juice instead of chemicals

You can use lemon to remove dirt, dead cells and whiten your skin. Lemon peeling is performed in this order:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and strain it.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the concentrate, and then wipe your previously cleansed face with it. Do not apply the composition around the eyes, lips or eyelids.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, wash with warm water.
  4. Moisturize your face with cream.

Attention! Do not use citric acid for cleansing, only lemon juice.

The procedure is simple but effective. In addition, lemon juice whitens the skin, fills cells with nutritional components, vitamins, normalizes metabolic processes and skin regeneration.

For home peeling, you can use any fruits and berries. They will fill the epidermal cells with life-giving elements and will not harm. Those with dry skin types are recommended to use softer peels with kefir (it contains a large amount of lactic acid). Remember, the secret of long youthful skin lies in high-quality and timely care, which can be provided even at home! Exfoliating your face, body, and hands at home is convenient, affordable and very useful!