Homeopathy remedies for symptoms of deep wrinkles

Why take hyaluronic acid internally?

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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With age, natural beauty fades, wrinkles appear, and the skin loses its elasticity. Many women, in order to prolong their youth, visit beauty salons, where they undergo unpleasant and expensive procedures. Some, in the fight against aging, go to extreme measures and entrust their face to a plastic surgeon. All operations and beauty injections not only cost a lot of money, but can also be harmful to health, as they have a lot of contraindications. Currently, youth and beauty can be maintained with the help of hyaluronic acid preparations, which are taken orally.

What is hyaluronic acid

This substance is present in many tissues of the body, especially in synovial lubrication (the fluid that lubricates the surfaces of joints to facilitate their movement). It helps tissues retain fluid, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity. With age, tissues lose their ability to retain water molecules, so the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flaccid, dry, and wrinkles appear.

After twenty-five years, the body produces an insufficient amount of hyaluronic acid, and every year it becomes less and less, so already at this age you can think about taking the drug orally. To quickly get rid of wrinkles that have appeared, you should resort to injections of the substance. The cream works worse because it is not able to penetrate deep into the skin, so it only smoothes the surface layer.

Advantages of hyaluronic acid over collagen

Modern cosmetology every year discovers new ways to combat age-related changes. The safest and most effective is to take hyaluronic acid orally. Studies have confirmed that this drug is more effective than collagen. In addition, it is natural and made from fish cells. Japanese scientists have learned to create a synthetic analogue, but it is not yet sold on the Russian market.

How to drink hyaluronic acid correctly

It can and should be taken by women after 40 years of age. Cosmetics manufacturers add hyaluronic acid to anti-aging creams, face masks, and shampoos. It is also available in the form of serum, tablets, capsules, injection solutions and powders.

The tablets do not need to be swallowed or chewed; it is advisable to dissolve them in the mouth, since the acid molecules are better absorbed with saliva. Take the capsules with a small amount of water.

When taking the drug in liquid form, you can hold it in your mouth for a short time before swallowing. Ascorbic acid and tocopherol help the absorption of hyaluronic acid ten times faster, so it is better to drink them together.

They also produce combination preparations containing collagen. During the course of taking the drug, it is important to maintain fluid intake - drink no more than 2 liters per day, otherwise swelling may form throughout the body. If after some time unpleasant symptoms appear, then you need to stop taking the drug and not risk your health for the sake of beauty.

The effect of hyaluronic acid on the body

Once inside, the acid in the stomach breaks down into simpler substances and only then is absorbed into the blood. Then the body restores it from these substances again. First of all, the resulting hyaluronic acid goes to restore synovial fluid, and only then to improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, to achieve a rejuvenating effect, the drug should be taken for a long time, at least one month. As a result, the skin is moisturized, its firmness and elasticity are restored, color improves, flaking is prevented and even deep wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

It also has a beneficial effect on joints, improving their mobility, which is important for older women. To treat joints, it is better to purchase a combination drug containing chondroitin sulfate.

It is recommended to drink hyaluronic acid for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, during the rehabilitation period after ophthalmic surgery, for the purpose of prevention.

The drug has a beneficial effect on hair and nails, makes them strong, and prevents fragility. It helps the skin recover after burns, injuries, cope with long-term non-healing ulcers, and relieves redness. The course of treatment should not be less than one to two months.

The effect of the acid is due to the fact that it improves the flow of water and minerals to the connective tissues, so the skin restores elasticity, and inter-articular lubrication is restored in the limbs, which facilitates movement.

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to take tablets containing hyaluronic acid if allergic reactions to the components of the drug have previously been identified. Acid is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. It is not recommended for people prone to edema (with a history of kidney and cardiovascular diseases).

In any case, you should not take the drug orally without consulting a doctor, and before using it for cosmetic purposes, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.

Drug manufacturers

  1. KWC is a Japanese manufacturer of hyaluronic acid. The drugs from this company are distinguished by their quality and have proven themselves to be positive, but they are quite expensive.
  2. Now Foods is an American manufacturer of dietary supplements. His medications cost an average of 1,500 rubles.
  3. Evalar is a Russian company with affordable prices. The drug "Lora" contains vitamins and phytoestrogens necessary to maintain youth.

When choosing hyaluronic acid, you should pay attention to the manufacturer and cost. It cannot be too cheap and cannot be less than a thousand rubles. A cheap drug may not only fail to have the desired effect, but also cause harm. Before purchasing, you need to read reviews on the Internet to find out if there were any side effects, complications, or allergic reactions. Some manufacturers produce hyaluronic acid both in pure form and with various additives that restore joint tissue and help maintain youth.

Vitamins A, E, C, B5 are usually added to the preparations. They have antioxidant properties, strengthen the body, help cope with infectious diseases, and remove waste and toxins. Beeswax strengthens the immune system, helps fight stress, and improves mood. Herbal extracts and healthy oils can be used as additives.

When making a purchase, it is worth remembering that this is not a cheap product, so counterfeits are possible. Hyaluronic acid should only be purchased from pharmacies or licensed distributors. It is important to carefully read the ingredients and inspect the packaging. If it is made poorly, the text is printed blurry, or there is no branded hologram, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Wrinkles and aging of the body

Question 17117

Anna, 47, Germany, Munich

Question: Good afternoon Sergey Vadimovich. I have a purely female question. By constitution I am thin, and if I gain weight, it’s only my stomach.
I've been very worried lately about the telltale wrinkles on my face. For overweight people, age does not affect their appearance so much. I don’t drink enough liquids, I have to force myself to drink. I understand that the face reflects one’s character and illness. I hope to cope with my ailments after your first consultation - I have been taking Sepia and Calcium phosphoricum for a long time
Maybe there is a way to at least partially stop the appearance of these wrinkles, or do you need complete information as in your consultation - Youth and time?

Answer: Good afternoon, Anna! Of course, you can have an actinoid that suits your life experiences, but it is not always possible to find it in pharmacies. In Kent's repertory, in the section “Wrinkled and withered skin”, only 1 drug is highlighted in bold - Secale cornutum (Ermot, lat. Secale cornutum), and the rest of the drugs are weaker.
But it is not a fact that a particular person will need a medicine from this list to treat wrinkles, since only 650 medicines were analyzed at that time, and not 10,000 drugs (and even more) that can be used for treatment.

Question: Thank you very much for the clarification. I will look into this issue further. I am now very upset by the appearance of old symptoms with a runny nose. Or rather, there is no runny nose itself, but the nose is very stuffy and there is pressing pain in the maxillary sinuses and on the forehead above the bridge of the nose. Air passes through the nostrils with difficulty. The symptoms remain the same - warmth and movement improve the condition.
Before this condition, I had not taken Calcium phosphoricum for a month and took a break. I used sulfur to treat rashes on my leg. But then weakness appeared again and I began to get tired. After taking Calcium phosphoricum again, everything returned to normal, except for the nose. I was so happy when I got rid of the terrible runny nose, but now I’m very afraid of returning to my old state.
Should I continue to take Calcium phosphoricum C10 as before or do I need to do something to correct the condition? This drug is not my constitutional requirement?
Regards, Anna.

Answer: Replace everything with the medicine - Arsenicum iodatum 6 - 1 granule per night. A person's constitutional homeopathic remedy is determined during a 1-2 hour conversation.

Question: Good afternoon Sergey Vadimovich. For the second month now I have had a runny nose, which is caused by an allergy to flowering herbs. During the day the mucus is clear, at night one nostril is blocked, and in the morning yellow mucus comes out. I sneeze often. I took Arsenicum iodatum 5 pieces 2-3 times a day. There was an improvement, but did not lead to purulent rhinitis, as is usually the case. But when a dry cough appears, there is a feeling that something in the trachea is very irritating and interferes with breathing. I want to cough, but the phlegm won’t come out. After coughing there is a smell of pus in the mouth.
When I cough, I have to strain my muscles a lot, it feels like there is pain in the bronchi or lungs. I started taking Calcium carbonicum, the cough became softer, and a little sputum comes out in the morning. But the runny nose never goes away.
When I’m in the garden, my eyes itch a little and my nose gets stuffy. Often during the day my nose breathes freely, but in the evening it always gets stuffy. I wanted to cope on my own, but I had to ask you for help again.
Regards, Anna.

Answer: Good afternoon, Anna! Now additionally take homeopathic medicine - Allium cepa 6 (lat. Allium cepa) - 5 granules outside meals 4 times a day or more often, until improvement. For a painful cough - Bryonia 6 - 5 granules 2-3 times in a row until the pain when coughing stops.

Question: Good afternoon, Sergei Vadimovich. Thank you very much for your help in treating allergic rhinitis. I would really like to know whether it is possible to avoid unpleasant symptoms during menopause in women when taking a constitutional medicine? Or is it enough to take the medications that you recommend for certain symptoms? Regards, Anna.

Answer: Good afternoon. There is no definite answer, because everything is complicated, and it is not known in advance how the body will behave during menopause. A normal menopause is when the period simply ends, and nothing bothers the woman. In this case, no treatment is needed. And there is a pathological menopause, which is accompanied by hot flashes and a host of other symptoms.
Pathological menopause occurs if the hormonal status of the female body is severely disturbed (due to the use of various hormonal drugs throughout life, and so on) - in this case, treatment is needed. In this case, a constitutional homeopathic medicine may help, or maybe not, since the medicine, instead of a slender pine trunk with a disease-top at the end, will see an uneven trunk with a mass of knots (consequences of treatment(, any of which can be mistaken for turning the trunk to the side. . Therefore confusion may arise and there will be no result. In such cases, it is better to use simple medicines for specific symptoms. But if the constitutional medicine manages to remove the “knots” on the trunk and straighten the “trunk of the pine tree,” then there will also be a positive result in the treatment.

Homeopathic cream for smoothing deep wrinkles ‘Deva-Krasa’
(for any skin type)

Cosmetic effect: smoothes deep wrinkles on the skin of the face and neck, increases the elasticity and firmness of tissues, prevents skin dehydration, regulates the content of minerals in skin cells and compensates for their deficiency. The action of the unique formula of homeopathic components regulates the delivery of nutrients, microelements, fats and proteins to the deep layers of the skin.

Active composition of the cream:
Natural and homeopathic ingredients

  1. Wheat germ oil extract. Contains a full range of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants. Stimulates microcirculation, reduces the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries), positively affecting the 'dry skin' syndrome. Activates skin cell renewal processes, slows down aging, reduces the visible number of wrinkles, prevents their appearance by stimulating enzymatic reactions, improving cellular and tissue respiration, and potentiates oxygen absorption. Cleanses and softens the skin, improves complexion, containing allantoin. Eliminates sagging skin. It is a natural filter of sunlight.
  2. Cacao butter — restores the water-fat balance of the skin. eliminates peeling.
  3. Spermaceti, lanolin, water-emulsion wax, beeswax prevent cell dehydration, maintaining skin elasticity. Restore damaged skin, protect against adverse factors, soften the skin.
  4. Vitamin A improves protein nutrition of cells, increases elasticity, firmness and regeneration of the skin.
  5. Vitamin E - a catalyst for tissue respiration, a natural antioxidant (neutralizes lipid peroxidation).
  6. Homeopathic dilution of copper — regulates the catalytic effect on redox processes and enzyme systems, improves the processes of assimilation and consumption of oxygen by cells.
  7. Homeopathic dilution of iron has a positive, regulating effect on the citric acid cycle in skin cells. Helps cleanse and rejuvenate cells.
  8. Homeopathic dilution of phosphorus has a direct effect on energy metabolism in cell mitochondria, thereby revitalizing and oxygenating tired, sagging skin, slowing down the aging process.
  9. Homeopathic dilution of zinc - is part of cells and is necessary for the full functioning of metabolism in the body.
  10. Homeopathic dilution of camphor has a nonspecific effect on cellular immunity. Helps normalize the tone of small vessels (capillaries).
  11. Homeopathic dilution of calendula - prevents the formation of small network wrinkles.
  12. Homeopathic dilution of chamomile — restores the softness and elasticity of the skin, eliminates irritation and inflammation.
  13. Homeopathic dilution of aloe - slows down the process of cell destruction, restores natural muscle and elastin fibers, has an antioxidant effect, promotes the processes of restoration of damaged cells (regeneration), and immunoregulation.
  14. Jojoba oil'- prevents skin dehydration, has an antioxidant effect, preventing the harmful, destructive effects of free radicals of lipid peroxidation of skin cells, eliminates the 'dry skin' syndrome, restores, smoothes and softens the skin.
  15. Grapefruit essential oil. Tightens pores. Restores cell self-regulation and has a tonic effect on the skin. Normalizes the increased function of the sebaceous glands. Stimulates blood supply to the skin.

Application: Apply a small amount of cream in a thin layer to the skin of the face and neck and leave until completely absorbed for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, blot off any remaining cream with a paper towel.

A course of treatment: daily once a day at night for 2-3 months. Then, after skin restoration, apply prophylactically 2-3 times a week. Positive results from using the cream are observed in the first 3-4 weeks.


Overview table for the use of homeopathic cosmetics.