Progenic bite

Progenic bite

A progenic bite is a type of bite in which the upper and lower jaws are in correct relationship with each other. This bite is the most natural and healthy, as it allows the teeth to develop and grow properly.

There are several types of progenic bite:

– Progenic anterior bite – when the upper teeth are located in front of the lower teeth.
– Progenic mesial overbite - when the upper teeth are located behind the lower teeth.

Both types of malocclusion are normal and do not require treatment. However, if the bite is not correct, this can lead to various problems with the health of the teeth and gums, such as caries, periodontitis and other diseases. Therefore, it is important to monitor your bite and contact your dentist if there are any problems.

To prevent the development of a progenic bite, you can use special orthodontic devices that will help maintain the correct bite and prevent the development of diseases of the teeth and gums. It's also important to eat right and practice good oral hygiene to keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.

Progenic bite

A progenic bite is a position of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw that ensures maximum physiological closure and distribution of the chewing load over all areas of the dentition along the line of opposing teeth.

This bite is ideal for the harmony of appearance and functionality of the entire dental system. The progenic bite plays a large role in the formation of adequate occlusion with a good appearance of the smile.

This state of occlusion is important for the normal course of blood circulation and metabolism in periodontal tissues. And, of course, the correct interaction of both jaws determines the natural position of the thread-like elements of the neck and face, and the normalization of body weight. Therefore, if it is violated, a person can suffer from a variety of diseases.