Eye lotions for puffiness

Many women and men notice that the skin around the eyes is swollen and puffy. This phenomenon is most often observed in the morning, immediately after waking up. But, swelling can occur at any time of the day, as a result of stress or deteriorating health.

To understand how to remove puffiness under the eyes, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. Establishing the provoking factor will help you choose the most effective remedy to get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes.


What causes puffiness under the eyes?

The delicate skin around the eyes is highly susceptible to external and internal negative effects. Under the influence of various factors, it becomes thinner, stretches, and swells. One of the manifestations of the negative impact on the skin is swelling. They arise due to impaired circulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues of the upper or lower eyelid. Also, swelling around the eyes may be a consequence of obstructed blood flow in the vessels and capillaries.

Swelling becomes very noticeable due to the structure of the skin around the eyes. The anatomical structure of the skin of the lower and upper eyelids has features that make any changes in this area more pronounced. Since the epidermis of the eyelids is thin, with poorly developed subcutaneous fat and low muscle activity, bags under the eyes appear even in cases of minor functional disorders or pathological changes.

Causes of swelling

Tissue swelling that causes puffiness under the eyes can be caused by both physiological and pathological factors.

Physiological reasons

Swelling that occurs due to natural causes is commonly called bags. They appear in both young women and men, as well as in the older generation. Physiological causes of edema are usually not associated with any disease, but have a serious impact on the condition of the skin. They are divided into several categories, depending on their origin.

Congenital swelling of the skin

In this case, swelling is not a consequence of external or internal influences. This manifestation is an individual feature in the structure of the eyelids. It is characterized by an excessive size of subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as a branched vascular capillary system. The tight fit and increased elasticity of the skin impede the circulation of lymph and blood, which also contributes to the formation of constant swelling.

Age-related changes

In adulthood, skin renewal processes slow down, and gradual deformation of the epidermis begins. After 30 years, the skin around the eyes is subject to the following changes:

  1. the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin is noticeably reduced
  2. subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner or hypertrophied, depending on weight fluctuations
  3. tissues become looser under the influence of constant blinking and other movements.

This leads to sagging of the eyelids and expansion of the interstitial space, which begins to fill with fluid.

age-related sagging eyelids

Poor nutrition

Swelling, especially in the morning, is characteristic of those women who violate the correct diet. Edema can be caused by an imbalance of water balance in the following cases:

  1. Excessive consumption of liquids (especially sweets) before bedtime and at night. This creates a load on the kidneys, which cannot cope with the processing and disposal of fluids at night.
  2. Insufficient amount of water. The body starts the process of retaining fluid in the tissues to avoid severe dehydration.
  3. Alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks cause general intoxication, as well as water retention in the intercellular space.
  4. Salty and spicy foods retain water, and the process of its removal is uneven.

The risk group includes lovers of strong coffee and tea, spicy, fatty, spicy and pickled foods.

Reaction to external stimuli

Physiological reasons related to lifestyle can also provoke the appearance of swelling under the eyes:

  1. incorrect body position during sleep or rest
  2. stressful situations (with crying)
  3. work associated with eye strain (driving a car, operating machinery, working on a computer)
  4. smoking.
Reasons unique to women

There are several factors that are unique to the fairer sex. They also give a reaction in the form of swelling of the tissues around the eyes:

  1. pregnancy
  2. menopause
  3. hormonal effects of estrogen
  4. improper use of decorative and caring cosmetics
  5. Botox injections (temporary appearance of edema).

Such swelling disappears after the irritant that caused it ends. If the influence of the provoking factor is rare enough, they do not pose a danger.

NOTE! The physiological changes that cause the bags to appear become more intense every year. To remove physiological swelling, you need to carefully monitor your skin using comprehensive care products.

Pathological causes

Swelling under the eyes can appear in response to diseases or external irritants that trigger the development of a pathological process in the body. These include:

  1. eye diseases
  2. irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids as a result of smoke or exposure to toxic substances
  3. diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system
  4. metabolic disease
  5. allergic reactions
  6. local inflammatory processes localized in the facial part
  7. hernia or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  8. traumatic injuries to the face
  9. lack of vitamin B5.

Edema, which is pathogenetic in nature, does not go away on its own or after cosmetic procedures. To remove swelling under the eyes, it is necessary to treat the root cause that caused their appearance.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes

There are several techniques that will help get rid of swelling around the eyes. Their use depends on the cause that provoked the swelling and swelling of the tissues.

Drug treatment

Treatment of edema with the help of medications is used as part of a complex treatment of the pathologies that provoked its appearance. Drug therapy is aimed at:

  1. eliminating the root cause (treatment of the underlying disease)
  2. taking diuretics to remove excess fluid from the body
  3. complex therapy to restore metabolism, water and vitamin-mineral balance.

One of the drugs that helps reduce swelling around the eyes is Pinoxide. It is used only in salons, injected directly into the swollen area. The drug helps restore blood circulation and microcirculation in the affected area, and helps to quickly get rid of physiological swelling.

A radical method to get rid of swelling around the eyes is surgical blepharoplasty. It should be noted that the operation allows you to get rid of swelling, but does not exclude its reappearance.

IMPORTANT! Medicines to relieve swelling should be recommended by a doctor and used in accordance with the prescribed dosage.

Effective creams and ointments

Cosmetic products designed to help women combat facial swelling are widely represented on the market. Anti-edema creams or ointments contain natural ingredients that help reduce swelling and create a slight lifting effect. A quick effect is provided by creams, gels, ointments based on coffee, horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid, vitamin K. The most popular are the following:

  1. caffeine gel (Garnier), seaweed-based gel Stimul Eye Active (Natura Bisse), caffeine gel SOS with panthenol (Eldan), herbal-mineral gel Vita Activa
  2. ointments Blefarogel (with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera), Curiosin (containing zinc hyaluronate), Foretal (with urea), Solcoseryl (extract from the blood of calves), Troxevasin (with active venotonic components), Heparin ointment (with active heparin).

For ease of application, manufacturers of decongestants offer their products in different designs. These are applicator rollers or vibrating mini-massagers that create a light massage effect when applying the product to the skin.

Folk remedies in the fight against edema

There are many simple remedies that help relieve swelling. Their use does not require special skills, so you can use them at home, at any convenient time. Masks made from herbal ingredients, compresses and massage treatments help effectively remove swelling at home.

Use of essential oils

The beneficial effects of essential oils on the skin have long been known. Their beneficial properties are used to correct swelling of the skin around the eyes, smooth it out and relieve puffiness. Essential oils have a relaxing and tonic effect, with a lifting effect, so they should be used in the morning or evening:

  1. For morning procedures, coffee, myrrh, sandalwood, and rose oil are used. They have a tightening and smoothing effect, reducing swelling.
  2. Neroli oil has a relaxing effect on the skin of the eyelids, so it is recommended for use before bed.

Do not use concentrated essential oils as they may burn your skin or cause an allergic reaction. For safe use, it is recommended to add 5-10 g of oil to 10 g of tonic or cream.

ADVICE! Before using essential oil, be sure to conduct a trial test for an allergic reaction.

Lotions and compresses

Decoctions based on herbal ingredients can be used for compresses and lotions. Such procedures help relieve fatigue, tone the skin and restore microcirculation in the skin of the eyelids, helping to eliminate swelling.

To prepare the decoction, use parsley, herbs and dill seeds, peppermint, green tea, calamus root, horse chestnut, chamomile, calendula, rose hips, sageweed, birch leaves or decongestant herbal infusions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l of crushed raw materials, pour 200 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes in a water bath, at a low boil. The broth is filtered and cooled.

As a compress, you can use filter bags in which herbal teas are sold. They are brewed in hot water, cooled and applied to the swollen area. It is also recommended to pour the broth into molds and freeze it so that you can use the ice to wipe the skin.

Lotions or compresses are made on clean skin, without decorative cosmetics or care products. The compress is left for 5-10 minutes, after which a cosmetic or medicinal decongestant is applied to the eyelids.

INTERESTING! Herbal decoctions based on diuretic herbs can also be drunk instead of water or tea. They help remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling.


Masks are an effective way to combat swelling around the eyes. They can be prepared using essential oils or plant components. The most recommended mask to reduce swelling around the eyes is a mask made from parsley. To prepare it, grind a small bunch of parsley into a paste and add 1 tbsp. l thick sour cream. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of ground coffee to the mask.

Masks based on black bread, egg whites, buckwheat or rice flour, apples, and strawberries are also popular.

Anti-swelling massage

Various massage procedures help reduce puffiness under the eyes. The use of this method helps restore blood circulation and intercellular fluid in the tissues of the eyelids. Complex facial massage can be performed independently, or in a massage room, 2-3 times a week. A small self-massage is recommended daily.

To achieve an anti-edematous effect, during facial massage, it is necessary to carefully work out all areas where microcirculation may be impaired. The intensity of movements increases gradually to avoid injury to tissues and blood vessels.

ADVICE! The most effective massage techniques are considered to be lymphatic drainage massage and Moroccan lifting massage.

Express methods for getting rid of edema

If you don’t have time for long procedures and you need to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes, use one of the following remedies:

  1. Apply raw, sliced ​​potatoes to your swollen eyes. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash with cool water and apply a cream or ointment with a decongestant effect to your eyelids.
  2. Make lotions from chilled kefir or milk, with the addition of essential coffee oil or regular ground coffee.
  3. There is an interesting way to relieve swelling using massage with silver or regular spoons. Apply them to your eyes and massage for 5 minutes. Cold metal has a vasoconstrictor effect, so swelling goes away very quickly.

Such methods will help reduce the severity of swelling and also tone the skin. To consolidate the effect, after washing it is recommended to treat your eyelids with ice cubes.

Preventing the appearance of edema

You can prevent swelling of the tissues around the eyes with the help of some preventive measures. To avoid swelling, you must follow these simple recommendations:

  1. promptly remove decorative cosmetics from the face
  2. use only high-quality and proven cosmetics
  3. undergo an annual preventive examination to identify possible diseases and pathologies at an early stage
  4. Regular rest, proper nutrition, and avoidance of alcohol and smoking are necessary
  5. maintaining correct body position while sleeping
  6. Avoid contact with causative agents of allergic reactions.

Experts also recommend performing a set of gymnastic exercises, which are designed to improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids. Compliance with all requirements, as well as preventive facial skin care, will help avoid the appearance of edema and reduce its severity.

Swelling and bruising under the eyes may occur for various reasons, among which are not only pathological processes in tissues or ophthalmological diseases.

Such disorders may be signs of diseases of the internal organs, as well as bruising and swelling always formed as a result of physical impact (meaning injuries and mechanical damage).

In such situations, you can use lotions and compresses based on medications or folk remedies.

The effectiveness of lotions and compresses against bruises and swelling under the eyes

Compresses are a method of local elimination pathological and traumatic bruises and swelling.

The only exceptions are pathologies of internal organs that provoke the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

Beneficial effects of compresses is caused by direct contact of the drug with the damaged or pathological area.

Through the skin and muscle tissue, drug components penetrate into the deep layers of tissue.

Advantages compresses (especially those based on medicinal herbs) consist in the almost complete absence of side effects and contraindications, excluding sensitivity to components and allergies to specific components and substances.

Common Recipes

  1. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of strong black tea., after which the composition is thoroughly mixed.
    The brew should not be very hot, since immediately after mixing the components it is necessary to make compresses before the soda precipitates.
    Gauze or cotton pads folded several times are moistened in the prepared liquid - such compresses are applied to the swollen areas for 15 minutes.
    You can use several discs if the swelling is quite extensive and extends beyond the area under the eyelids (this happens with injuries).
  2. Five grams of brewed green tea is poured with thirty grams of boiling water.
    The product should infuse for half an hour, after which cotton pads are soaked in it and applied to the swollen areas for 10-15 minutes two to three times a day.
  3. From natural fabric or gauze it is necessary sew two small bags, each of which should fit one teaspoon of dried chamomile.
    Such bags “brewed” in boiling water according to the principle of tea bags, and after five minutes they can be removed from boiling water.
    And as soon as they cool down to an acceptable temperature, such compresses are applied under the eyes.
  4. Several fresh or dried Birch leaves are filled with mineral water.
    It doesn’t matter whether the water is with gas or without gases, the main thing is that it is at room temperature.
    The product should be infused overnight, and in the morning, after soaking cotton pads in this product, you need to make a compress, which should be kept for at least 15 minutes.
  5. For twenty grams of tea leavesprepared from loose leaf tea, add 10 grams of chopped parsley root.
    The brew should be cooled to room temperature. Cotton pads or pads soaked in this product are applied three to four times during the day for twenty minutes.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes:

Compresses and lotions recommended for use in case of swelling and bruising in combination with other drugs.

Sometimes folk remedies in the form of lotions can help on their own if the disorders not very extensive and are non-pathological.

Swelling and bruises under the eyes, especially in the morning, can ruin your mood for the whole day. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is effective to use eye lotions that relieve swelling and bruising.


The best recipes for puffiness under the eyes

Puffiness under the eyes occurs due to the presence of loose fiber, which accumulates fluid. Depending on the causes of swelling, treatment varies, but lotions or compresses help cope with the symptoms before a diagnosis is made.


Parsley relieves puffiness under the eyes thanks to nicotinic acid, which improves blood circulation in the tissues and has a diuretic effect. For lotions, you need to take parsley, chop it finely, then mash it to a paste and put it between two pieces of gauze or on a cotton pad.

It should be applied under the eyes for 15–20 minutes. Instead of gruel, you can use juice or finely grated root, or drink a decoction of parsley. To enhance the effect, you can prepare contrasting lotions by alternately dipping the pad with the pulp into warm and cold water.



Chamomile herb helps against puffiness under the eyes due to its extensive chemical composition and the content of biologically active substances. A compress from its flowers is easy to prepare.

It is necessary to pour 1 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Soak cotton pads in the resulting infusion and then apply to the eyelids. It is convenient to use chamomile lotions in the form of prepackaged bags.


Strong tea

Green tea is a leader in antioxidant content. It contains rutin (vitamin P), which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminates lymph stagnation, and glutamic acid helps the production of skin collagen, so fluid is actively removed and the skin becomes more elastic.

You can use green tea lotions for swelling by dipping cotton swabs into tea or using tea bags remaining after brewing and placing them on your eyes. You should choose tea without flavorings or additives, preferably large-leaf tea.


Salt compresses

A solution of table or sea salt promotes the penetration of liquid from the area of ​​edema into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe solution according to the principle of concentrated solutions (the liquid rushes towards the side with a higher concentration).

10 grams of salt dissolve in 100 ml of warm water. A cotton swab is moistened and applied, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Salt lotions help with swelling and bruising after an eye injury.



Raw potatoes are an indispensable aid for combating bruises and swelling under the eyes. The tuber must be finely grated, applied to gauze or a cotton pad and applied to the eyelids. Potato lotion removes redness of the eyelids after a sleepless night, reduces fine wrinkles, tightens and tones the skin.


Birch leaf

Birch leaves help remove excess fluid not only when consumed orally, but also topically, as a lotion. To relieve swelling of the eyelids and puffiness under the eyes, lotions made from fresh birch leaves are used. It needs to be crushed, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. After the infusion has cooled, apply cotton pads soaked in it to the eyelids.


Ice cubes

Ice has a vasoconstrictor effect, helping to reduce bruising and swelling of the eyelids. The herbal decoction must be frozen, after which the cube should be wrapped in a napkin and then gently applied to the lower eyelid as a lotion, without stretching the delicate skin. An alternative to the proposed plant species are lemon balm, mint, calendula, sage, and horsetail.


Video recipe

Homemade recipe with green tea and vitamins. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.


A light finger massage improves drainage of the infraorbital region, reducing its swelling. The direction of movement goes from the outer corner to the inner one, using light movements with the pad of the little finger or ring finger. For better glide on the skin, light cosmetic oil (almond, peach or apricot kernel) will help.

Folk recipes have not lost their effectiveness to this day. Their use can help reduce symptoms until the cause of the disease is identified. In addition to lotions, it will be useful to make masks.

Beware of allergic reactions to do this, test the decoction on the skin of the elbow. If there is no redness or itching, then there is no sensitivity to the herbal component.

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