Signs given by stool

The different colors of what comes out during stool is praiseworthy only in two cases, but no more; firstly, when the bowel movement is in crisis, after the maturation of the matter, and occurs on a crisis day, with favorable signs of crisis, and, secondly, after taking a laxative from substances with different powers; in both cases it indicates that purification of the body can be expected, while at other times it is a sign of burning and melting of the organs and an abundance of spoiled juices. Foul-smelling stool, similar to the stool of children and the first feces of babies, is a bad sign.

Biliary stools at the beginning of the disease indicate a predominance of bile and are not good, but at the end, when they decline, they indicate that the body is being cleansed and serve as a good sign. When bilious stools pass in abundance, but the disease does not get better, this is not a good sign. If the bowel movements after the appearance of bad symptoms and loss of strength are profuse and do not bring relief, this is a sign of death, even if the fever stops. Faeces mixed with fat, not due to the consumption of anything fatty, indicate melting of the main organs, and this is not a good sign, although not fatal, since fat content sometimes comes from meat.

When something like pus appears in the stool and its yellowness becomes rich and the stench is strong, and all this occurs during acute fevers, then this is destructive. Stool with something liquid around it indicates that there is pus coming from the liver, which burns and causes the stool to come out with great speed. And sometimes just pus comes out, and that’s not good. When, in case of any disease, something like lupine peels appears in the stool, this is a disastrous sign.