Signs of the nature of the spleen

As for the hot nature, it is indicated by thirst, burning in the left side, bad vomiting, strong attraction of black bile by the spleen. A cold nature is indicated by weakness of the attractive power of the spleen, loss of appetite, clouding of the connective membrane of the eye, frequent rumbling and belching; on dry - density of the spleen, emaciation of the body, thickness of the blood, severe blackening of the face. A wet nature is indicated by the softness of the left side to the touch, the looseness of the body and the blackness of the face with a hint of lead whiteness.

Treatment for this. It is close to treating the liver, but the drugs need to be stronger and penetrate the organs better. Their penetration is facilitated by means that force the drugs to pass into the organs, and by means that maintain their strength until they have had their effect.

Know that the difference between remedies for diseases of the spleen and remedies for the liver lies in the strength or weakness, harshness or gentleness of the action of the medicine. The liver should be treated rather gently, without going overboard with the strengthening of the remedies used, and by directing very sharp substances to it, such as strong vinegar, only if necessary, but with the spleen the situation is the opposite. Medicines for the spleen should be helped by means that preserve the strength of the medicines and facilitate their penetration. There are special medicines for the spleen, for example, caper root bark, scolopendra, usshak, wild garlic; Sometimes, with diseases of the spleen, it is necessary to bleed from the greater basil, to bleed from the jugular vein, and even to bleed from both jugular veins.