Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease

Werdnig-Hoffman disease - familial spinal muscular atrophy: a hereditary disease - a severe form of muscle atrophy, characterized by degenerative changes in the neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. The disease can develop from birth until the child reaches six months of age and is characterized by a symmetrical weakening of the muscles innervated by the affected neurons. The respiratory muscles and facial muscles are often affected.

Affected children usually die before reaching two years of age due to respiratory failure; There is currently no treatment for this disease. Parents of a sick child should definitely seek genetic counseling, since there is a 25% chance that all their other children may also develop this disease.

Werdnig Hoffman's disease

Verdnik Hoffman's disease is a terrible disease that causes a person to lose the ability to move. When this occurs, the brain does not receive the signal to move the body, so the muscles become weaker. This disease is usually called Botkin's disease. Most

Werdig-Hofmann disease is a hereditary disease that occurs as a result of genetic disorders. It is accompanied by severe muscle wasting and can lead to the death of a child under two years of age. However, some patients may develop forms of the disease that allow the child to develop for some time. This disease is usually mistakenly considered a type of cerebral palsy.

Symptoms of Werdig-Hofmann disease are muscle spasms of the limbs and torso, as well as impaired coordination of movements and damage to the respiratory system. In the early stages of the disease, children may appear healthy, and only later do the characteristic muscle twisting and extensor tendons appear. In severe cases, the disease leads to breathing problems up to its complete stop.

There are various treatments for this problem, including genetics, medications, or surgery. But none of them guarantee recovery. However, do not despair, because there are many other opportunities to help your child: for example, sports, special gymnastics, massage, etc.

Of course, it should be noted that the treatment of Werdnig-Hoffman disease largely depends on the severity of each specific case, as well as on the individual characteristics of each patient. Therefore, before deciding on treatment, you should consult a specialist.