Signs indicating tumors

As for external tumors, they are indicated by the sense of touch and observation, and an internal tumor, if it is hot, is indicated by constant fever and heaviness, when the organ in which the tumor is located has no sensitivity; or heaviness with shooting pain, if the swollen organ is sensitive. Signs of a tumor that determine or help in determining include the occurrence of a disorder in the functions of a given organ, and signs that confirm the definition include a feeling of swelling in the area of ​​this organ, if it is possible to palpate it. And with cold tumors, the consequence is not necessarily pain. It is difficult to indicate their general characteristics, but be it

even if it were easy, one would have to carry on boring discussions. Therefore, it is better for us to postpone talking about this until private discussions about each organ separately. Here you only need to say that when heaviness is felt, but pain is not felt, and there are signs of a predominance of mucus, then it should be assumed that the tumor is mucous.

When a tumor shows signs of a predominance of black bile, it means that the tumor is black bile, especially if it turns out to be hard when palpated; hardening is one of the best evidence of the presence of a tumor.

When hot tumors form in the nerves, the pain is very sharp and the fever is strong. Such tumors quickly lead to tamaddud and insanity and create a disorder of flexion and extension movements. All tumors of the viscera cause thinning and thinning of the abdominal wall.

When the visceral tumors collect pus and begin to develop like boils, the pain increases significantly, as does the fever. The tongue becomes very rough, insomnia worsens, the manifestations of the disease become formidable, and the severity increases. Sometimes the tumor appears hard to the touch and tightly embedded in the organ; sometimes rapid weight loss appears in the body and the eyes immediately become sunken.

When the accumulated matter turns into pus, the pain and attacks of fever and throbbing calm down, and instead of pain there appears a kind of itching. If previously there was redness and hardness, then the redness disappears and the pressed area becomes soft; all painful sensations disappear, and the severity of the tumor reaches its limit. When the tumor breaks through, then first there is a tremendous chill due to the burning sensation from the pus, then, due to the burning sensation from the matter, a fever appears, and the pulse due to emptying becomes wide and uneven, begins to weaken, decrease, slow down and thin out. There is a decrease in appetite, and often because of all this the limbs become warm. As for matter, it rushes in the appropriate direction, erupting either from the throat, or with urine, or with feces. An excellent sign after opening the tumor is the complete disappearance of fever, ease of breathing, revival of strength, and rapid outpouring of matter in the proper direction.

Often, matter in internal tumors moves from organ to organ; Sometimes such a transition is good, and sometimes it is bad. It is good if it passes from a noble organ to an ignoble one, as for example, with brain tumors - behind the ears, and with liver tumors - in the groin, and bad when matter passes from one organ to another, more noble or less resistant to what it happens to him, for example, when it passes during pleurisy to the region of the heart or into pneumonia.

The movement of internal tumors and pus of internal abscesses down and up has certain signs: when they move downwards, tension and heaviness appear in the cartilage of the ribs; if, moving, they are directed upward, then this is indicated by a poor state of breathing, which is constricted and difficult, tightness in the chest and burning, starting from below and spreading upward, heaviness in the collarbone and headache; sometimes traces of this appear in the collarbone and forearm.

If the matter moving upward takes over the brain, then this is bad and poses a danger, but if it is directed towards the soft meat located behind the ears, then there is hope 6a for salvation. Bleeding from the nose is a good sign in such cases, as with all visceral tumors. If you want to exhaust this question, wait for what we will say later, during an exhaustive discussion about tumors, and when we talk about tumors of each internal organ separately.