Signs indicating overflow

There are two types of overflow; congestion in relation to vessels and congestion in relation to strength. Overflow in relation to vessels consists in the fact that juices and pneuma, although good in quality, increase in quantity so much that they fill and stretch the vessels. It is dangerous for a person with such overflow to move: often the overflow ruptures the blood vessels, excess juices flow to the “places of suffocation” and a sore throat, epileptic fit and sakta occur. The treatment for this is to bleed quickly.

As for overflow in terms of strength, the juices cause suffering not only in quantity, but also due to bad quality. They subjugate the forces with their bad quality, and the forces do not contribute to digestion and ripening. A person with such congestion is at risk of diseases from rotting.

As for signs of overflow in general, these are heaviness in the limbs, reluctance to move, redness of the face, swelling of blood vessels, skin tension, excessive filling of the pulse, color and thickness of urine, low appetite, dullness of vision, as well as dreams indicating heaviness, for example, when someone dreams that he is unable to move, or unable to rise, or that he is carrying a heavy load, or cannot speak. In the same way, to dream that you are flying or moving quickly is a sign of fluid juices and the balance of their quantity.

Such signs of overflow in terms of strength, such as heaviness, lethargy and lack of appetite, are common to overflow of the first type, but when the overflow in terms of strength is simple, the vessels are not very swollen, the skin is not very taut, and the filling and pulse size are small, the water is not very thick, the complexion is not very red. Fatigue and exhaustion appear in such a person only after movement or physical work, and dreams give him a feeling of itching, tingling, burning and a foul odor. The predominance of one or another juice during overflow is also indicated by signs that we will talk about later. Overwhelm in terms of strength in most cases gives rise to illness before its signs become obvious and established.