Sealing century

With this disease, the eyelids have difficulty closing if they are open, and difficulty opening if they are closed. In addition, in most cases there is pain and redness without moisture. Often the eyelids do not obey the desire to open them when waking up from sleep. For the most part, the disease is accompanied by the release of hard, dry pus. The discharge occurs only accidentally, because this disease arises from dryness of nature or from sticky juice, which is very prone to dryness. Sometimes there is pain and redness. If there is itching in the absence of matter flowing to the eyelid, then this is called dry eye. This often occurs when the nature is hot and there is a lot of thick matter that needs to be removed.

Treatment. You need to constantly apply the lotion to your eye using a sponge dipped in warm water. Then take a long bath in a bathhouse in moderately warm fresh water. Before going to bed, you need to apply egg white, beaten with rose oil, to the eye, and re-wet your head generously with moisturizers and oils, pouring and sucking through the nose with medicines made from oil of violet, water lily and other things. If the condition indicates that the dryness is associated with bile matter, then it is necessary to induce relief with the help of bindweed, for it has a special property. If it is believed that in this disease there is a thick dried matter that needs to be dissolved, then the mucus of fenugreek and flaxseed should be dissolved, which is used with milk, since both of these medicines, applied to the eye, remove the hardness and remove the bad juice. The tested products include chicken fat, flea plantain mucus, wax and rose oil; all this needs to be used constantly. Sometimes they use something that attracts tears, such as Erasistratus ointment, because in chronic forms caused by matter it is useful to use ointments that cause tears. These ointments help dissolve thick matter so that it flows, and attract liquid moisture, which softens the matter, dissolves it and dissolves it.