Signs of a balanced and excessively unbalanced nature

Signs of this, selected from what we said above, are balance of the skin to the touch in terms of heat, cold, dryness, moisture, softness and hardness, balance of complexion between whiteness and blush, balance of physique in the sense of fullness and thinness with a bias towards fullness . The vessels of such a person lie deep, and as if sitting on the meat and protruding above it, his hair is balanced in thickness, sparseness, curly and smooth, light in the years of childhood and blackish in the years of youth.

The state of sleep and wakefulness is also balanced, the movements of all members are smooth and contribute to each other, thinking, imagination and memory are strong, moral qualities are average between excess and deficiency, that is, average between reckless courage and cowardice, between rage and timidity, gentleness and severity, frivolity and sedateness, arrogance and self-abasement. All the actions of such a person are complete and healthy, he grows quickly and well, his stopping period is long. His dreams are good and pleasant, he enjoys pleasant smells, gentle voices, and magnificent gatherings.

The owner of a balanced nature is a friendly, affable person with a moderate appetite for food and drinks. He assimilates food well through the stomach, liver and blood vessels, his body is proportional, the excess comes out in a balanced manner, through the usual passages.

This is a person whose organs are dissimilar in nature. On the contrary, its dominant organs sometimes oppose each other, leaving balance, and one organ goes to one nature, and the other to the opposite. If the structure of a person is disproportionate, then he is bad even in mind and reason, such as a person with a large belly, short fingers, a round face and a huge round skull, or a small skull and a fleshy forehead, face, neck and legs, so his face looks like a semicircle. If at the same time he also has large jaws, then he is very ugly.

The same thing, if a person has a round head and forehead, and a very long face, a very thick neck, and dullness visible in his eyes - such a person is also one of the people farthest from good.