Proboscis symptom

As is known, the symptom of the proboscis is a tonic contraction and fixation of the muscles, which leads to the pulling of the lips forward. Its presence indicates catatonic symptoms. This symptom was first described in 1963 by the German psychiatrist Dieter Goetzel. This symptom is inherent in schizophrenia, autistic disorder, as well as catatonic syndrome, and is often diagnosed in other mental illnesses. The “proboscis” symptom (or the “facial asymmetry” symptom) is characterized by the manifestation of a highly precise extrapyramidal motor response component. When the condition occurs, the muscles around the mouth sharply tense up so that the lips subtly smooth out and stretch. Similar to manifestations of mutism: the facial expression is static and calm. There are several forms of the appearance of the symptom: circular paralytic mouth - when the limb of the muscle adjacent to the corner of the lips is in a state of noticeable inhibition of spasm, circular oral-cerebral spasm - the condition is manifested by the spread of spasms throughout the distal muscle group, through which the path of nerve impulses that arise when there are changes in the patient's mental state. The main area of ​​manifestation is neuromuscular tissue in the distal limbs, corner of the mouth, and other parts of the oral cavity. If there is a curvature of this muscle group in the area of ​​facial muscles, then corresponding distortions in the external facial expression appear. Possible flexion of the shoulders back (“shoulder roll”).

The proboscis symptom is a clear manifestation of psychomotor retardation (catatonic stupor). This is a state during which a person seems to “freeze.” The patient may remain in this state for several hours or even days. In this case, the body is completely immobilized, the face is mimic, the eyes do not blink or squint. Visible eye asymmetry and muscle twitching may occur. Thus, one of the most striking manifestations of catatonic stupor appears. This is often associated with increased emotional tension

The name of the symptom means that the muscles, which are under the control of the speech apparatus, are in constant tension. In scientific terms, the Hostik symptom means a feeling of numbness and anxiety. People around them do not understand why people behave this way and often condemn them. It must be taken into account that the symptom of walking can manifest itself both in healthy people and in those who suffer from various mental disorders. Doctors in this situation advise just to calm down and cope with stress. However, in medicine, a symptom is used when a person behaves unpredictably, inappropriately, strangely, even to the point of showing signs of destruction. Unlike most manifestations of symptoms in psychiatry, this option acts as the boundary between normality and pathology. The existence of a sign indicates that problems exist. To date, there are only 12 known situations associated with the manifestation