Facial procedure with fillers

Eternal youthful skin is a phenomenon that still remains an unattainable dream for 99% of women. And although a remedy for its inevitable aging has not yet been invented, it is quite possible to postpone the process of withering.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways for those who want to slow down the passage of time.

One of the most popular and successfully used techniques is filler injections, or so-called “beauty injections.”

What are fillers, how is facial contouring performed using injections, and what should not be done after the procedure? Let's find out!

general information

The term was borrowed by domestic cosmetologists from the English language. Filler has a common root with the verb to fill, which means to fill.

Sometimes, in order to obtain the most pronounced rejuvenation effect, these drugs are used in combination with Botox injections.

Areas where facial preparations are injected, before and after photos

The main function of dermal fillers is to tighten skin turgor, which loses its elasticity over the years. It is important to remember that such fillers are not always used to correct wrinkles. This job is most often left to Botox. The only exceptions are facial, deep wrinkles, which are removed exclusively with the help of sealants.

Typically, the following areas of the face are assigned to such fillers:

  1. Lips.
  2. Nasolabial folds.
  3. Cheeks.
  4. Chin area.
  5. Tear troughs
  6. Nose bridge area

To understand how injections affect each of these areas, let's look at each of them in more detail.

The natural volume of the lips does not always correspond to the desired result. In addition, with age, the muscles of this part of the face begin to lose tone, which negatively affects the contour of the mouth.

Watch a video about how the lip filler procedure goes:

Nasolabial fold

The nose area is one of the most vulnerable areas due to its active facial activity. Characteristic longitudinal grooves appear in this place at an early age, only deepening with age. Injecting fillers into this area to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles smoothes the skin, eliminating wrinkles for a long time.

We invite you to see photos before and after correcting nasolabial folds with fillers:

Cheeks and cheekbones

Dropping of the cheeks due to age-related changes or insufficient volume of this area from birth can also be solved with the help of beauty injections. In this case, correction of the cheekbones is done with fillers.

Here is a photo of the face before and after the procedure of introducing fillers into the cheekbones to enlarge them (modelling):

Cheek fillers in before and after photos:


The characteristic uneven surface of the chin is not necessarily a sign of aging. You can cope with unaesthetic “dips” by injecting a certain amount of filler under the skin.

Photos before and after chin correction with fillers to increase it:

Watch a video of the procedure for injecting fillers into the chin to change its shape:

Nasolacrimal trough

The skin of the lower eyelid has a very thin layer of fat and loses it quite quickly. As a result, the eyes “sink” and look tired. After a course of injections, the subcutaneous layer is filled, stretching and lifting the skin of the eyelid.

Watch the video about the injection of fillers into the nasolacrimal groove for optimal correction:

Bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows)

The main problem in this area is vertical wrinkles, which are deep and pronounced. Most often, correction of a specific area is carried out using Botox. But sometimes a specialist can fill the folds with filler.

Photos before and after injections in the forehead and between the eyebrows to eliminate and fill wrinkles with fillers:

Types of injections in cosmetology

Many people are interested in the question: what types of fillers are there and what is better to choose?

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Type of filler Material Advantages Flaws
Synthetic Silicone, biopolymer gel. Long lasting effect. Possibility of aggregate displacement. They are not excreted by the body and may cause rejection or an allergic reaction.
Biosynthetic Silicone, synthetic hyaluronic acid. Long lasting results. They dissolve only partially.
Biodegradable Animal collagen, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid polymers. Minimum side effects. Completely resolve. Short term result.

The first were synthetic drugs, but due to frequent recurrences of side effects, this variety is practically not used at this time.

Among biodegradable fillers, the following types are most widely used.

Collagen based

The drugs are made from protein obtained from animal cartilage or synthesized from human collagen. The finished product has low allergenicity and also has a long exposure period (up to a year).

With hyaluronic acid

Injections of drugs containing hyaluronates trigger regenerative processes in the skin. The body begins to produce its own collagen, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

From the patient's own tissue

The most complex and also expensive option, which is preceded by a long preparation stage. During the liposuction procedure, a certain amount of fat is removed from the patient. Collagen will be synthesized from it in the future.

However, the effect of the injections appears only after several months.

Top 5 favorite and best products of cosmetologists


The development of Swedish specialists, which has taken root well in our country. The drug contains hyaluronate of non-animal origin. In total, the brand produces 9 types of fillers.

Each type is designed to combat age-related changes in a specific area of ​​the face:

  1. Restylane is a base drug for medium-sized wrinkles and folds.
  2. Restylane Touch is a lightweight version designed to fill medium wrinkles.
  3. Perlane – for smoothing deep wrinkles and facial contouring.
  4. Restylane Lipp - to increase volume and improve lip contour.
  5. Restylane Sub Q - for correcting the jawline.
  6. Restylane Vital, Restylane Vital Light - for the biorevitalization procedure.
  7. Lip Volume and Lip Refresh are new generation fillers designed specifically to improve the appearance of lips.


A French drug based on hyaluronic acid, positioning itself as a third generation filler. In total, the Surgiderm line of fillers produces 6 drugs aimed at eliminating deep wrinkles and general correction of facial contours.


Dermal filler based on hyaluronate, owned by a German brand. At the moment, Russian cosmetologists use 3 varieties of this drug:

  1. Soft – correction of the first wrinkles;
  2. Basic – works in the middle and deep layers of the skin, removing wrinkles of medium depth;
  3. Intense – works in the deep layers of the skin. Typically used for contouring and lip correction.

Thanks to the cross arrangement of hyaluronic acid molecules, Belotero filler works as an active stimulator of redermalization processes. Results after using the drug last up to 12 months.

Biodegradable, developed by LG. The product can not only add volume to certain areas, but also smooth out the entire facial skin. The drug is available in three main varieties:

  1. Classic (wrinkles);
  2. Hydro (moisturizing and biorevitalization);
  3. Volume (volume).


The Juvederm brand is owned by the American company Allergan. All products of this brand are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The drugs are used for complex correction of the first signs of aging, as well as facial wrinkles.

The peculiarity of this group of drugs is the lidocaine included in the composition. Thanks to him, the procedure for introducing fillers becomes almost painless.

How does the correction procedure work?

Before you start injecting the drug, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetic residues, after which an anesthetic cream is applied. Usually there is a pause of 20-30 minutes so that the anesthesia has time to take effect.

After this, an antiseptic solution is applied to the skin, and the specialist begins local administration of the drug. The drugs are administered using a special thin needle.

Recommendations after and contraindications

After injections, a number of measures must be taken so as not to spoil the result. Below are recommendations on how to care for your face after injection of fillers and what restrictions exist:

  1. immediately after administration, you need to reduce the amount of hot and salty foods so as not to provoke the appearance of edema;
  2. to relieve the inevitable puffiness and swelling, it is allowed to apply cool compresses or masks;
  3. It is unacceptable to visit a bathhouse or solarium for a week after the procedure;
  4. for two weeks you must completely stop using peelings and facial scrubs;
  5. Do not massage the facial area for a month.

You should avoid “beauty injections” if you have:

  1. allergy to the drug;
  2. weakened immune system;
  3. poor blood clotting;
  4. diabetes;
  5. dermatological diseases;
  6. period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  7. chronic form of diseases of internal organs;
  8. menstruation;
  9. I have experience using synthetic fillers.

Side effects and consequences

Usually the process of introducing cosmetic fillers goes without any unpleasant surprises. However, those who decide to undertake such experiments should know what can happen if the process goes wrong.

Most often, the matter is limited to unpleasant symptoms that are temporary. It can be :

  1. Itching.
  2. Pain.
  3. Local swelling.
  4. Bruises.
  5. Facial asymmetry.
  6. Minor inflammatory processes in tissues.

The most serious consequences may also be:

  1. Visible subcutaneous accumulations of filler, lumps.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Severe swelling of the face.
  4. Disruption of the blood circulation process in tissues.

Prices for injections

The price of the filler injection procedure depends on the popularity of the drug used, as well as its quantity. For example, a small correction of nasolabial folds, which will require about 1 ml. Restylane will cost from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

The cost for a similar procedure performed using Surgiderm filler (0.8 ml) can range from 12,000 to 17,000 rubles.

Light correction of shallow wrinkles with Belotero Soft (1 ml.) can fall within the range of 13,500 to 145,000 rubles.

While more serious work with the same amount of Belotero Intense reaches 19,000 rubles.

For 1 ml. for the elixir of youth from Ivor you will have to pay from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles, and for the same dose of Juvederm about 15,000 to 22,000 rubles.

Read about the features of the injection method of carboxytherapy here.

What is better to choose - bioreparation or biorevitalization? What are the differences between these two types of rejuvenation? We suggest you find out in a separate article.


Here are a few reviews about the use of fillers for facial contouring:

“I made sponges with Surgiderm. It's a bit painful. Inject 1 ml, because more than one time is not recommended. At first there was some swelling, but it was very small. In principle, if you want, you can take such a small thing for a walk on the street - no one will point a finger. At first I didn’t understand the result: something seemed to have increased, but it didn’t seem to. I felt a difference only after three procedures. A completely different look. I’ll 100% do it again in a year.”
Julia D.:

“Belotero is a great drug. Completely revived the skin under the eyes. Although the procedure, of course, is not the most pleasant. So, if you decide, look for a good master. By the way, it doesn’t leave any lumps, as I had with other products from other manufacturers.”
Valeria I.:

"I was not lucky. The drug did not take root. The swelling on my lips lasted for two weeks, plus terrible itching of the skin. It’s impossible not to scratch. As a result, I continue to suffer with sore, raw lips for two months. Tired of it. One of these days I’m going to see a dermatologist.”

To prick or not to prick?

The desire to get rid of natural defects, the fear of overtaking withering sometimes lead a woman to the most unusual experiments on her appearance. However, it is necessary to understand that in cosmetology, as in any other business, it is very important to maintain a sense of proportion.

In order not to become a victim of cosmetologists and not to become dependent on “beauty injections”, such procedures should be considered as a small bonus that significantly delays, but does not eliminate, the process of skin aging.


Fillers can be considered a universal means of non-surgical cosmetology. They have the power to give lips a seductive volume, correct cheekbones or erase deep wrinkles from the face. Although some people cannot imagine their life without injections, others are stubbornly afraid of dangerous injections. But whether they are really so scary and how effective can be understood only by understanding what kind of procedure it is - facial contouring with fillers.

What are facial fillers

Fillers are a preparation with a gel-like consistency, widely used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and correction. Injections are done without the use of surgical methods. Using this substance, you can add volume to the chin, lips, cheeks and cheekbones, remove nasolabial folds, smooth out frown lines on the forehead or visually “lighten” facial features by lifting the corners of the lips and masking the tear trough. The drugs are sold in 1 ml syringes. For insertion, thin needles or cannulas are used - flexible hollow needles with a blunt end, which provide the least trauma.


Injection procedures are prohibited in several cases:

  1. intolerance to the components of the drug (allergy);
  2. skin diseases of the face - dermatitis, lichen, herpes, acne, folliculitis, etc.;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. blood pathologies;
  5. injury or damage to the area being corrected;
  6. menstruation;
  7. oncology;
  8. diabetes;
  9. infectious or viral diseases, exacerbation of chronic ones;
  10. fresh tan (burn);
  11. heat.

At the age of 20, injections are given to change facial features, and after 30, they eliminate the signs of aging. People under 18 should avoid such procedures.

Types of fillers

The direction and effectiveness of drugs depends on their composition. There are several types of fillers produced on the basis of:

  1. artificial hyaluronic acid:
  1. Monophasic - consist of identical molecules. Relatively flexible and soft gel. Has proven itself in lip augmentation and correction of bags under the eyes.
  2. Biphasic - hyaluron molecules of different sizes and weights. They hold volume well on the forehead, cheekbones and chin. Suitable for deep and pronounced wrinkles.
Collagen: Human - used to eliminate cosmetic defects (post-acne and scars) and wrinkles. Pork - applicable both in anti-aging and medical cosmetology. Remove deep folds and smooth out traces of atrophic injuries. Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a man-made polymer. It is universal, but unlike most fillers, it requires a course of several procedures over the course of a month. Calcium hydroxyapatite is a mineral found in human bones. Suitable for filling wrinkles around the mouth and correcting cheekbones. Polymethyl methacrylate microspheres (PMMA) are another medical polymer. In addition to the main ingredient, fillers contain bovine collagen. Suitable for smoothing wrinkles around the lips.

The difference between fillers and other beauty injections

Hyaluronic preparations are often confused with Botox, although they are very different. The filler fills in folds, smoothing out wrinkles and tightening the skin. And the principle of action of botulinum toxin is to temporarily paralyze the problematic muscles that cause these same wrinkles. Other types of injections also differ. For example, mesotherapy is based on the subcutaneous administration of vitamin compounds. And biorevitalization involves injections with a mixture of hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Table: advantages and disadvantages

pros Minuses
  1. hydration;
  2. instant effect;
  3. long lasting results;
  4. elimination of facial asymmetry;
  5. The basis of most fillers is hyaluronic acid;
  6. increasing the production of your own collagen;
  7. improvement of skin condition.
  1. painful, requires anesthesia;
  2. there are fake drugs;
  3. rehabilitation period;
  4. Allergy and rejection are possible;
  5. contraindications;
  6. the need for a trusted specialist;
  7. an extensive list of side effects;
  8. the likelihood of serious complications;
  9. the effect is temporary.

Preparation of facial contouring with fillers

In order for the session to go without problems, physical activity, baths, alcohol consumption and B vitamins are excluded during the day. People with a tendency to herpes need to take Valtrex or Acyclovir for 5-7 days. And on the day of injections you will need to stop using creams and decorative cosmetics.

Progress of the procedure

Before introducing fillers, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required. An anamnesis (medical history) is collected, the presence of indications, contraindications and the advisability of injections is clarified. If everything is in order, then a drug and a day for the procedure are selected.


Fillers are injected into the middle layer of the skin using a linear-retrograde or bolus technique

The injections themselves take from 10 to 30 minutes:

  1. Skin preparation includes makeup removal, cleansing and disinfection. If desired, the treated area is numbed.
  2. Instruments must be sterile and packages must be opened in front of you. Make sure that the specialist will work with gloves and show the name of the injected filler.
  3. A careful puncture is made and the drug is injected under the skin. Distribution is ensured by slow movement of the needle along problem areas and according to injection patterns.
  4. Immediately after, the cosmetologist gently kneads the preparation with his fingers, smoothing out lumps and checking the quality of the work. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated. At the end of the procedure, the face is disinfected again.


The price for 1 session of injections varies greatly - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles per 1 ml of filler

Anesthesia is not necessary when using a cannula. But your doctor may suggest a filler with lidocaine or a local anesthetic. Emla cream is most often used for pain relief. And to enhance its properties, the face is “wrapped” in polyethylene for 10–20 minutes after application.

Video: lip augmentation with filler at home

You should take into account the fact that injection plastic surgery requires certain skills. In addition to theoretical and practical skills, medical education and knowledge of anatomy are required. Equally important is self-confidence and a steady hand, which will eliminate mistakes when administering the drug. Therefore, think carefully before you try to inject fillers yourself - 1 wrong injection can permanently disfigure your face. And responsibility for possible complications will rest only with you. If this does not frighten you, then before the procedure it is highly advisable to take a master course. Don’t listen to a webinar, watch a video, read an article or review, but attend a live training on techniques for working safely with fillers.

Efficiency of the procedure

It is worth noting that in most cases, reviews of fillers are positive. Although for some, the result does not coincide with expectations or, on the contrary, turns out to be too “impressive”. But visual changes are noticeable after 1 procedure. The skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and nasolabial folds are significantly reduced.

Fillers do not cope well with facial wrinkles, but they give volume and clear outlines to individual parts of the face. It will take about 2 weeks for the final form to appear.

The effect lasts from 2 months to 2 years. Its duration depends on 3 factors:

  1. quality and density of filler;
  2. skills and experience of a cosmetologist;
  3. age and skin structure;
  4. following the doctor's advice.

Depending on their totality, an individual schedule of injections is selected - from 1 to 4 procedures per year.


A high-quality specialist is able to select the type of drug and course of injections in such a way that the patient “remembers” about fillers no more than 2 times a year

Possible complications

Consequences after injections are usually divided into types. The first includes unpleasant but temporary phenomena:

  1. sensation of a foreign object under the skin;
  2. edema;
  3. soreness;
  4. hematomas and bruises.

They are not always a sign of a poor-quality procedure, often expressed by the individual characteristics of the skin. And soon they disappear on their own. But the second category is nothing more than complications requiring medical attention. These include:

  1. Allergy - intolerance to a drug. Symptoms vary: from local redness to anaphylactic shock.
  2. Ischemia is a consequence of the filler being close to the vessel. It compresses the latter, which leads to the appearance of pale spots and serious problems: numbness of the skin, ulcers, hematomas, hemorrhage and tissue necrosis.
  3. Thrombosis is the entry of a drug into a vessel. The gel-like consistency “gets stuck” inside, disrupting or blocking the blood flow. The symptoms and subsequent deterioration are similar to ischemia.
  4. Blindness is a serious complication of correction of the tear trough, which occurs when the drug is accidentally administered into the artery supplying the retina. Immediately report any visual disturbances during the procedure! But remember that only hyaluronic filler can be dissolved with a special enzyme (about 15 minutes after the injection), otherwise blindness cannot be avoided.
  5. Inflammation of the skin - may be the result of an allergy or an infection. Therefore, carry out allergy tests, check sterility and do not be lazy to take care of your face during the rehabilitation period.
  6. Contouring, bumps, incorrect placement or “migration” of the drug are cases where the doctor is to blame. Problems like this usually occur when filler is injected into the wrong areas or close to the surface of the skin.
  7. Rejection is an individual reaction of the body to a foreign drug. Occurs after using synthetic or questionable fillers.


There is no need to be afraid of small hematomas and slight swelling at the injection site, but if the bruises are extensive and the swelling is severe, this is a reason for an additional visit to a cosmetologist

Complications do not necessarily appear immediately or within 1–2 weeks. In injection plastic surgery, there is a classification that distinguishes delayed effects - they can make themselves felt after a few months or even after 1 year. Therefore, to minimize the risk of unpleasant side effects, always follow a few tips:

  1. choose fillers of good purity;
  2. keep stickers and remember the names of previously administered medications;
  3. give injections only to specialists with medical education;
  4. do not ignore the cosmetologist’s recommendations, report changes occurring on your face;
  5. postpone the procedure if the immune system is weakened - seasonal infection or exacerbation of the disease;
  6. Take care of your health, do not neglect facial hygiene.


Recovery takes from 7 to 10 days. But complete rehabilitation will take about 2-3 weeks. This is enough for the swelling to go down. The need to return to a cosmetologist arises only in the event of serious complications; otherwise, rehabilitation takes place purely at home.


Swelling may occur the day after the procedure and lasts from 2 to 10 days - the duration depends on individual characteristics and the quality of the injection

Within 1 week you need to give up alcohol, spicy, hot and cold foods. The drinking regimen should be planned so that most of the liquid consumed is during the daytime, since a mug of tea before bed can trigger morning swelling. During the first 5–10 days, activities that increase blood circulation or sweating are undesirable:

They will speed up the removal of filler from the body. Laxatives, diuretics, or drugs that accelerate metabolism will have a similar effect. Don’t wear makeup for at least 2-4 days and watch your own facial expressions. In addition, during the month it is prohibited:

  1. use rough scrub and peeling;
  2. rub, knead or massage the face;
  3. do sugaring or waxing near the correction area.

Reviews of lip fillers with before and after photos

I would like to share my experience about injectable fillers based on hyaluronic acid. I couldn’t decide on them for a year. But I work in the service sector, and a colleague convinced me of the need for this procedure. Despite the fact that I am 30 years old, I have very rich facial expressions - since school I have had deep wrinkles on my forehead and nasolabial folds. But my forehead still bothered me; I even had to wear bangs. At my age, it’s somehow not serious anymore, and I’m tired of her... in general, I’ve finally gotten my act together.
The cosmetologist and I chose a not very expensive Russian-made drug, Hyaluform. Hyaluronic acid is found in our body, so injections are relatively safe. They chose the densest one they had for me - 2.5%. The drug is of good purity and, importantly, is not of animal origin.

The sensations are quite tolerable, although the nasolabial folds are a little painful. I bought Emla ointment, it is based on lidocaine, a small tube was enough for 1 procedure. My personal advice is that if you spread Emla generously and then apply cling film for 15 minutes, the pain relief effect will be much greater. The injection was made with 1 syringe with a small thin needle. Almost all of its contents were spent on the nasolabial and forehead. And the very next morning a “surprise” awaited me in the form of a swollen cheek. At first I thought it was a flux, I was very scared, because vascular ischemia or tissue necrosis could occur... let the cosmetologist tell you in detail. But in my case, the problem turned out to be an excess of knowledge, because in reality there was ordinary swelling, which went down in my cheekbones about a week after the fillers.


The swelling remained this way for 3 days, after which it gradually began to disappear

I also want to inform you that at first I fluttered out of the office and was impressed that no one was looking at me with curiosity on the subway. I forgot about the procedure, but in the morning and for the next 2 weeks I had a terrible headache and cheek pain. You can feel the filler, you have to put up with it. I had to take painkillers, but it didn’t help much. The visible effect appeared only after some time. The folds on my forehead have become smaller (honestly, I expected more), and my nasolabial folds have completely gone away. I’m very pleased with her, the nasolabial fold was very deep, but now it’s simply not there.


Whether this procedure is necessary or not is up to you, but contact only trusted cosmetologists

I concluded that they injected me too much. Perhaps this was the reason for the discomfort. It is better to divide the injection into 2 times, and choose a non-Russian drug. They explained to me that they are no different, but still I am inclined to think differently. But in general, I haven’t decided yet whether I can repeat the injections. For a month I was convinced that it was definitely not, but now I’m already thinking about it.



When choosing a filler for the nasolabial fold, you need to focus on whether it is simple or complex. Depending on the skin type - how dense, thick or thin... it is not uncommon to see a facial structure with a deep nasolabial fold. Or perhaps there is not enough volume in the zygomatic area. In each case, the techniques for dealing with the problem will be different, down to the viscosity and brand of the drug.

My advice is this: always choose a qualified doctor. Because, in my opinion, the choice of filler is important, but secondary. The cosmetologist is still primary. Otherwise, you will select the drug yourself and then take it to your specialist? What if he never stabbed him? Each filler behaves differently, we must not forget about this! Not to mention the fact that a competent, high-level doctor will never take an unknown (chosen by the client) drug. Well, he won’t train on you! Yes, even if he wants to try something new and offers you, as a good friend, to be a model on favorable terms, he will still reserve the choice of filler. After all, he is a doctor, has extensive experience working with various drugs, he has certificates and familiar colleagues. When solving your specific problem, price should not be the main consideration.

asa_2010_2010, cosmetologist


Due to my thinness and facial structure, my cheeks lost volume and became hollow. I made an appointment with my cosmetologist to solve this problem. Fix not the cheekbones, but the cheeks. Although I also gave the first ones injections of 0.4 ml on each side. But there they injected me with filler at the highest point, thereby making the depressions even more obvious.

From the preparations we chose dense Amalain hard. They numbed it with cream, made markings and pierced it with a triangle. There was no swelling, only small bruises on one side, where there was more filler - on the right the cheek was more sunken. The injection sites were very tight and hurt for 3 days. The opening time (appearance of the final form) is 2 weeks.


The promised period of preservation of the result after the introduction of Amalain hard is 1 year

I attended the procedure twice. The first time they injected 0.5 into each cheek, and at the second session they made a correction - 0.2 in the left and 0.6 in the right. I will note that I began to look much better, I no longer look like a dry lemon. Although “right cheeks” have not appeared, there are no pits that add 10 years either. Still, I would like to add another 0.2 ml, but I’ll stop for now. I want to try expanding my face using the cheekbones using the Landau technique.



The injection of filler with a cannula is really not painful and without anesthesia. Minimal trauma. And there are a lot of drugs on the market, a huge selection. Among the new ones for 2011, Essederm (Canada) is in the affordable price category. I started working with it - it is plastic in texture, holds its shape well and does not migrate. The drug is available in 4 types of viscosity. But Princess, in principle, in my experience did not cause any complaints. And the price is also reasonable. And many people had problems with Amaline before... although now the team of producers and owners has changed. Who knows, maybe the quality has improved, and you don’t have to be afraid to correct your chin with fillers.

Fillers are stored not in bottles, but in syringes. The issue of density should be decided not by the client, but by the specialist who will administer the drug. This depends on age, the area being treated, and the tasks assigned to the cosmetologist. If anything, you shouldn’t insist on using fillers; perhaps the problem area can be corrected in other ways. But, again, this can be decided in individual consultation with a doctor.

violet-ka, cosmetologist


Deciding to take “beauty injections” or not is an individual matter. Of course, fillers have a large number of side effects. And even then, whether the result will be the expected result or an expensive disappointment will be decided by the correctly selected cosmetologist and the drug. But this does not negate the fact that injection plastic surgery effectively combats both signs of age and skin defects.

What are facial fillers? (list of varieties)

What are facial fillers? Facial fillers (whose name comes from the English word “fill”) are injectable fillers that are injected subcutaneously into the areas where wrinkles have formed. The second purpose of fillers is to add volume or change the shape of the lips, cheekbones, chin and cheeks.

This is a universal remedy that allows you not only to fight the signs of skin aging, but also to emphasize, change or enlarge the shape of individual parts of the face.

Fillers have a thick gel-like structure that allows you to fill wrinkles with this substance, as well as add volume and change the shape of certain parts of the face.

What facial fillers are and what types they come in is described in detail below in the article.

What are facial fillers? (kinds)

I would like to note that once upon a time exclusively non-absorbable fillers were used. This is a biopolymer, silicone, etc.

But the problem is that they very often led to unpleasant consequences, as they migrated and an inflammatory process appeared. You can find many scary photos on the Internet.

Moreover, such troubles can be encountered even after several years. That is why they are now used extremely rarely, and they have been replaced by safe fillers, for example, based on hyaluron.

Unfortunately, many people confuse them, so there is more than one untrue myth. But they are completely safe and do not harm health. Let's look at all the filler options.

At the moment, there are 5 main types of facial fillers, based on:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. collagen;
  3. poly-L-lactic acid;
  4. calcium hydroxyapatite;
  5. polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

The global organization FDA controls production quality. She monitors the quality of produced fillers and determines the safety of using certain names.

There are several manufacturers that are widespread throughout the world. The products of some factories have received FDA approval.

Botox and filler are two different drugs, so do not confuse them.

Duration of validity of drugs

The validity period of fillers starts from 3 and reaches 12 months. It depends on a number of reasons:

  1. type of filler;
  2. product production technologies;
  3. manufacturer technologies.

Some manufacturers promise a longer lasting effect, however, the use of such products may lead to certain consequences.

The fact is that all natural fillers dissolve naturally over a certain period of time. If the chemical composition of the filler is modified and the molecules are linked into longer chains, the decay period will be longer.

This will help ensure a long period of action, but the quality of such products noticeably deteriorates - they become more viscous and are capable of forming subcutaneous lumps.

If the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist, he will be able to evenly distribute the substance in the tissues. But, if a specialist does not have enough experience, then the likelihood of unpleasant consequences increases significantly.

There are various fillers that differ in names, composition, and properties. A cosmetologist can help you choose.

Collagen fillers

Collagen is a natural protein that is part of the natural composition of the skin and determines its level of elasticity. For fillers, purified collagen is used; the validity of such preparations lasts up to 4 months.

Collagen fillers have a very short duration of action and can cause allergic reactions.

Below is a list of the most popular collagen-based products and their prices:

  1. INAMED Corporation - “Cosmoderm” and “Cosmoplast” (USA) – from $300;
  2. Johnson & Johnson - "Evolence" (USA) - has FDA approval - from $500.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are considered the most popular. Each clinic reserves the right to use different brands, however, you should carefully study the composition of the drug and then decide on the procedure.

Below are popular fillers:

  1. Medicis Pharmaceutical - "Restyline" (USA) - has FDA approval - from $300;
  2. Medicis Pharmaceutical - "Restyline Perlane" (USA) - has FDA approval - from $450;
  3. Merz Pharma - "Belotero" (UK) - has FDA approval - from $250;
  4. Inamed Aesthetics - “Juvederm” (USA) - has FDA approval - from $300.

The duration of action depends on the percentage of hyaluronic acid. The higher the percentage, the longer the period of natural resorption of the substance.

The validity period directly depends on the viscosity of the product. Viscous substances are more difficult to work with, so the doctor will need more qualifications.

Calcium hydroxyapatite fillers

It is a mineral found in human bones and teeth. Calcium hydroxyapatite particles are suspended in a special solution, and the resulting gel-like substance is injected under the wrinkles.

The most common drugs of this type are:

  1. Merz Aesthetics - “Radiesse” (USA) - received FDA approval - costs from $280.

This product does not conduct x-rays, and therefore its presence can be easily determined by x-ray. Visibility problems may arise with further dental treatment or panoramic photographs of the skull.

Therefore, when using this drug, this feature should be taken into account.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers

PLMK is a biocompatible artificial polymer. Poly-L-lactic acid is actively used in the creation of absorbable threads for suturing.

Fillers based on such material require a series of injections over several months. The visible result appears after several weeks of administration and lasts about 2 years.

The most famous are:

  1. Dermik Laboratories - “Sculptra” (USA) - received FDA approval - costs from $500.

Based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres

PPMA is an artificial polymer and is biocompatible. In medicine, it is used as a basis for creating bone cement or artificial lenses for the eyes.

Tiny particles of polymethyl methacrylate microspheres are not absorbed by the body and are part of the gel solution.

As an addition, bovine collagen is used in such fillers. The validity period of such fillers is from 5 to 10 years.

The most common drug of this group:

  1. Suneva Medical – ArteFill (USA) – FDA approved – costs from $1000 per syringe (2-3 syringes required).

This filler is used to plump up lips and remove deep wrinkles.

Results of using fillers

Photos before and after using fillers can be viewed on the website below. The effect of using the funds is observed immediately or after a certain period of time. This parameter depends on the type of substance used.

For example, fillers based on hyaluronic acid show results only the next day. This is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid, which is part of the filler, slowly absorbs moisture and fills only after a day.

Therefore, the final result is observed after this time.

PLMK type fillers must be punctured over several months. Polymethylmethacrylate microspheres also provide full results only after several injections. Reviews about the use of this product are mostly positive.

If you detect any unpleasant sensations or feelings of discomfort, you should make an unscheduled appointment with a cosmetologist to determine the presence of abnormalities.

By introducing fillers you can achieve the following goals:

  1. smooth out the skin, improve its texture;
  2. change the shape of cheeks, lips, cheekbones and other areas on the face;
  3. get rid of wrinkles;
  4. add elasticity and firmness to the skin;
  5. improve the oval of the face.

Indications for the use of fillers

Like any medications, fillers have specific indications.


  1. loss of skin elasticity, deterioration of its condition, sagging;
  2. the appearance of wrinkles;
  3. the need to enlarge certain areas of the face;
  4. asymmetry.

Contraindications (permanent and temporary)

There are constant contraindications to the procedure.


  1. immune pathologies, cancer, diabetes, hemophilia;
  2. allergies, cases where the filler was rejected;
  3. a person is prone to the appearance of keloid scars;
  4. presence of silicone in the area where filler is planned to be injected.

There are also certain temporary contraindications.


  1. period of gestation, breastfeeding;
  2. menstrual flow;
  3. recent peelings, laser resurfacing, etc.;
  4. pathologies associated with bacteria, viruses, fungi;
  5. exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Question answer

Is the filler injection procedure painful?

Is it possible to combine alcoholic drinks and fillers?

How long does the filler injection procedure take?

#5 benefits of fillers

Using fillers has a number of advantages:

  1. With the help of contour plastic surgery, you can cope with a variety of facial imperfections that are completely beyond the capabilities of mesotherapy, Botox, or another similar procedure.
  2. This is not a traumatic manipulation, which cannot be said about facial plastic surgery. That is why the patient can go home immediately after it.
  3. The face remains mobile. In the case, for example, with the use of Botox, facial expressions suffer.
  4. This rejuvenation is distinguished by a short and easy rehabilitation period. Recovery will take about 7-10 days.
  5. If the doctor makes a mistake, it is easy to correct.

3 disadvantages

Despite the advantages of manipulation and its amazing effect, the following disadvantages can be noted:

  1. There is a risk of allergies, infection, and inflammation, so it is important to see a good doctor.
  2. There may be pain and swelling in the injection area.
  3. The result is unstable. Unfortunately, to prolong the effect you will have to go for a repeat procedure.

Frequent complications (short- and long-term)

After the injection of fillers, many people experience certain consequences that disappear after some time. Here is their list:

  1. the injection site begins to hurt;
  2. itching appears, the skin turns red;
  3. bruises form;
  4. inflammation appears when bacteria enter the punctures after the needle;
  5. obtaining an asymmetric result.

It is worth waiting a while for these effects to disappear. But you may encounter long-term complications:

  1. The appearance of drug accumulations that have a white tint.
  2. Formation of nodules under the skin.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Tissue ptosis due to a large amount of filler.
  5. The appearance of vascular embolism. This happens if filler is injected into a vessel.

TOP 10 important rules for rehabilitation

To minimize complications, you should follow these rules after injections:

  1. At first, do not touch your facial skin.
  2. For the first day, refrain from wearing cosmetics.
  3. Don't sleep with your face buried in the pillow.
  4. Do not go to the sauna, solarium, or use peelings for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Don't go to the gym for a few weeks.
  6. During rehabilitation, do not swim in the pool, as you can get an infection.
  7. It is contraindicated to take blood thinning medications for about 3-4 days. In addition, they are prohibited from being consumed a week before the planned injection.
  8. Use special ointments to get rid of bruises faster.
  9. For the first couple of days, do not eat too salty foods, this will protect against severe swelling.
  10. Use cool compresses to reduce swelling.

Facial fillers in cream

Recently, you can often come across advertisements that present creams that promise to give the same effect as fillers. Facial fillers in cream are just a marketing ploy that contradicts the concept of using fillers.

As mentioned above, filler is a special substance that is injected into the skin and fills wrinkles.

A cream containing hyaluronic acid is able to moisturize the upper layers of the epidermis, but does not penetrate deep into the skin. Filling skin creases and wrinkles is impossible when using such products.

Creams can make the skin look fresher and tighter, but it is not practical to compare the effect of such products with the result of introducing fillers. Any cosmetologist and dermatologist can confirm this.

You should not blindly trust advertising companies. Before choosing one or another product, especially the more expensive one, you need to consult a cosmetologist and get recommendations.


Reviews and prices for this procedure are given below.


“I decided to inject hyaluronic acid when the first wrinkles appeared between my eyebrows. My nasolabial folds were not so pronounced, but I decided to get rid of all the problems at once.

We decided to use Restylane, since it was recommended to me a lot. The cosmetologist praised her very much, and I trust her, my friends use it (they undergo the procedure once a year), I saw the results with my own eyes, so doubts did not torment me.

I signed up for the procedure, the cosmetologist smeared the area between my eyebrows with an anesthetic gel, and started injecting me. The procedure, frankly speaking, is unpleasant. But the area between the eyebrows was okay; it hurt the most when it pricked around the lips.

I won’t say it brought me to tears, but it was difficult to bear. The cosmetologist forbade me to use creams that day and sent me home.

In the evening there was redness, the feeling was similar to irritation, but in the morning everything went away and the wrinkles were gone. There was no swelling; you couldn’t tell by eye that any drugs were injected. I’ll repeat it in a year.”


“I have long wanted to enlarge my lips, or rather, give them a little volume and correct asymmetry. Both the lower and upper lips were smaller on one side, the cosmetologist at the clinic noticed this defect herself, I didn’t even have time to tell her anything.

I first studied what fillers are, watched videos, read reviews with photos before and after use. The doctor offered me a choice of hyaluronic acid or synthetic filler. The latter was cheaper, costing about $70, and had a long shelf life.

The doctor warned that this drug would not dissolve on its own, so I chose hyaluronic acid. They then used Filorga, and my friends after me were already injected with something else.

In general, the procedure went like this: I came to the clinic in the evening, they gave me antibacterial wipes, I wiped the lower part of my face and lay down on the couch. The cosmetologist applied an anesthetic (some kind of ointment) to me for a couple of minutes.

The hyaluronic acid was in a syringe, the needle was not insulin, but thinner than usual. She injected me with less than a gram and said that by morning my lips would still be swollen. Which is exactly what happened. I went for a check-up a week later, everything went fine.

She recommended that I repeat the procedure in six months, but a year has already passed and it still seems to me that it’s too early. After the injections, you were not allowed to smoke or use creams for a day.

And so, there were no more warnings. It was a little painful, the lips are generally a painful area. But I would advise others, and I will repeat it myself.”

Before carrying out the procedure, you should collect as much information as possible about the selected drug.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

It is important to understand that there is no one best filler. Yes, some of them have gained great popularity, but it is impossible to name one the best. Some are more suitable for lips, others for cheekbones, others are ideal for eliminating dark circles under the eyes, etc. That is why a good doctor has different fillers in his arsenal and selects the product, taking into account the wishes of the patient and the area being treated. But the vast majority of cosmetologists use hyaluronic acid-based fillers in their practice.
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Michelle Green


Non-absorbable fillers were once used. But the problem is that they often migrated, provoked an inflammatory process, etc. That is why biodegradable fillers are a real breakthrough in cosmetology. These are safe fillers that are eliminated from the body in an average of 6-12 months. Today, a wide selection of such drugs is offered. But the doctor should select the appropriate remedy; entrust this task to a professional.
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Whether to use fillers or not is everyone’s choice. However, the natural substances used to create these products provide an almost complete guarantee that the procedure will be successful and no complications will arise.

Before carrying out the procedure for lip augmentation or correction of the shape of the cheekbones and chin, you must consult a cosmetologist, get recommendations and only then sign up for the procedure.

You shouldn't look for cheap solutions. In search of profit, it is very easy to meet unscrupulous performers. Before choosing a clinic or doctor, you should collect as much information as possible about them and study the work performed.

If hygiene conditions are observed in the clinic, and high-quality and well-known drugs are used during work, then you can safely agree to carry out the procedure.