Laser facial rejuvenation procedure reviews

The laser facial rejuvenation procedure smoothes small and medium wrinkles. Thanks to it, you can return the skin to a fresh look, elasticity and uniform color, and the oval of your face noticeably improves. The specialist individually selects the parameters to ensure maximum safety. The laser affects certain layers of the skin, penetrating the epidermis without affecting it. It stimulates cell renewal. Exposure to a laser beam helps slow down age-related changes in facial skin.

The essence of the technique and its features

Laser rejuvenation is one of the toughest ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. The specialist selects the temperature and depth of exposure. Only after this does the laser beam treatment of the epidermis begin. Due to the high temperature, skin cells burn out and the integument begins to renew itself.

Facial rejuvenation in this way has its contraindications and side effects, but thanks to this method you can eliminate:

  1. deep nasolabial folds;
  2. signs of demodicosis;
  3. dark spots;
  4. blackheads, pimples and acne.

After laser skin rejuvenation, slight redness remains, which disappears after 30-50 minutes. Therefore, after the procedure, the patient can go home and go about their business. After a few days, the skin will peel off a little, which is normal.

Types of laser treatment on skin

1. Fractional ablative facial rejuvenation is used to eliminate local, point defects. Cells in different areas renew themselves at different rates. In some areas the skin may be damaged, while in others it may be normal. In order to target only problem areas, a special point laser is used.

2. Laser biorevitalization is a new non-surgical technique that helps eliminate deep scars and wrinkles without the use of a scalpel. This is done through short-term impulses that remove the top layer of the epidermis. This stimulates cell division and renewal of the skin layer. Collagen production increases. In order to speed up the effect, a special composition is applied to the face. It penetrates the skin and saturates it with useful substances.

3. Non-ablative rejuvenation using long laser beams. The procedure is indicated for serious skin problems - rashes, scars and skin damage from chemicals. In this case, the entire surface of the face is covered at once.

4. Laser resurfacing is the easiest and softest treatment that can be carried out even at home if you have special equipment. A sapphire and erbium laser is used. A slight tightening of the facial skin occurs, its contour improves, fine wrinkles, crow's feet or acne are eliminated.

5. Photo exposure is also called complete fractional facial rejuvenation. The procedure is designed to give elasticity and tone to the skin.

Laser rejuvenation has its own characteristics:

  1. You need to go outside, first applying sunscreen with a high degree of protection;
  2. do not sunbathe for 2 weeks before and after rejuvenation;
  3. for three days after rejuvenation, it is forbidden to visit swimming pools and take a steam bath;
  4. You cannot take antibiotics before or after laser manipulation for 2 weeks.

Judging by reviews of cosmetic procedures on the Internet, today laser is the most effective rejuvenation technique.

Indications and contraindications for laser treatment

Indications for laser rejuvenation are:

  1. photoaging;
  2. age-related skin changes;
  3. the presence of pigment spots;
  4. wrinkles;
  5. post-acne;
  6. acne scars;
  7. decreased skin turgor;
  8. uneven complexion;
  9. vascular networks;
  10. enlarged pores.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. diabetes;
  2. worsened chronic diseases;
  3. systemic pathologies of connective tissue;
  4. tanning and visiting a solarium for 2 weeks before the procedure;
  5. exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  6. precancerous conditions;
  7. exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the body;
  8. treatment of skin diseases in the active phase;
  9. epilepsy;
  10. taking medications that increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  11. pregnancy and lactation period;
  12. tumors;
  13. chemical peel or other similar procedure less than 14 days ago;
  14. taking medications based on sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones.

It is necessary to take them into account before deciding to visit a cosmetologist.

Reviews about the procedure

After reading reviews about the laser rejuvenation method, every woman can decide for herself whether to do it or not:

“I had wrinkles, crow’s feet and a small scar on my eyebrow. The laser easily dealt with all this. I had a facelift, which now, according to my friends, looks a couple of decades younger. After laser exposure, the skin became more elastic and the complexion improved. There was no discomfort, since the cosmetologist used a cream with an analgesic.”

“After 40 years, I began to look for ways to restore skin tone and smooth out emerging wrinkles. After reading online descriptions and reviews about laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes, I decided to go to a specialist and chose a salon in my hometown. The process itself turned out to be absolutely painless, and the result was also pleasing. The wrinkles on the skin around the eyes have really smoothed out.”

“I had fractional laser rejuvenation done at a local medical center, choosing this procedure based on online reviews. There was no pain both during the process and after its completion, only a slight tingling sensation was felt. The effect was amazing. I became noticeably younger, my facial skin tightened, became fresher and smoother. I liked the fact that now I don’t need to use a large amount of cosmetics. The face already looks young and beautiful.”

“I already had deep wrinkles. The skin on the chin looked flabby, the face had lost its contours. For my birthday, my husband gave me a session of fractional rejuvenation in the salon. After that, it was as if I had found a second youth. Now I am pleased to see my reflection in the mirror. After a facelift, the face looks fresh and rested.”

Olga, Nizhny Novgorod.

“I needed to remove wrinkles in the corner of my eyes. This is a very delicate area, so it took me a long time to choose which procedure to undergo in the salon. After looking at the before and after photos, I decided on a fractional laser. As a result, the skin became smooth, toned, and wrinkles disappeared. I also liked the process of fractional influence. It was painless and quick.”

Ekaterina Meleshko, Krasnodar.

Numerous positive reviews from those who performed the procedure allow us to hope for a good result. Thanks to the technique, you can change the condition of your facial skin for the better in the shortest possible time. But if you are not yet ready for such drastic and expensive procedures, we recommend reading the review of Liftensin express rejuvenation serum, which was shared by our reader.

The effectiveness of laser rejuvenation

The results of facial rejuvenation with laser are:

  1. uniform and healthy skin color;
  2. smoothed wrinkles;
  3. narrowed pores on the face;
  4. disappearance of spider veins;
  5. elimination of pigment spots;
  6. soft and velvety facial skin.

But to achieve the best result, you need to undergo a full course of facial rejuvenation, consisting of 3-5 procedures. Half-hour sessions are carried out every 2-3 weeks. A noticeable effect can be seen after the first one.

The main advantages of this facial rejuvenation technique are:

  1. Recovery requires a minimum of time.
  2. The laser does not penetrate the deep layers of the skin, which means it does not injure them.
  3. The procedure has no restrictions on skin phototype.
  4. The technique can be used on any part of the body.
  5. There is absolutely no risk of hypopigmentation after laser treatment.
  6. The skin does not need special care.

With laser exposure, there is a possibility of developing complications. Among them are redness of the skin, peeling, swelling and slow healing. Negative phenomena disappear after 3-5 days. In order to speed up this process, special medications based on the regenerant dexpanthenol are used. It is useful to wipe your face with thermal water at home.

We also cannot exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to drugs used in laser correction. Therefore, it is recommended to test them first.

The price of laser rejuvenation is quite high. This is due to the fact that the technique involves the use of powerful equipment and other auxiliary cosmetics. However, the cost in different salons can vary significantly. It is also influenced by the volume of intervention performed and the prestige of the clinic.

Name Cost, rubles
General rejuvenation and facelift 15 000
Chin lift 6 500
Face and neck rejuvenation 18 000
Nose correction 6 000
Skin tightening around the eyes 7 000
Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes and upper eyelid 9 500
Forehead skin rejuvenation 6 000

Laser cosmetology is constantly progressing, thanks to which today there is a fairly safe, fast and affordable method of facial rejuvenation without surgery and penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis. This minimizes negative effects and promotes faster recovery.


Negative reviews

About a year ago, advertisements for a new miracle procedure began to be shown on TV very often. Spend 30 minutes of time in a hardware cosmetology office and get minus 10 years off your face. They showed photos of women BEFORE and AFTER, like heaven and earth. My mother was licking her lips, but the price was decent. I decided to please her for her birthday and paid for such a service. It’s good that I bought it with a coupon, at a discount. 4800 instead of 7407 hryvnia.

This rejuvenation is called DOT (dermal optical thermolysis), non-surgical facelift, fractional laser rejuvenation. You can read about the technology of the procedure, for example.

So here it is. The only thing my mother could say when she returned from the procedure was “why don’t you love me so much?” Her face (and even her eyelids) was red and all dotted with equally spaced small dots, as if in a net. These dots are laser-burned areas. Mom said that the skin on her face, despite the anesthesia, hurt very much.

And the next day it was terrible. the face was swollen, reddened even more, the eyes disappeared. Have you ever seen beaten drunk women with no fixed place of residence? They all look the same. This is not my comparison, my mother said so to herself. And this “beauty” lasted for about a week.

In this case, you cannot wash for 4 days, peel off the crust and apply cosmetics. Mom stayed at home for three weeks.

I bought her SPF50 cream and even with it in the sun, my mother’s skin stung (perhaps the cream did not have time to start working).

And was the game worth the trouble? No. It is only in advertising that a one-time procedure is required. In fact, the cosmetologist said that for results it needs to be repeated in six months. And then only small wrinkles will disappear. And in a month you need to do biorevitalization, which costs another 7,000.

2 months have passed. The skin has healed, the wrinkles remain - every single one. And on a sunny day, mom still can’t go outside.

And this is from the advertisement:

Indications for use of DOT technology:

deep and fine wrinkles

scars and acne

sagging, scars and stretch marks

decreased skin tone and elasticity

dilated capillaries on the face

non-contact sterile procedure

minimal recovery time (2-4 days)

minimal skin damage

unsurpassed results (comparable to a facelift)

improvement of facial skin structure and color

effective skin resurfacing, pronounced lifting

Suitable for all skin types

gives stable and long-lasting results (3-5 years)

the procedure takes only 30-50 minutes

the procedure does not require prior preparation

minimal risk of complications

minimum number of contraindications

I think there is no need to injure the skin and do peeling. Three days ago I had Dot laser resurfacing done. It hurt, but not too much. They were frozen with mesonambe. Tolerable. But it’s five times more painful than Fraxel. I did it at the highest power. At first the face was covered in a white mesh, then in red. The next day it swelled and turned purple. I didn’t wash my face for two days, waiting for a crust to form. Today is the third day. I wash my face with chlorhexidine. I dry my skin and apply Bepanten cream. It is very greasy and almost drips from your face. The cosmetologist told me that on the third day I need to roll off the crust on my face. That's what I started doing. I tried not to press too much. But I'm terribly scared. After all, under this sore there are bruises and, as it were, cuts in the skin. How not to damage it even more. It feels like there are more holes on the face from post-acne, maybe it’s bugging me, of course. Actually, I'm trying to get rid of them. So far my face doesn't make me happy at all. The cosmetologist said that don’t expect results right away, but only in a month. I’m sitting, waiting)))) The crust has not completely come off. The face looks dirty. Very very pink. If only I could post photos, but it’s not possible to do that along the way.



I did my face and chest, it was painful, but tolerable. The swelling was terrible, but I saw absolutely no effect. I was very upset about this and don’t know what procedure to do next time.



gauze effect, redness and increased sensitivity of the skin

Good afternoon, everyone reading!
I'll tell you my story of getting to know the Deka "SmartXide DOT" laser.
Preface about myself.
I have a combination skin type and a very critical attitude towards everything. In this connection, observing several shallow and small scars after pimples, I raised the problem for myself to a global scale.
I turned to a cosmetologist who was new to me, but from a very reputable medical center. This was in 2012 in January. After conducting a visual examination of my face and listening to my complaints about scars and enlarged pores, she suggested a laser resurfacing procedure (or laser peeling).
I didn’t agree right away, I decided to take a break and read reviews on the Internet about this new procedure for me and about the device itself. After reading about the effectiveness and uniqueness of this method of combating post-acne scars, I decided that I was ready for it.
I will say right away that I was not offered to do any tests or ultrasound of the skin, although the procedure itself is very serious and has many contraindications.
The only thing is that before the procedure began, I was given a questionnaire to fill out, where I had to indicate whether I was allergic to anything, had undergone surgeries, chronic diseases and taken medications. For all of the above points, I marked “no”. And at the end of this questionnaire there were several points about possible complications after the procedure, such as: swelling, redness, itching, etc. But, not a single mention of the most terrible and irreparable complication. more about him a little later.
Before the procedure, you will be given anesthesia on your face, usually Emla ointment. You will sit with her for 30 minutes. and the procedure itself will begin.
The skin of your face will be exposed to a laser beam, the strength of its penetration will depend on the parameters set on the laser device by the cosmetologist.
And, this is very, very important.
I had a “light” procedure done. You feel almost nothing, maybe a slight tingling sensation. The entire face (excluding the area around the eyes) took about 10 minutes. Afterwards, they applied a special antiseptic and soothing ointment, and that was the end of it.
Immediately after the procedure, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw that my face was all bright pink, nothing more.
The rehabilitation period passed calmly.
My face didn't hurt or itch. It was necessary to use Bepanten ointment and wait for the peeling to begin.
On the 3rd day, I noticed traces from the impact of the laser beam, small dots that were covered with a crust on top. They subsequently fell off and left no visible traces behind.
After complete rehabilitation (about 2 weeks), my skin began to look fresher and tighter. And my scars and pores seemed to have smoothed out.
In general, I was pleased with the result and did not regret spending 15,000 rubles on the procedure.
And now the terrible story begins.
After about six months, the effect of the procedure faded away. It goes without saying that all my scars and pores remained in place. I decided that since laser peeling worked so well on me the first time, I needed to repeat it. And thereby angered God.
After all, my skin still looked good, and no one except me noticed my “huge problem” in the form of these unfortunate couple of scars.
And so, exactly a year later in January, already 2013, I was again, at that time, with my cosmetologist. She decided that there was nothing better than to increase the power and depth of impact of the laser beam.
At the same time, I repeat once again, no tests or ultrasound of the skin to find out its structure and thickness.
This time it was already unpleasant, painful in places, and I could smell the smell of burning skin (how stupid, she came to burn her beautiful face herself).
Also, “Thank God” I didn’t let you touch the area around the eyes, because the skin there is especially delicate and sensitive. I can’t even imagine that it would be.
The face was not just red, it was just burgundy, everything hurt.
And you, with such a terrible burn, are simply sent home to apply Bepanten.
Now, after so many years, I understand how reckless and stupid I was (this, of course, is putting it mildly).
It was very difficult to sleep for the first week; I couldn’t bear to look at myself. You constantly think why, why, why did you do it.
Somewhere on the second day, ichor began to leak from the laser-burned dots; they did not heal for a long time and did not crust over.
The result: when the crusts came off, all that was left was redness and the most terrible “gauze mesh” effect. These are small scars in places where the laser beam was exposed.
By the way, the problem that I addressed was not resolved in any way, and everything only got worse.
To this day, the “gauze mesh” has not gone away. Although after that there were several attempts to somehow fix everything. Cosmetologists often do not admit their mistakes and lack of qualifications. It’s easier for them to blame everything on the patient himself, like you yourself did something wrong after the procedure, etc.
I do not recommend anyone to take risks for their own considerable money, for the sake of some minimal effect, and do this procedure. Especially young girls and women under 40 years old.

I am 43 years old. I decided to have this procedure because I wanted to have well-groomed skin. Moreover, I have pigmentation, and after the laser it (as they say) goes away.
So, in order:
They did this procedure for me for about 30 minutes. (it hurts, especially on the temples, on the eyelids, under the eyes) - where the skin is thin. I left there with a red face and bought Bepanten cream, which I was advised to use for 3 days until the redness went away. The next day, swelling was added to the redness, well, I thought, okay, what can’t you endure for the sake of beauty))) I heavily smeared myself with Bepanten. On the 3rd day, the redness and swelling became less. On the 4th day, the skin began to peel off, peeling off in “scabs”—there was no more redness. I made a mask with hyaluronic acid (as the cosmetologist advised). 10 days have passed, and I’m still waiting for me to look younger)))) it’s probably too early. (with irony)
Now I look at my face objectively, and here are the results:
The pigmentation became paler, but not much.
My skin is clear, but I have the same effect after Badyagi-Forte.
The wrinkles have not disappeared anywhere, they have not decreased by a millimeter.
And today I met a friend who saw me a month ago, and she said to me: “You look bad today, aren’t you sick?” ))))
Here comes rejuvenation! Is it worth enduring the pain, then sitting at home for at least 4 days, your face burning, for the sake of such an effect. And it costs a lot of money too. I decided that no more!

Before my next visit to a cosmetologist, I decided to find time and write a review about such a widely advertised “panacea” procedure - dermal optical thermolysis (DOT) rejuvenation. I’ll say right away that I did 4 Fraxel procedures - on a device from the Italian manufacturer DEKA. Moreover, 3 of them were for DOT thermolysis, and I paid the last 9.5 thousand hard-earned rubles for a new procedure - DOT_rejuvenation (laser RADIO WAVE optical thermolysis). So my review will be useful for those who are looking for information about Dota .. and about the relatively new DROT rejuvenation procedure.

So, about me. 25 years, of which the last 10 years have been severe inflammation, oily skin, as a result of numerous post-acne - atrophic scars that prevent me from living with my “ugly” appearance and which I so want to get rid of.

After remission, my choice fell on a local clinic, which about a year ago offered DOT rejuvenation (read: getting rid of all existing skin problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven complexion, post-acne, and oh my God! scars) for 6.5 thousand rubles for the cheeks and 12 for the whole face. Since the problem is only on my cheeks, I went to do the procedure on them) The doctor took a photograph of me before the first procedure - she said that everything would be fine) - she smeared anesthetic ointment on her cheeks - 40 minutes under the film (to numb everything) - and off we went. The procedure was painful, I wasn’t scared. The smell of burnt skin - whoever did it will understand - is not pleasant, they move the nozzle over the face, you hear the sound of a working laser and smell YOUR scorched skin) if even the first time, I thought that there was no life left on me places...and skin...that everything has been removed. This is wrong ! a beam of controlled depth - the parameters are set at the start - you can make it so that there is not even a crust (like a re fine laser, it is very weak), or you can burn everything to the point of bloody dew. If the doctor is not a murderous maniac, then initially he makes an adequate depth of penetration of the beam, and everything will be fine. For those who are going to do it for sure, I can recommend asking to do it on more powerful parameters, the chances of success are greater. But what is considered success? But not about that. I'm ready to move everything if it works. After the procedure, the skin turns red; when you go home, it swells within a day. It swells a lot! Attention! That the scars are NOT visible... there is absolutely a tumor and a small brown crust on the skin that gradually disappears. I remember how happy I was - the swelling, if my memory serves me right, lasted for about 3-4 days the first time - and my face was smooth!! I ran to the mirror - yes, there were no scars visible! God, what a feeling it is - that everything has passed, only a person who has suffered can understand this. So, a red swollen face - no unpleasant sensations (for me) a fine mesh on the face, after the crust has gone off (this is about 4-6 days, no more, and this time will be reduced. for the first time the face was very red. on the third, 5 days passed and there was practically no redness). The operating principle of the DECA laser is a small network of laser pulses that should stimulate the production of your own collagen and “burn” all skin imperfections. So, apart from the mesh, which did not cause me any inconvenience personally, and a small tumor, there were no undesirable consequences. Absolutely smooth face.

A week later, everything returned to its place. The redness of the demarcation line (the difference between the skin where it was done and where it wasn’t __) remained, and the scars returned to their place.

I repeated it 2 more times at intervals of half a year. There is no effect. The tumor, the apparent cure - it all disappears. In a week, someone says in a month.

I just wanted to warn girls, young people suffering from the same problem, looking for a solution - that Fraxel will not get rid of scars. As they say on the Internet, only grinding under anesthesia, up to the very papillary layer of the dermis, may help, I haven’t done it. To be honest, I’m afraid to do it because anesthesia doesn’t impress me. So, neither peelings (I did TCA a couple of times, nothing at all, it greatly provokes inflammation) nor Fraxel will help. Moreover, it is very expensive. To be fair, I will say that there is an effect of renewed skin - my pores are not wide, I don’t know how it works - but it doesn’t work on scars on the cheeks... just a peeling effect after a tumor)) I don’t know how to say it. That's all.

If you still cling to this opportunity to get rid of scars (if there are any, especially deep ones), you think that it will definitely help you, there is only one piece of advice - do it at the maximum parameters that your doctor will allow you, take care of your skin accordingly as the doctor says after the procedure. Perhaps without trying, you won't be convinced.

My resume is like a procedure for removing scars - rating 1. So widely advertise something that cannot help get rid of scars... and be so cruelly disappointed.

P.s. It turned out to be a lot of text, next time, or in the next topic, I’ll write about DROT rejuvenation... I did it out of desperation (nothing else will help anyway), again, widespread advertising of a completely new procedure. And from the desire to do at least something to get rid of scars...

Please do not judge strictly, this is my first review. If you have any questions, write and I will answer.


A woman of any age wants to see beautiful facial skin in the mirror, but not everyone is ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

In this case, fractional rejuvenation through the use of laser will come to the rescue, which in modern cosmetology occupies one of the first places in anti-aging procedures.

The content of the article:

Types and methods of influence

There are two methods of photothermolysis, each suitable for different applications. A cosmetologist will help you make the right choice in favor of the optimal option at your initial appointment.


Ablative photothermolysis

A network of microdamages with the help of a laser affects exclusively the upper layers of the epidermis, forcing it to regenerate in a short time.

The result appears after the first procedure, as soon as the wounds heal.

Non-ablative photothermolysis

This method is a slightly more serious intervention. The laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, ignoring the cells outside.

The lesions also promote the production of elastin and collagen, as with ablative photothermolysis.

The healing process lasts longer and the effect is more pronounced. Suitable for removing serious problems on the face.



Any person who wants to look younger without major lifts can resort to this method.

Fractional laser treatment combats many imperfections on the face, including:

  1. severe wrinkles on the forehead;
  2. nasolabial folds;
  3. a thread of crow's feet around the eyes;
  4. epidermis “flowing” down;
  5. skin pigmentation, scars, scars, spider veins;
  6. problem of enlarged pores, acne.

Read here for details about yellow peeling - what it is and for what purposes it is performed.


Like any other external influence on the body, fractional laser rejuvenation has its contraindications, in the presence of which it is prohibited to resort to such a procedure.

This may include:

  1. the presence of serious inflammation on the face;
  2. infectious, fungal skin lesions;
  3. diseases of the epidermis - psoriasis, eczema;
  4. excessive dry skin;
  5. malignant neoplasms in the body;
  6. history of epilepsy;
  7. heart diseases;
  8. varicose veins on the face;
  9. herpes in the acute stage;
  10. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  11. immunodeficiency states;
  12. bronchial asthma, serious allergic reactions;
  13. neurological diseases.

Sometimes you should first undergo treatment for skin problems or wait for remission of chronic diseases, after which rejuvenation is still carried out.


Since the intervention is not a surgical operation, no extensive preparation is required. Initially, you should consult a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin and also give recommendations on the necessary photorejuvenation method.

The patient is obliged to tell the doctor about all conditions and diseases in the medical history, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases over the past six months.

If there are any, the specialist will advise you to visit specialized doctors to assess the safety of the procedure.

You should also take a blood and urine test to identify or exclude inflammatory processes in the body. The date for the first visit is then set.

Carrying out


Fractional laser skin rejuvenation in the facial area is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, the patient comes, is treated, and then goes home.

First, the cosmetologist will apply an anesthetic cream or ointment based on lidocaine to the epidermis.

In fact, the procedure is not overly painful, so sometimes therapy is carried out without this stage.

Then the patient lies on the couch, and the specialist adjusts the depth of penetration of the laser beam using a special device. The device is aimed at certain areas of the epidermis, deep into which the laser penetrates.

Manipulations last from half an hour or more, depending on how much area needs to be treated with the device. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation, as well as an unpleasant odor.

Immediately after the session, a network of red dots is visible on the face, the skin is red and slightly swollen, so it is better to take care of the method of returning home in advance.

In the video, watch how the procedure is carried out and find out the opinion of a specialist about the rejuvenation method.

Appliances used

The subsequent effect depends a lot on the equipment used for fractional rejuvenation.

If a clinic is using an unknown device, the patient should think carefully. Otherwise, the consequences may remain on the skin for life.

Laser options:

  1. Matrix – offers rejuvenation without visual marks on the face, eliminates wrinkles and corrects oval shape;
  2. SmartxideDot – equipment patented in Russia, the device generates a unique pulse shape;
  3. Palomar Star – multifunctional device, suitable for hair removal, pigmentation, skin treatment and rejuvenation;
  4. Asclepion Dermablate Effect – suitable for affecting the most delicate areas of the skin;
  5. Dermablate Lifting – foreign equipment that combines radiofrequency lifting, as well as an ablative method of influence.

In this publication you will learn about myostimulation - what it is and when its use is justified.

Possible complications

Fractional rejuvenation does not exclude complications. In some cases they are normal and go away within a few days.

Others develop due to the inexperience of the cosmetologist or lack of proper facial care during the rehabilitation period.

What is not the norm:

  1. severe pain or swelling at the site of laser beam exposure;
  2. damage does not heal in two weeks;
  3. pigmentation and scars appeared.

Such consequences disappear on their own within 1-2 weeks, leaving behind no visual imperfections.



The outcome of the procedure is greatly influenced by the behavior of the patient himself. He must carefully monitor the skin, protect it from aggressive environmental influences, and not apply decorative cosmetics during healing.

  1. For the first three days, the wound should be lubricated with d-panthenol-based ointment, it will promote the speedy healing of microdamages. Subsequently, it is recommended to use a light moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, which was recommended by the cosmetologist.
  2. Washing is not prohibited. For 2 weeks, the epidermis should not be exposed to strong heat, so it is better to refrain from baths and saunas, and do not take hot baths.
  3. You shouldn't go outside without sunscreen, and it is better to choose protection from 50. If this is not done, hyperpigmentation will appear. The cosmetic product should be applied until complete healing, even if it is winter outside.



The result can be noticed immediately after healing, if the imperfections were not very pronounced. Deep wrinkles or scars must be removed through several procedures.

Visually, the skin is smoother, has a natural color, the face is tightened and visibly blooms in 99% of cases.

One percent is allocated to unforeseen circumstances, inadequate care, and the lack of qualifications of the doctor.

Advantages of the method

Many patients are captivated by this method due to its significant advantages that are worth noting. By choosing photothermolysis, a person receives the following:

  1. low cost with high efficiency;
  2. painlessness;
  3. the effect of even one procedure;
  4. non-invasive;
  5. no strong side effects.

Besides, laser exposure solves several problems at once aesthetic component of the epidermis, which cannot but rejoice.


If you choose the wrong clinic for rejuvenation or do not strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations, you can develop huge pigment spots on half of your face, which will not be easy to remove.

Another disadvantage is the incomplete result from one procedure for deep depressions, scars and wrinkles.

The price varies significantly depending on the region of Russia, the professionalism of the staff and the popularity of the clinic where the procedure will be performed.

On average, one-time treatment of the entire facial area will cost the client 8-10 thousand rubles, if there is a need for several visits, the cost is reduced by 10-20% per session.

It is recommended to carefully select a cosmetology establishment, since savings can lead to serious consequences.

In the video, the cosmetologist answers frequently asked questions about laser rejuvenation techniques.

Review of opinions

Fractional rejuvenation is gaining increasing popularity in cosmetology. Every year more and more women choose laser instead of a surgical scalpel.

Have you had a similar experience? Share your opinion about this procedure in the comments.