Silicone based foundation

Every day, girls all over the world apply foundation to even out their shade and disguise possible imperfections on their face. Since this product is in constant contact with the skin, it is important that it is as safe as possible and does not contain harmful components in its composition. A foundation without silicones and parabens will be the best option for use every day.

What is silicone used for?

The foundation performs many functions and gives the face a beautiful, healthy and fresh look. Many manufacturers of cosmetic products add silicone and other harmful components to the composition, which can contribute to the appearance of blemishes on the skin.


This ingredient performs the following functions:

  1. improves consistency;
  2. facilitates the process of application and distribution;
  3. softens the skin;
  4. protects against the harmful effects of external factors with the help of a film formed on the surface;
  5. gives it a silky and velvety feel;
  6. cosmetics become waterproof;
  7. smoothes out existing wrinkles and creases.

Silicone, which is found in cosmetic products in small quantities, will not harm normal skin. However, if you have a dry, oily or combination type, you should avoid using such products. Foundation without silicones will not clog pores and will not aggravate the condition of problematic skin.

Silicones and parabens are chemical components that can aggravate skin conditions. They can cause itching, irritation, redness and a severe allergic reaction. Constant use causes product residues to clog into the pores and inflammation or blackheads may occur.


Natural foundation without silicones does not create a film on the face, which can adversely affect the health of the skin. Bacteria can develop under such a film, and the risk of an allergic reaction or inflammation increases several times. Silicone perfectly smoothes the surface of the skin, but this is only a visible effect, while cosmetics without harmful components can improve its condition.

List of the best products

The cosmetic market offers a huge number of foundations without silicones. This helps girls easily choose the right product.


Thanks to reviews from customers and professional makeup artists, you can create a list of products without harmful components that contain:

  1. Physician's Formula CC Cream.
  2. Radiant cream Dr. Hauschka.
  3. Kiehl's BB cream.
  4. BB cream SO'BiO.

These are representatives of the most popular foundations without silicones, which are presented on the global cosmetic market. They are in great demand because they give the skin a beautiful and healthy appearance without causing harm or aggravating its condition.

Physician's Formula CC cream

The American brand of natural cosmetics develops unique formulas that allow decorative products to provide excellent skin care. This silicone-free foundation is suitable for combination skin, does not clog pores and does not cause inflammation. It does not contain harmful components, fragrances, chemical dyes and flavors that can adversely affect its condition.


Manufacturers claim that it does not cause allergic reactions and has been tested by world dermatologists. Silicone-free foundation perfectly evens out the natural shade, improves appearance and gives a beautiful glow. The composition contains moisturizing and sunscreen components, antioxidants, disinfecting ingredients that are absolutely safe for the skin. The consistency of the cream allows it to be easily applied to the face using your fingertips. Directions for use: Apply to cleansed skin and distribute evenly. It effectively fights imperfections, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and nourishes cells with useful minerals. The presence of natural ingredients is confirmed by a short shelf life of 3 months. It is easily removed from the skin and does not clog pores.

Dr. Hauschka

This silicone-free foundation is incredibly popular among girls with dry and problem skin. The composition contains jojoba oil, coconut oil, herbal and plant extracts, minerals, moisturizing components and a complex of essential oils. It intensively moisturizes cells, evens out the natural shade, adds radiance and effectively fights inflammation.


The consistency of the cream is quite light, making it invisible on the skin and adapts to its tone. The color palette allows girls to easily choose the right shade. Apply it to a cleansed face using your fingers or a makeup brush. Reviews of the foundation without parabens and silicones show that it perfectly moisturizes, hides enlarged pores and pigmentation, evens out the tone, does not crease throughout the day and gives a rested look.

Buyers note that Dr. Hauschka allows the skin to breathe and does not cause allergic reactions even on the most sensitive skin type. Cosmetologists claim that foundation can nourish cells with useful components, eliminate existing imperfections and give the face a natural glow.

BB cream Kiehl's

This product is new to the cosmetic brand’s assortment, but has already gained popularity among customers. The silicone-free foundation is available in three shades that suit almost every skin color. The manufacturer claims that the product is designed to care for any skin type and contains only natural ingredients. It quickly and easily spreads over the skin and adapts to its natural tone, laying down like a light, invisible veil.


The list of ingredients includes moisturizing agents, a complex of vitamins and minerals, antibacterial components and a high sun protection factor. The only disadvantages of Kiehl's silicone-free foundation are its specific smell, which can cause discomfort during use, and its rather high cost. But its effectiveness outshines its shortcomings, and girls buy it for daily use. The skin becomes moisturized, the tone is evened out, and its condition improves. With long-term use, it evens out facial wrinkles, prevents inflammation and does not clog pores.

BB cream SO’BiO

A mattifying, silicone- and oil-free foundation designed for oily skin that is prone to breakouts and blemishes. Girls note that it perfectly evens out the shade, hides acne and pigmentation, prevents the appearance of oily sheen and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The consistency of the cream is quite thick, but it is easily distributed in any way, does not clog pores and does not roll into wrinkles.


The composition contains no harmful components, it is enriched with moisturizing components, herbal and plant extracts, and the base is chamomile water. The product has been tested by international cosmetologists and dermatologists and is absolutely safe for the skin, as confirmed by the certificate emblem on the packaging. After application, the cream hides enlarged pores, evens out the shade and is completely invisible on the face. The foundation can disguise redness and dark circles under the eyes. The skin is pleasant to the touch, moisturized and has an attractive appearance. With constant use, it improves its condition and restores the natural protective functions of cells. SO'BiO silicone-free foundation prevents oily shine, inflammation and does not clog pores. It does not emphasize flaking, hides pigmentation and does not require setting with powder. Girls note that it lasts throughout the day even in the hot summer.


Foundation without silicones and other harmful components is preferred by most girls and professional makeup artists around the world. Thanks to its natural composition, high quality, performance of all declared functions and safety, it is in great demand. Cosmetic companies produce organic foundations that improve the condition of the skin, do not cause allergic reactions and take excellent care of it throughout the day.


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Friday, February 25, 2011 21:24 + to quote book

Do you like silicone-based foundation? Have you ever thought about whether silicone is safe?

I categorically do not hide the fact that I am an ardent fan of silicone-based foundations. Yes, and I’m not shy about it)))) Well, why, you should have seen the girls’ faces under the silicone, it’s just super. No, really, silicone very well evens out the surface of the skin with all its imperfections, and in general its texture cannot be compared with conventional foundations, and the skin looks elastic. This is such a magical effect.

Why did I suddenly bring up the topic of silicone? Because this is not the first time I have come across conversations that silicone is harmful and causes terrible allergies and other nasty things of various sizes. I’ve been using silicone not just for a long time, but for a very long time, so that I can adequately evaluate the use of foundations based on it. So, in total, I have been using silicone tone for 10 years, and it has been tested not only on my clients, but also when working with models (that is, in critical situations, where there is a lot of bright light, it’s hot (when photography), on the catwalk, etc.), and, of course, on your beloved. I have noted such positive aspects of using this cosmetic product (I use Atelier - Waterproof tone-fluid, I wanted to buy MUFE quite recently, but for some reason I was greedy for 30 ml. I gave 580 UAH. The redneck happened to me at that moment), so, I can say that the tone easily lies on the surface of the skin, spreads easily (much easier than other types of foundations, since it kind of spreads unnoticed, you just need to fill it with a spreader), accordingly, it does not form clear boundaries, and retains its original appearance for a long time on the skin, does not smear under spotlights, and holds up well at weddings (by the way, brides just squeal from it).

They say that silicone clogs pores. All this is nonsense, I have studied a lot of literature about the silicone that is used in cosmetics and I can say that the molecules of this very silicone are negligibly small in order to clog something somewhere, especially pores. Yes, I don’t argue, this kind of foundation washes off a little worse than others, but that’s if we wash it off with warm water and soap, or cold water in general, but if we use a cosmetic product, as smart girls do, then everything will go fine.” hooray".

By the way, I would like to note once again that foundations with silicone are generally recommended for people with acne-prone sensitive skin, as well as for those ladies who have recently undergone cosmetic surgery and are in the recovery period, that is, all sorts of lifts and so on and so forth, and all because this type of foundation is much softer and more flexible. Silicone tint is also recommended for women with rosacea as it can reduce redness, irritation and burning. And the redness here is removed not by pigment, if anything, but by the properties of silicone.

If you suddenly bought a silicone tone and it caused you irritation or some kind of unpleasant sensation, then believe me, it’s not the silicone that’s to blame, but the additives that are in addition to it in this cosmetic product, in particular aromatic fragrances (that’s why I love the professional one because there is no such crap there). By the way, I want to note that in general there is not a single truly hypoallergenic product in cosmetics, so do not relax, if you read this beautiful word on the packaging, immediately forget it. If cosmetics were truly hypoallergenic, then they would not contain all the ingredients that they do. Think about the meaning of this word for yourself, and then read the composition of any cosmetic product. And now some facts. So to speak, to dispel the myths completely. Here is a small list of components of cosmetics that can cause allergic reactions))))

Petrolatum (Vaseline), Paraffinum liquidum (liquid petroleum jelly), Talc (Talc), Borax (Borax - used more often in bleaching products), Propyleneglycol (Propylene glycol), Lanoline (Lanolin), Methylchoroisothiazolinone (antibacterial substance). As you know, petroleum jelly is a product of petroleum refining, so highly purified, so-called white petroleum jelly is safe, while there are not so thoroughly purified varieties of yellow petroleum jelly that have carcinogenic properties. Therefore, it should be noted here that, in terms of the composition of the cream, you can only rely on the manufacturer, how high-quality raw materials he uses in his products.

Borax and its compounds, used in medicine and as a food additive (E285 is prohibited in a number of countries, can cause not only severe dermatitis, but is also a toxic substance that destroys kidney and liver cells).

Talc – According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, using talc in powders increases the risk of cancer by 60%. It is believed that liquid forms of cosmetics containing talc are relatively harmless, but can cause allergic reactions.

Propylene glycol - absorbed through the skin damages cell membranes, causing rash and itching, in addition, causes destruction of liver and kidney cells (has a very small molecular weight, which allows it to be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, subsequently excreted through the kidneys), and when interaction with other substances in cosmetic preparations forms carcinogenic compounds.

Lanolin itself is harmless, but can be contaminated with carcinogenic pesticides (as laboratory tests have shown on lanolin samples) and cause skin rashes.

Isopropylmyristate is easily absorbed into the skin, causing irritation and “collecting” toxic substances.

Methylchoroisothiazolinone - its carcinogenicity has not been proven, but it is a recognized fact that it has a high irritant reaction on the skin, even at low concentrations. People with sensitive skin should pay attention to this.

After reading the composition of creams, as well as other cosmetics from inexpensive brands and outstanding manufacturers, you will easily notice that at least one of the above substances can be found in the composition.

I hope that now you feel completely better and you definitely won’t be afraid to buy silicone-based foundation)))))))


A woman should always be beautiful, but sometimes the presence of pimples or other skin defects can significantly spoil her appearance. In order to avoid all this, it is enough to use such a modern cosmetic product as foundation. Today, this product is extremely popular, since the unique composition of the foundation helps to eliminate any defect in the image in a matter of minutes. Therefore, every girl’s dream to have a beautiful view has become a reality.


Foundation is made exclusively from natural ingredients on an oil or water basis, thanks to which the product is completely safe to use and does not cause allergic reactions. The foundation without silicones with minerals received good reviews. The mineral composition of the product is selected in such a way that, in addition to masking imperfections, this cream has a healing effect on skin cells.

In addition, collagen, which is the main component of the product, makes the skin taut and elastic, eliminating the signs of the first wrinkles.



Types of composition

Before deciding on the choice of foundation, you need to carefully study its composition. As a rule, this cosmetic product is selected depending on the skin type and its natural tone. Therefore, for each skin type there is a certain type of cream. Today there are drugs for:

  1. for mature and problematic skin;
  2. for fatty type;
  3. for dry epidermis.

The main purpose of foundation is to eliminate and disguise skin defects. In the case where the skin structure is oily, the cosmetic product must reliably eliminate excess oiliness and give the face a matte tint. This product contains special modern components that act like a blotter and absorb fat throughout the day. In addition, in the composition of well-known brands you can also find various plant microelements that reduce sebum secretion.



Most foundations designed for oily skin contain particles of volatile silicone. They allow you to create a well-groomed effect on your face, quickly evaporate from the applied surface, and mask age spots well.

It should be noted that such products are made without a fat base; they do not contain animal or vegetable oils, but other oily substances are often found.

For example, dimethicone and silicone cyclomethicone. These microelements give the face a natural, dry appearance. Fat absorbers such as starch, talc, kaolin and special polymers also combat excess fat. Representatives of this skin type should remember that they should use foundation with extreme care and caution. Excessive application of the drug can lead to clogged pores, which in turn can ruin your makeup.





Foundation for dry skin types is developed using a special formula; its main effect is aimed at moisturizing cells, so it often has a runny consistency. The product contains hyaluronic acid and vitamins. When applying such a product, an invisible film is created on the face that retains moisture, while the cells are fully provided with oxygen. The same applies to mature skin; foundation creams without parabens are produced for its care. They tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Vitamins A and E and reflective pigments are added to the products, which not only eliminate dark circles under the eyes, but also hide all visible facial defects. The face takes on a light, radiant appearance.

Making beautiful makeup for mature skin is not easy, but modern cosmetics quickly cope with this. To do this, cosmetologists recommend using a cream that contains pigments that do not penetrate deep into the skin. Thanks to its unique composition, the applied product gently covers the face with a moist shell and does not settle inside wrinkles.

Most preparations for mature skin are made on the basis of antioxidants, so their constant use provides beauty and youth to the face.




Foundation for problem skin includes many therapeutic elements. This is not only green tea, grape seed oil, but also various antioxidants, vitamins E, A, C. As for other plant components and oils, they are not included in this product. This is because problematic skin is prone to clogged pores, so an oily foundation can cause harm to it. It is important to study the composition of the cream and select it correctly.

The quality of any foundation is determined by its composition, so before using it, it is advisable to make sure that the product contains such important trace elements as zinc, iron, color pigments, as well as natural oils and fats, which ensure a smooth, even surface. In addition to all this, certain types of fiber and emulsifiers can be additionally added to the foundation to provide compaction and adhesion. Antioxidants are also an essential component of the drug. Thanks to them and preservatives, the cream retains its universal characteristics longer. Most well-known brands have added triclosan and salicylic acid to improve the quality of foundation. Thanks to these components, the drug can be used as a bactericidal agent; it is recommended to apply it to problem areas of the skin to eliminate acne.




During the summer season, it is best to give preference to a foundation that contains vitamins, sunscreens and enzymes. They actively protect cells from aging, ensure their full functioning, and also have a lifting effect. As a result of this makeup, the skin becomes smooth, toned and healthy.

How to choose?

Foundations are produced according to various recipes and consist of many components, but in order for the product not to cause harm, you must first decide what role it will play. It could be:

  1. tone alignment;
  2. skin hydration;
  3. elimination of defects;
  4. regulation of fat production;
  5. protection from external factors.


The composition of the product will depend on these indicators. So, to even out your complexion, it is best to choose products with silk proteins and photochromic pigments. To nourish and moisturize the skin, you need to choose products that contain vitamins and herbal ingredients. And if the foundation must perform a protective function from the sun, products with special barrier enzymes are recommended.

Before using any foundation, it is recommended to carefully study its composition, choose the right one for your skin type and apply it to your face as recommended by cosmetologists and makeup artists.

This video will show you how to choose the perfect foundation: