Tablets for irritability and aggression

Treatment of aggression at the Bray Clinic is carried out using specially developed proprietary psychotherapeutic methods. Treatment of aggression in the clinic is always successful. Hospital replacement methods and technologies of restorative medicine are used. In severe cases, treatment of aggression is recommended in an extended day hospital.

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Treatment of aggression


Some statistics

Average statistical data show that approximately 5-10% of adults suffer from a wide variety of personality disorders (psychopathy).

People suffering from this pathology usually do not understand the full extent of their disease and therefore do not consider it necessary to contact doctors for help. Persons suffering from psychopathy are much more common among drug addicts and offenders, as they are the least socially adapted.

Mental illnesses bring about serious changes in thinking and behavior, and the development of successful treatment methods is possible only with the consent of the patient. The mechanism of the disease psychopathy has not yet been fully elucidated, so here we will consider only a few of the most probable versions.

Causes of aggression

The causes of aggression, manifestations of hysterical outbursts and impulsiveness are often hidden from superficial diagnosis.

The source of these diseases most often depends on slowing reactions to external and internal stimuli. It is believed that people who experience a “thirst for adventure” are most susceptible to this disease.

The desire to experience ever new excitement begins to constantly take possession of these people. Gradually, this desire overwhelms them so much that they begin to have difficulty restraining themselves. Unfortunately, they do not see themselves from the outside, and therefore blame others for everything.

Aggressive and self-destructive behavior, impulsiveness on the one hand and lack of guilt on the other hand, lead these people to a variety of antisocial behaviors.

A lot also depends on hereditary predisposition. If among relatives there are people with borderline psychopathy, then impulsive behavior with elements of aggression is a hereditary trait. Therefore, the treatment of aggression will sometimes directly depend on the causes of its occurrence.

Mechanisms of occurrence of aggression and hostility

1. Disorder of electrical activity of the brain, especially in its temporal region (temporal lobe epilepsy). Such changes are characteristic of such types of psychopathy as antisocial and borderline. They arise as a result of stimulation of disturbances in electrical impulses in the limbus due to a substance such as procaine. Treatment of aggression of this type is based on the effect on the concentration of this substance.

2. Interruption of serotonergic transmission leads to the onset of threatening behavior or suicide, which is manifested by increased levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the CSF.

3. People who experience a “thirst for adventure” are susceptible to disturbances in the transmission of secondary impulses in the noradrenergic system. The rate and frequency of GH secretion in response to the administration of clonidine when treating aggression correlates with the degree of aggressiveness.

4. Frequent impulsiveness and some aggressiveness most likely appear as a result of advanced childhood hyperactivity. In the future, such conditions can develop into antisocial psychopathy. This also needs to be taken into account when treating aggression.

Drug treatment of aggression in the clinic

The main treatment of aggression, depending on the pathology with which it manifests itself
Aggression is a behavior by which many psychopathies are classified today.

Effective drug treatment of aggression depends on the rational use of drugs from various groups: antipsychotic, anticonvulsant, psychostimulant, MAO inhibitors, serotonergic, and lithium.
Aggression in rare cases is also a sign of psychosis developing against the background of psychopathy.

This occurs in cases where the patient faces an obstacle that he cannot overcome due to his inability to adequately respond to external stimuli. In this case, treatment of aggression is possible with the use of antipsychotics, which reduce the intensity of psychosis. They eliminate aggressiveness due to a nonspecific sedative effect.

As a result of taking antipsychotics during inappropriate behavior, the number of aggressive outbursts and other forms of uncontrolled behavior is noticeably reduced, especially in street people prone to schizophrenia.

Treatment of aggression with such drugs in this particular case is effective.
An independent study found that psychopathically aggressive people experience an acute deficiency of serotonin.

Serotonergic drugs are widely used in the treatment of aggression in such individuals.

For example, a drug such as fenfluramine is indicated for the presence of suicidal motives in behavior, and fluoxetine is indicated for borderline psychopathy, which is accompanied by impulsive behavior and self-destruction.
Often, aggressive people have a developmental defect or acquired organic damage to the nervous system, which is manifested by an inability to adequately perceive internal and external stimuli.

In such cases, psychostimulants are widely used.
When aggressive behavior is accompanied by epileptic abnormalities on the EEG, and there are corresponding anamnestic data, anticonvulsants are used in treatment. To replace the old drug phentoin, carbamazepine has become widely used, which inhibits attacks of aggressiveness, suicidal thoughts, and also helps to maintain self-control.
For emotional instability and a tendency to aggressive behavior, lithium preparations are used.

Such conditions are considered a precursor to borderline psychopathy. Its effectiveness has been proven experimentally, as a result of its use in a closed group of people in prison.


Not recommended medications for treating aggression

The use of tricyclic antidepressants is not recommended.

It has been reliably proven that their use in the presence of impulsiveness and aggressiveness of various origins in a person’s behavior, as a manifestation of any type of psychopathy, will only contribute to the intensity of the increase and manifestation of symptoms of these pathological conditions.

In people with this disease, when prescribed drugs of this series, for example, amitriptyline, antisocial aggressive behavior may increase, and thoughts of suicide may appear.

Therefore, it is first necessary to accurately establish the true causes of the development of psychopathy with the manifestation of aggressiveness. To do this, the doctor must carefully and comprehensively examine the person and constantly monitor the treatment, noting all changes in behavior, mood and thought processes. It is especially important to carry out monitoring at the beginning of treatment, when the body is adapting to the prescribed drugs and there is an increased risk of an unexpected patient reaction to the drug being used.

In any case, treatment should be selected only individually and only in a face-to-face consultation with an experienced psychotherapist after a thorough diagnosis of the person’s condition.

The Brain Clinic has all the means and conditions for the treatment of various types of psychopathy, which manifest themselves with both a pronounced degree of aggression and manifestations of hostility or increased irritability.

Treatment of aggression

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Treatment of aggression in the clinic is possible on an outpatient basis, outpatient clinic, or in a hospital.

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Modern man, in the busy rhythm of life, is increasingly exposed to stress and often his emotional state leaves much to be desired. But many are ashamed to admit this, so they look for information on the Internet, which helpfully offers various sedatives, sometimes of dubious quality, and at a very high price. In order to protect the health of my readers and protect them from unnecessary expenses, I have collected inexpensive and quite effective sedatives in this article.

The principle of action of sedatives

In medical language, pills for irritation and nervousness are called sedatives. They have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system and reduce excitation of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, a person can take control of his emotions and soberly assess the situation. Sedatives also work well for sleep disorders. The only thing to remember when taking sedatives is that they are not compatible with all medications, so if you must take any medications other than sedatives, please consult your doctor, even if you decide to take mild sedatives, such as:

Over-the-counter anti-anxiety medications

If the diseases are not very serious, then more often a person prefers to “prescribe” sedatives to himself, guided by the advice of friends or a pharmacist at a pharmacy. On the one hand, you can buy sedatives without a very strong effect without a prescription, but, on the other hand, these drugs have a minimum of side effects, are not addictive and do not lead to withdrawal symptoms. In this section, we will look at what exactly a pharmacist can sell you without a prescription.

Herbal sedatives

Plants to calm the nervous system began to be used many centuries ago; today's pharmacological industry successfully uses centuries of experience and offers many drugs based on the most effective plants with a sedative effect. The most popular of them:

Medicines based on valerian, even in ancient times it was noticed that valerian root is able to bring peace and good spirits; it was believed that the plant is able to “control thoughts.” Today, infusions, tablets for irritability and nervousness, and extracts are produced from this wonderful herb; they can be prepared from different parts of the plant using alcohol and sugar. For the most part, it is an inexpensive sedative.

Preparations with valerian have a mild sedative effect, help with sleep problems and reduce intestinal spasms. The fastest acting is an alcohol tincture, which quickly penetrates the blood and can quickly calm even an adult.

Preparations from Passionflower incarnate (Stratoflower), this vine is used mainly to improve the quality of sleep, in the complex treatment of neurotic disorders with symptoms of increased anxiety and irritability, phobias and obsessive states. In addition, stratoflower has an antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect and is taken for tremors of the head and hands. This herb is also included in drugs for menopause, where in addition to sedative it also has an analgesic effect. Most often, this plant can be found in pharmacies as a sedative under the name “Alora”, it is available in two forms - tablets and syrup and is a fairly effective sedative.

Sedatives with motherwort are produced in the form of alcohol tinctures, drops and in tablet form. Regardless of the form of release, they are quite good sedatives.

Peony tincture is another inexpensive sedative that works for neuroses and VSD

St. John's wort-based sedatives combine the properties of antidepressants and sedatives. The herb is included in such drugs as Negrustin, Deprim, Neuroplant - these are quite cheap sedative tablets.

Combined herbal sedatives

A combination of medicinal herbs of different effects can give an even stronger and more lasting result. The most famous and effective sedatives in this series:

Phytosed - the tincture contains motherwort, lemon balm, oats, hawthorn and other medicinal herbs. Those for whom alcohol tinctures are contraindicated can purchase the drug in capsules. Both forms of this drug normalize sleep, increase physical endurance, and reduce anxiety.

This medicine should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In other cases, Fitosed is taken in a course of 10 days to a month, 3-4 times a day.

Phytosedan 2 and 3 are unique herbal teas, available in bags. The collections have different numbers, as they differ in composition - Phytosedan 2 contains motherwort, valerian, and licorice root. In addition to valerian and motherwort, Phytosedan 3 includes sweet clover, oregano and thyme. These sedatives are indicated for high blood pressure, excessive nervousness, sleep problems, headaches, and VSD. A contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. You should drink half a glass of tea several times a day, half an hour before meals.

Persen and Persen Forte, the first is available in the form of tablets, the second in the form of capsules. The drugs differ only in the amount of valerian in their composition, in Persen Forte there is 2.5 times more of it, otherwise the composition is identical, the drugs also contain lemon balm and mint.

The drug should be used primarily by people who have increased irritability, nervousness, and sleep and wakefulness disorders.

Contraindications: lactose intolerance, fructose allergy, hypotension, pregnancy. Tablets should not be taken by children under three years of age, and capsules by children under twelve years of age. The drugs are taken several times a day, the course of treatment should be no more than 2 months.

Novo-passit also has 2 release forms: tablets and syrup. The drug contains valerian root, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, elderberry. Separately, the drug contains the substance Guaifenzine, which effectively relieves attacks of fear and anxiety. In general, Novo-Passit can be used for mild neuroses, migraines that occur due to nervous or physical stress, sleep problems, dermatoses of mental origin and during menopause.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, traumatic brain injuries, and epileptic seizures. Sometimes Novo-Passit causes side effects such as drowsiness, stool disorders, and increased fatigue. Both tablets and syrup are taken 3 times a day, in accordance with the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Dormiplant - consists of valerian root, lemon balm and ethyl alcohol, has a positive effect on sleep problems and excessive nervousness. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and pregnancy. The drug has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, so driving is not recommended. Take Dormiplant 2 times a day, 2 pills, unless the doctor prescribes a different dosage.

Algoven relax - this dietary supplement is good for insomnia and relaxes the central nervous system.

Alcohol based sedatives

Typically, the dosage of these drugs is extremely small, calculated in drops per kilogram of weight, the drops dissolve in water. Such sedatives include:

Volocordin, in addition to helping in cardiovascular disorders, is also an effective sedative and also has a hypnotic effect on the body. The drug contains medicinal plants such as hops, mint, and chemical components - bromoisovaleric acid and phenobarbital, it is because of the latter that the Ministry of Health plans to limit the sale of this drug and several others also on this list, for example,

Corvalol - its composition has many common components with Volocardin, the same mint, Phenobarbital and Ethylbromoisovalerianate, the effect of Corvalol is also similar, but it is milder. With the help of Corvalol you can reduce tachycardia, relieve heart spasms, cope with an attack of VSD, this drug also helps with intestinal spasms. These drops are contraindicated for children and people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury; pregnant and nursing mothers should take the drug with extreme caution.

Corvalol has a number of serious side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, and decreased concentration. Also, these heart drops are not recommended to be taken for a long time; abrupt cessation of use may cause withdrawal syndrome.

Zelenin drops: tincture of lily of the valley, valerian, belladonna and levomenthol. Drops are used for heart failure, VSD, increased nervousness, lack of appetite, cholecystitis. This sedative is contraindicated for people under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from stomach ulcers, glaucoma, and alcohol dependence.

Side effects: gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, allergies

Valosedan - this sedative is used to inhibit the central nervous system, increased nervous excitability, and stress. The drug is effective due to the content of barbital in it; the tincture also contains hawthorn, hops, valerian, rhubarb and ethyl alcohol.

Valocomide - prescribed for bradycardia (decrease in heart rate less than 60 beats per minute). The sedative consists of tinctures of medicinal herbs such as lily of the valley, valerian, the only chemical component is sodium bromide.

Valoserdin - this drug contains more chemistry, it consists of a mixture of phenobarbital, bromoisovaleric acid and ethyl alcohol; the natural components of Valoserdin include oils of oregano and peppermint. In addition to the calming effect, it reduces heart rate and relieves intestinal spasms. Effective for cardioneurosis, hypertension, sleep disorders. You can still buy this powerful sedative without a prescription.

Sedariston is a completely natural drug, containing extracts of St. John's wort, valerian, and lemon balm. Well relieves vegetative manifestations of neurosis.

Nervoflux is used for chronic stress and sleep problems. The mixture consists of medicinal plants - lavender, mint, valerian and hop cones. This drug has also proven itself to be an effective sedative.

Bromine-based preparations

The calming properties of this substance have been talked about for many years; in the old days it was said that bromine was added to soldiers in army canteens in order to reduce their libido and stress levels. Bromine-based sedatives are called bromides. Most often available in the form of drops and syrups. These medications have both advantages and disadvantages. Their advantage is that they are inexpensive sedatives, and the disadvantage is the side effects that they can cause, the most dangerous of which is bromism, which can occur with an overdose of this substance, the main symptoms of this disease are dry cough, rhinitis, allergic skin rashes, lacrimation .

Adonis Bromine consists of potassium bromide and adonis herb, has a sedative effect, tones the heart muscle, and is prescribed for neurosis with signs of tachycardia and VSD. This powerful sedative is available without a prescription.

This sedative has the following contraindications: heart disease, peptic ulcers, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age.

Bromcamphor also has a sedative effect and enhances inhibition processes in the brain. Prescribed for severe excitability, difficulty falling asleep, cardialgia, tachycardia, asthenic syndrome. Prohibited for use by children under 7, problems with kidneys and liver.

Sedatives of other groups

Magnesia is a solution consisting of a quarter of magnesium sulfate, which has long been used as an effective sedative, a remedy for hypertensive crisis and hypertension; when administered intravenously, it has a sedative effect, and when the dose is increased, it acts as a hypnotic. When taken orally, it can reduce spasm of smooth muscles, intestines and uterus. An overdose of Magnesia can cause poisoning; calcium chloride helps relieve its symptoms.

Phenibut - these tablets themselves are not sedatives, they belong to nootropic drugs (i.e. they improve brain metabolism), these drugs accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses between brain cells - neurons. The list of uses for this drug is very wide; it is used before surgery to reduce the patient’s anxiety, in complex therapy for neuroses, motion sickness in transport, and Meniere’s disease.

The drug is contraindicated in early pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, and stomach ulcers.

Although Phenibut is a good sedative, it has side effects that can manifest itself in the form of dizziness, headache, and drowsiness. Side effects often disappear after several days of using the drug. Therefore, upon initial use, you can reduce the recommended dose by 2-3 times to understand what effect the drug has on you. It is also worth stopping the drug gradually.

The drug is quite strong, so it is sold in pharmacies only by prescription.

Afobazol. If we talk about potent sedatives that can be bought without a prescription, then it is worth mentioning first of all. This sedative can combat excessive irritability, anxiety, and relieve anxiety symptoms such as tremors, dizziness, cold sweat, and increased heart rate. The tablets are contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. The maximum course of admission is 3 months.

Tenoten is a fairly popular drug, primarily due to advertising. Contains antibodies to a brain-specific protein, due to this it is prescribed for psychosomatic diseases, neuroses, instability of the emotional background, deterioration of memory and attention.

Regular Tenoten is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age; for them, the manufacturer produces a special Tenoten for children with a reduced dosage of the active substance.

Glycine is another nootropic drug, but it is often taken as a pill for irritability and nervousness and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug consists of aminoacetic acid, which is produced by the body and is part of the 20 amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Prescribed for both children and adults, it helps improve mental performance, reduce the effect of stress on the body, relieve symptoms of VSD, and is also used for traumatic brain injuries and ischemia.

In this article, I tried to list almost all known and not very strong sedatives; if they do not help, then you need to consult a psychiatrist who will prescribe specialized and highly targeted medications.

But I would like to mention that to combat stress, neurosis or increased excitability, not only medicinal sedatives can help, I advise you to master relaxation techniques, several yoga asanas and purchase an aroma lamp with essential oils such as lavender oil, neuroli, patchouli and others. And don’t forget that physical activity also helps to “relieve” nervous tension and strengthens not only the body, but also the nervous system.


People often face anger, irritation, aggression - all these factors negatively affect the nervous system and it is unable to withstand such tension. Against this background, neurosis, nervous breakdown or depression may occur. But you don’t have to wait for serious consequences to arise. There are many medications available to eliminate systematic stress. Any pharmacy sells nerve pills. But which ones have the greatest effect?

Medicines for nerves and stress

Pills for stress and nerves should be prescribed by a doctor; you should not take medications on your own. You are allowed to take the medication once before entrance exams or an upcoming wedding. If depression accompanies you for a long time, then you should definitely consult a doctor for help. Do not select medications on your own.

Types of stress:

  1. tabletki-ot-razdrazhitelnosti-Sobjm.webp

    Physical stress
    . It manifests itself in extreme external conditions and overwork.
  2. Metabolic stress. Caused by uremia, high blood lipids, obesity and diabetes.
  3. Immune type stress. Occurs during a relapse of a prolonged infection. Reason: weakened immune system or taking depressants.
  4. Endocrine type stress. It is detected when the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex are overactive.

For any type of stress, you should consult a doctor. Selecting a medicine requires an individual approach. With chronic manifestations of stress, organs: lungs, heart and brain work in emergency mode. Therefore, the work of the genitourinary system, liver and intestines is limited. The body constantly lacks nutrients and oxygen. Negative changes occur in the organs, which cause diseases.

Types of drugs

There are a lot of pills for stress and nervousness. They have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, restoring the balance between excitation and inhibition. According to pharmacological action they are divided into groups:

  1. Tranquilizers. They relieve emotional discomfort, anxiety and fear without impairing cognitive functions, that is, a person speaks, thinks and perceives information. These drugs do not cause delusions or hallucinations, but they can be addictive. They are used strictly under medical supervision and only in short courses. These drugs are Atarax, Bromazepam, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Phenazepam and Chlordiazepaxide. Side effects may occur in the form of muscle weakness, finger tremors, and slow mental reaction.

  2. tabletki-ot-razdrazhitelnosti-ISnQjbW.webp

    Sedatives. Taken more often for hypertension and rapid heartbeat. They are based on bromine or medicinal plants. They are gentle on the human body and have no side effects. These include “Barboval”, “Valerian”, “Validol”, “Valocordin”.
  3. Neuroleptics. Very powerful tablets and are used in psychiatric practice. Prescribed by a doctor only in severe cases. These are Azaleptin, Sonapax, Tiapride.
  4. Normotimic drugs. They belong to psychotropic drugs, they stabilize the patient’s mood, inhibit attacks and alleviate the patient’s disorders - “Sodium Valproate”, “Quetiapine”, “Lamotrigine”, “Oxcarbazepine”, “Olanzapine”, “Risperidone”.


Not all people can take pills for nervousness, so consulting a doctor is essential. Contraindications are:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, many women face stress and anxiety. But you can't resort to pills. Consult your doctor and he will tell you what medications you can take. Usually these are preparations based on motherwort or valerian.
  2. Individual intolerance. If a person is prone to allergies, then medications are selected with extreme caution. Read the instructions and consult your doctor.

  3. tabletki-ot-razdrazhitelnosti-dcshN.webp

    Childhood. Under no circumstances should children be given sedatives on their own. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor if the child has a psychological illness. If the child’s nervous system and emotional state are in order, then he should not take sedatives. When a child is capricious or throwing tantrums, this is not a reason to take medication.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries. In cases of mechanical head injury, it is not recommended to take sedatives. They can provoke adverse reactions.

It should also not be used by persons who have a brain tumor, epilepsy, drug or alcohol addiction.

In order to choose the right high-quality, safe and effective product, you need to read the instructions before use.

Cure for nerves and stress

  1. Valerian tincture. It contains chemical components and essential oils. They calm the nervous system and slow down the rapid heartbeat. It has a mild sedative effect, that is, it helps to get rid of insomnia.
  2. Motherwort tincture. It should not be taken by people suffering from hypotension, as its use reduces blood pressure. This extract can treat nervousness and irritability.
  3. Tablets "Negrustin". It contains the herb St. John's wort and is used in depression. Improves emotional state, increases performance.

  4. tabletki-ot-razdrazhitelnosti-AnQkiPZ.webp

    Medicine "Afobazol". The active substance is an anxiolytic, and in anxiety states it reduces mental discomfort. Relieves irritability, anxiety, fears, and anxious premonitions. It helps well after overexertion, helps eliminate tearfulness, timidity, relieves unreasonable fears and insomnia. After taking this drug, the patient relaxes. The drug is able to correct disorders of the respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Copes with autonomic disorders such as dry mouth, sweating and dizziness. It has a beneficial effect on memory and concentrates attention. After starting therapy, a positive effect is observed after seven days. Therapy lasts from two weeks to three months.
  5. Persen tablets. It contains peppermint, lemon balm and valerian. Effective tablets to take for nerves. It is made from herbal ingredients and has few contraindications, which is why it is popular. It has a mild sedative effect, helps get rid of irritability, and improves mood. Having taken it, the patient calms down and gets rid of insomnia, although he does not feel sleepy during the day.
  6. Tenoten tablets - homeopathic remedy. Helps overcome anxiety, anxiety and eliminates irritability. Improves memory and concentration, the body resists stress.

  7. tabletki-ot-razdrazhitelnosti-hDElC.webp

    Tablets "Novo-Passit". It contains extracts of medicinal herbs, including: black elderberry, valerian, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, passionflower and hops. Widely used for stress and depression
  8. Phenibut tablets. They contain an active substance - a tranquilizer. Relieves fear, anxiety and feelings of overstrain, improves sleep. Recommended for neurasthenia, headaches and insomnia that occur during menopause. Along with these symptoms, irritability and anxiety, nervous disorders are treated. The patient gets rid of emotional lability, headaches and irritability. Taking it, you will increase the speed of sensorimotor reactions, performance, improve memory and attention. Therapy continues for up to 1.5 months.
  9. Phenazepam tablets - is a tranquilizer and has a very strong effect. Relieves emotional instability, increased irritability, anxiety and fear. Effectively fights neurosis-like, neurotic and psychopathic conditions. By taking it, the patient gets rid of insomnia and panic reactions. It has a strong sedative effect and is not recommended for use without a doctor's prescription.

There are a lot of sedatives nowadays. And in order not to get confused in them and not to harm yourself, you need the help of a qualified doctor. He approaches each patient individually and helps decide which medications are best to take in this case.