Facial contour lifting procedures

Around the age of 40, age-related changes in the shape of the face become noticeable. Excellent skin condition cannot hide the change in contours. “Bulldog cheeks” and sagging in the neck and décolleté appear. To understand how to tighten the oval of the face, you need to know the causes of sagging skin and how to restore it. Can be done in the salon and with folk remedies. It is important to focus on skin type, body characteristics and the recommendations of a cosmetologist. Only a complex effect can resist age-related changes.


How to tighten the oval face

Each woman decides for herself how to take care of herself after 40 years. Some choose a salon, others choose home methods. But you shouldn’t immediately run to the surgeon, or, conversely, give up and rely on age. First you need to understand the reasons and think through an action plan for skin rejuvenation.

The main factors for changing facial contour:

  1. Genetics. If this feature is hereditary, it is worth starting prevention after 35 years.
  2. Gravity. Only elastic skin and strong muscles can resist.
  3. Excess weight. Fat masses stretch the tissues, and sagging becomes inevitable.
  4. Age characteristics. Lethargy and sagging skin appear due to a lack of elastin and collagen. They are the ones who regulate turgor.
  5. Posture. Stooping, incorrect gait, bowed head contribute to significant changes in the cheeks, corners of the lips, and neck.
  6. Photoaging. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays destroys collagen fibers. This leads to withering.
  7. Bad habits. Dehydration and cell intoxication are significantly evident. The skin loses its elasticity, freshness and shape.

To correct the contour of the face, it is better to act comprehensively. Start by eliminating negative factors and streamlining your lifestyle. Provide proper nutrition, exercise, and massage to the entire body. This will help both tighten up the oval of the face and improve immunity.


Injection techniques are intended for introducing substances containing medicinal components, minerals and vitamin complexes under the skin. Thanks to simple techniques, they reach the deep layers and improve metabolic processes. The overall healing effect is complemented by the appearance of new collagen. It improves skin elasticity.

Popular injection techniques:

  1. Mesotherapy. Saturation of the epidermis with a cocktail of beneficial substances. Typically, such a complex consists of beneficial amino acids, various minerals, several vitamins, synthetic or animal supplements. The result is activation of blood circulation, growth of collagen fibers, and improved cell nutrition.
  2. Biorevitalization. Hydration with hyaluronic acid. Signs of aging are slowed down by restoring water balance, increasing skin tone and turgor.

The results of such procedures appear only after several sessions. It is advisable to conduct such a course every six months.


Injection plastic surgery

The facial contour may change due to soft tissue deficiency. This problem is solved using injection plastic surgery. Its essence is to fill problem areas with liquid implants.

Fillers can consist of different components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. The voids are filled with concentrated acid to a certain volume. The biodegradable substance stimulates the attraction of water particles. The moisturizing and tightening effect lasts up to 1.5 years. During this period, the active substance is broken down and excreted from the body.
  2. Polylactic acid. Refers to synthetic substances similar to natural ones. It tightens the facial contour, fights volume deficit, and helps the growth of collagen fibers. They maintain their shape for some time after the acid stops acting. You can expect results in about 2.5 years.
  3. Fat. With liposuction, a natural implant is obtained from a person’s fat reserves. To be used as an implant, such fat undergoes mandatory purification.
  4. Liquid silicone. Synthetic analogue of hyaluronic and polylactic acids. It has a temporary effect, but does not decompose and is not transported from the body.

Cosmetology clinics offer various ways to improve skin condition, eliminate signs of age, and change the volume and contour of the face. In addition to the price, which depends on the type of filler, it is necessary to take into account the qualifications of the doctor, the quality of the material and the conditions of the procedure.

Hardware rejuvenation

Techniques using high-tech devices allow you to painlessly and effectively solve the problem of swollen skin. They do not violate its integrity. By influencing blood circulation and lymph flow, they promote collagen renewal.

Examples of hardware methods:

  1. Photorejuvenation. Light pulses penetrate deeply into the epidermis and work at the cellular level.
  2. Laser lifting. Laser beams create mini holes in the skin and target tissue. The internal reserves of the body increase, and cell regeneration occurs. The skin structure is restored. And at the same time, the oval of the face is tightened.
  3. Vacuum massage. Negative pressure affects areas of the face, evening out the relief.
  4. Ultrasound. An added bonus to skin tightening is cleansing. Ultrasonic vibrations break down fatty deposits and remove them.
  5. Thermage. The impulses received as a result of radio wave radiation affect collagen fibers. They shrink and create a tightening effect.
  6. Space lifting of the face.

To correct the oval of the face using these methods, you need to undergo several sessions. Thermage and laser lifting procedures are considered the most expensive.



Thread lifting

Threading is a popular and effective method of soft tissue correction. Minimal disruption of the integrity of the skin and a short rehabilitation period make it convenient and safe.

Two ways to restore facial contours:

  1. Thread lifting. Various types of threads are inserted into soft tissues. They form clear facial contours. The material may be disintegrating (removable) or non-absorbable. The threads affect problem areas and stimulate fibroblasts. This increases the rejuvenating effect.
  2. Bioreinforcement. Mesothreads are produced from synthetic self-dissolving materials. During their existence, a collagen framework is created in the soft tissues.

To obtain such procedures, you must contact specialized clinics and medical institutions. Only a highly qualified doctor can competently form symmetrical facial features and painlessly perform a facelift. After 2-3 years, it is recommended to carry out correction.




A more radical way to combat sagging skin is plastic surgery. Its task is to correct aesthetic defects. An aesthetic surgeon always warns about significant pain, numerous contraindications, a long rehabilitation period and possible complications.

Redistribution and fixation of soft tissues throughout the facial oval is carried out using rhytidectomy. The procedure allows you to eliminate excess fat in certain areas. Ptosis of the upper part of the face is corrected by front lifting. To correct the middle part, S-lifting is used.

Facial oval care at home

Self-care is a preventive action. It slows down the development of age-related signs and supports the functioning of the epidermis.

How to tighten the oval face at home:

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing with cosmetics and decoctions of medicinal plants maintains moisture levels, saturates with nutrients and helps the formation of new collagen.
  2. Using tonic lotions or washing with an ice cube gives elasticity and improves local blood circulation.
  3. Self-massage in the form of patting partially breaks down fat deposits and increases blood flow. For micromassage (including lips), various mechanical and electrical devices are used.
Peeling with scrubs exfoliates the old layer of skin and starts renewal processes. Recommended 1-2 times a week. Masks with natural ingredients help saturate the skin with beneficial substances and maintain elasticity. Various sets of facial exercises are based on breathing exercises and muscle training. Regular exercises significantly increase tone.

A set of home measures for tightening facial contours maintains the results of a professional facelift, prevents early aging, refreshes and strengthens the skin.

By starting careful care in a timely manner, you can significantly delay the appearance of signs of skin aging. Small wrinkles are eliminated, folds are straightened, and sagging skin or soft tissues are reduced. The method for rejuvenating the facial contour takes into account the characteristics of aesthetic defects, their severity and price.

Every year, despite regular care, the skin undergoes irreversible changes, and the time comes when a facelift becomes the only way to get rid of wrinkles, sagging, and sagging cheeks.

There are many options to restore youth, and although the most effective way is plastic surgery, you can resort to more gentle procedures that do not require the intervention of a surgeon. Which method should you prefer and is it possible to achieve the desired results at home?

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that a facelift is most often recommended after the age of 50 to correct oval shape, a situation often arises that you have to go to a cosmetologist much earlier. There are quite a few indications for this:

  1. numerous age wrinkles;
  2. the appearance of pigment spots;
  3. flabbiness;
  4. appearance of a double chin;
  5. deep nasolacrimal grooves;
  6. severely drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  7. looseness of the skin;
  8. saggy cheeks.

Regardless of which particular procedure will be used to get rid of defects, we should not forget about contraindications. You will have to give up your dream of quickly becoming young and beautiful and resort to another method of rejuvenation in such cases:

  1. inflammation on the skin;
  2. abundant scattering of acne;
  3. chronic or infectious diseases at the peak of exacerbation;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. blood clotting is very poor;
  6. treatment is carried out with aggressive or blood thinning drugs;
  7. breastfeeding the baby;
  8. oncological problems.

Important! To completely eliminate complications after a facelift, be sure to visit a doctor, who will find out if there are any contraindications.

Facelift methods

Facial contour lifting can be performed using several methods, and the most popular, despite the discomfort, is injection. The introduction of special compounds allows not only to get rid of skin defects in a short time, but also to force the epidermal cells to work actively.

Procedures for tightening the oval face can be completely painless - using special devices or even home remedies. Which method will bring the greatest effectiveness in a facelift can only be determined by a specialist after a thorough examination. Here you need to take into account not only the condition of the skin, but also the patient’s age, the presence of contraindications, and health characteristics.

If simple methods of lifting the oval face are ineffective, a specialist will certainly recommend plastic surgery. The main advantage of such manipulations is that the skin remains smooth and taut for many years.


For women who cannot overcome the fear of plastic surgery or the administration of drugs by injection, hardware cosmetology is recommended, which can perform a facelift quickly and painlessly. What is the essence of the procedure? Special devices stimulate the functioning of epidermal cells, causing them to produce collagen, a substance responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin.

There are several ways to perform manipulations without damaging skin tissue:

  1. Photorejuvenation. It is carried out using impulses that penetrate deep into the epidermis.
  2. Laser lifting. Laser beams of varying power penetrate the tissue and stimulate collagen production.
  3. Ultrasonic massage. Manipulations are carried out using ultrasound waves, allowing not only to activate the work of cells, but also to cleanse and get rid of excess fat deposits.
  4. Thermage. The procedure uses radio wave radiation, which creates a tightening effect.

Each of these methods is practically safe and rarely leads to side effects.


If there are no special defects on the face, and it is necessary to smooth out the folds, it is recommended to resort to the introduction of special compounds into the dermal tissue. Most often, facial contour lifting is performed with hyaluronic acid - after the manipulations, unpleasant complications rarely arise, and the cells intensively begin to produce the substances necessary to moisturize the dermis. This method also has a small drawback - its effectiveness is rather short-lived, and you will have to visit a specialist annually.

The introduction of polylactic acid also has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin - it quickly smoothes out and acquires a healthy shade. The effect lasts for at least two years.

Liquid silicone is only slightly inferior to hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid in terms of effectiveness. The only drawback of the composition is that it does not provide long-lasting results.

Important! Salon procedures, regardless of which method was used for tightening, have a common drawback - if the skin is very sensitive, you will have to endure some discomfort. It is the fear of injections that makes some ladies refuse this method of rejuvenation.

Thread lift

The use of special threads to change the relief of the skin has many admirers among women, because this method practically does not lead to injury and provides remarkable results. How is the procedure performed?

Threads are inserted into small incisions, creating a strong flexible frame that stretches the epidermal tissue. Depending on the composition, the material may dissolve over time or remain in the layers of the dermis.


Facelift surgery is the only way to get results that will last for years. Despite this, not all ladies rush to a plastic clinic. There are several reasons for this - the high cost of manipulation and the fear of a rather traumatic procedure.

When choosing a clinic for plastic surgery, you should not save money - a lot depends on the experience and skills of the specialist. A failed operation can result in facial asymmetry, deep scars, swelling and even inflammation.

Home methods for tightening

Is it possible to get a tightened face without facelift surgery? Of course, you can’t expect results like after surgery or salon procedures, but you can partially rejuvenate your skin, especially if you regularly carry out simple manipulations at home.

What can you use on your own? For regular facial care we recommend:

  1. firming face creams (they are usually used by ladies after 50 years);
  2. home-prepared tonic and nutritional compositions;
  3. mask for correcting facial contours based on plant materials;
  4. professional drugs;
  5. sets of special exercises;
  6. peelings (you can prepare scrubs yourself);
  7. facial gymnastics;
  8. massage.

Important! You can't count on instant results, but if you make daily careful care a habit, then within a few months you can enjoy your fresh and radiant appearance in the mirror.

We advise you to learn more about facial skin care after 50 years. Indeed, in some cases you can do without surgery. This will be especially relevant for those who have contraindications to cosmetic surgery.

Which method is more effective?

To the question of how exactly one can most effectively deal with defects on the face, any specialist will answer - only facial contour lifting by surgery can completely remove all defects. Of course, there is no need to rush to see a plastic surgeon. If you go to the salon in a timely manner, you can get rid of defects using more gentle methods.

For a small number of wrinkles, injection of fillers is sufficient - they almost do not injure the dermal tissue and are rarely rejected. Another advantage of the injection method of rejuvenation is the low risk of side effects.

The last place can be given to homemade compositions - although they are able to briefly delay age-related changes, they will not be able to completely smooth out wrinkles or force cells to produce collagen.

What do cosmetologists say?

If you ask a specialist about what exactly to give preference to in order to smooth out the skin or get rid of sagging and sagging, then every cosmetologist will certainly answer that this can be determined with accuracy only during examination. Each body is individual and has its own characteristics, therefore, if there is a need for rejuvenation and tightening of the facial contour, it is recommended to immediately go to the salon for a consultation.

Experienced cosmetologists also do not advise trusting specialists who offer inexpensive services, even at home. In an effort to save money, you can fall for scammers who often do not even have permission to carry out such activities and use low-quality facelift products. Be sure to contact trusted salons that have a good reputation - this will avoid troubles and complications.

We should not forget that a combination of salon procedures and home manipulations will help preserve youth. Independent use of home-prepared compositions, professional assistance from a cosmetologist - this is often quite enough to look fresh and young for a long time.

In recent decades, procedures for correcting facial contours have gained wide popularity. A gradual change in it in many people begins at approximately 25–30 years of age, and at 40 years of age it is observed to a greater or lesser extent in almost everyone, which is associated with a decrease in skin elasticity, muscle tone and ligaments of the face and neck. This is manifested by gravitational ptosis (sagging) of tissues, a decrease in the clarity of the line of the lower jaw and chin, drooping of the corners of the lips, and the formation of “bags” under the eyes. Outwardly, these changes are perceived as age-related.

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Methods for correcting facial contours and double chin without surgery

Various plastic surgeries can eliminate signs of aging for a long time. But some people have contraindications to surgery, while others are afraid of possible failures or complications. In addition, most women do not turn to plastic surgeons due to the high cost of treatment.

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Currently, in cosmetology there are many methods of tissue tightening, with the help of which non-surgical correction of the oval of the face is carried out, which can significantly slow down the processes of early or natural aging. The main methods are:

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  1. peeling;
  2. injection techniques.

Chemical and physical peeling

It is carried out with chemicals to remove the surface layers of the skin, which helps improve blood circulation, accelerate cellular regeneration processes, increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, and the production of hyaluronic acid in tissues. All this leads to increased tone and moderate lifting of the skin.

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For mild and moderate skin ptosis, superficial and medium peels are used. For these purposes, salicylic and fruit acids (lactic, glycolic, azelaic, phytic, trichloroacetic), retinoids, and a combination of lactic acid with salicylic and resorcinol are used. Deep peeling is carried out through laser resurfacing using modern fractional ablative lasers or applying phenol derivatives to the skin. But this method is very traumatic and is sometimes indicated after the age of 60.

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Injection techniques

These include mainly:

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  1. Mesolifting, which is one of the types of mesotherapy procedures.
  2. PRP therapy.

All of them are carried out by intradermal or subcutaneous administration of one or a complex of certain drugs that promote lifting and increasing skin tone.

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The purpose of mesolifting, in contrast to mesotherapy, is to restore the elasticity and tone of the skin and tighten it, due to which the contours become clear and the oval is restored. For these purposes, hyaluronic acid is mainly used, the content of which in tissues becomes less and less with age. It can be used as monotherapy, but more often as one of the components of cocktails. They also contain microelements, vitamin and amino acid complexes that increase the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid. In total, up to 7 procedures are performed - 1 procedure 1-2 times per week.

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Correction of facial contours with hyaluronic acid helps improve blood supply and nutrition of the skin, its hydration, stimulation of the function of fibroblasts, in which the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins occurs. The result of these processes is an increase in the degree of tissue lifting.

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Cosmetologists have a large arsenal of products based on hyaluronic acid - these are fillers. Correction of facial contours with fillers based on hyaluronic acid is characterized by greater efficiency and, especially, long-lasting results. Especially popular gels are Juvederm, Restylane and Surgiderm.

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Compared to pure hyaluronic acid, they have a higher density. The most “strong” fillers are considered to be various types of preparations of the Juvederm brand. To improve the oval shape, only 1 – 2 procedures are necessary with an interval of 1-2 weeks. The duration of the effect depends on the area of ​​the face and the concentration of the gel and is 6-10 months.

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Juvederm correction is carried out with drugs labeled 18, 24, 30 (a higher number means a higher gel density) and HV (higher viscosity). A later generation of products from this brand is Juvederm Ultra 2, 3, 4 and Ultra Plus.

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Such a wide range allows you to choose the most suitable product, depending on the severity of age-related changes and the condition of the skin. Gels from the Ultra line are especially popular.

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PRP therapy

For PRP therapy, or plasma lifting, specially processed blood plasma from the patient himself is used. Thanks to the strengthening of tissues, it eliminates their ptosis. In addition, plasma has a pronounced effect in terms of stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins, as well as stimulating cellular regeneration and local immunity. The duration of plasma lifting results lasts up to 8 months - 1 year, but this technique is used quite rarely.

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More radical methods of influence

All of these procedures have a certain effect at a young age, when facial contours are just beginning to lose their clarity. With a more pronounced loss of clarity of the oval, it is necessary to use methods whose application points are the hypodermis and muscles. These mainly include:

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  1. Contour plastic.
  2. Thread lifting.
  3. Hardware techniques.
  4. Sculpture massage.

Contour plastic

It is carried out with the same drugs as mesolifting. But if the latter has a complex effect on the skin, then contour plastic can be used specifically for oval correction - this is the targeted introduction of fillers into deeper layers to replenish volumes and tighten tissue in certain areas of the face and chin. This technique is more effective in combination with botulinum therapy.

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Correction of face oval with threads

The procedure does not belong to the field of plastic surgery, however, it should be performed not by a cosmetologist, but by a plastic surgeon. It is a minimally invasive method of subcutaneously introducing thin threads, which are then pulled together with the tissues and fixed in the required position. In addition, the threads stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

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Thus, they not only mechanically fix the skin, but also contribute to the formation of a kind of frame that holds the tissue. For these purposes, gold threads are used, as well as “Aptos” and “Spring Trade” threads, which are made of biocompatible polypropylene and allow you to correct facial contours even with significant “sagging” tissues.

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If the severity of ptosis is moderate, correction with mesothreads made from polylactic acid is more preferable. They got their name due to the fact that, in addition to the lifting effect, they also have a mesotherapeutic effect on the skin.

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Mesothreads are strong, but very thin. They are completely biocompatible, do not cause allergic reactions and gradually dissolve over several months under the influence of tissue enzymes. The effect of the correction lasts for about three years, after which it can be repeated with the help of additional injection and/or tightening of the remaining threads that have not yet resolved.

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Correction of face oval with threads

Hardware techniques

The most effective hardware methods for correcting facial contours are microcurrent therapy and RF lifting (radio frequency). Microcurrents are used together with special biological products, which contain the most active antioxidants, as a result of which all mechanisms of cellular regeneration and collagen synthesis are activated in the skin. RF procedures are based on the ability of radio frequency waves to activate the function of specific cells - fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin proteins. The effect of this stimulation lasts for several months, during which the protein fibers are compacted. When combining RF lifting with mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures, the resulting correction results last on average for about 2 years.

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1. RF lifting
2. Fractional laser rejuvenation


Sculptural massage for the correction of facial contours involves deep mechanical power work on the hypodermis and muscles. Despite controversial opinions regarding the severity and duration of the results of such correction of the shape of the face and chin, various massage techniques are used to normalize muscle tone and effective lymphatic drainage. The disadvantages of the method include the need for a large number of sessions (up to 12) with their subsequent repetition (up to 3 times a week), as well as a significantly less pronounced effect compared to the methods listed above.

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Correction of facial contours at home

A certain moderate correction of the oval of the face at home, especially in the early stages of gravitational tissue ptosis, can be carried out by rubbing the skin in the morning with ice cubes from cucumber juice, infusions of dandelion leaves, chamomile, wormwood, alternating hot and cold compresses, using creams, exercises and massage .

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Night or day cream for the correction of facial contours from various manufacturers contains collagen, elastin proteins and other proteins, various amino acids (arginine, alanine, serine), seaweed extracts, vegetable oils (soybean, flaxseed, etc.), vegetable estrogens origin (from hops and licorice rhizomes), yeast and fish roe extracts, vitamins “A”, “C” and “E”, beeswax, blue clay. Similar to cream in composition, but more concentrated and providing a quick but short-term lifting effect, are masks (especially alginate) and serums.

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There are also various exercises for correcting the oval of the face, for example, slowly pronouncing the sounds “A”, “I”, “O”, “U”, “E” with the mouth wide open. In this case, it is necessary to moderately strain the muscles of the oral diaphragm. Another exercise is to try to write imaginary letters and numbers in the air with a pencil held between your lips.

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Self-massage of the face at home can be done using a damp, warm towel. Both of its crowns are applied to the cheeks so that its middle part hangs slightly under the chin. After this, by sharply pulling the ends of the towel to the sides, up to 100 pats are carried out. You can also pat the tense soft tissues of the chin area with varying strength with your palm, massage it from the corners of the chin to the middle with counter movements of the palms, and pinch the tissues from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw in the direction of the earlobes.

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At night, it is recommended to use a special bandage to correct the shape of the face, its effect reminiscent of compression underwear. It is a mask consisting of several layers - rubber, cooling and several “breathing”. The mask is secured by a belt with Velcro fasteners. This allows for the lifting of soft tissues and their comfortable fixation without unpleasant compression of the face and difficulty breathing. This compression helps reduce muscle tone and improve the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

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The main advantages of non-surgical methods for correcting the shape of the face and chin are a small number of contraindications, absence or very little trauma, absence of complications and rehabilitation period, and the relatively low cost of most of them. The correct combination of these methods, combined with a balanced diet and daily routine, can significantly slow down the aging process and delay the development of gravitational tissue ptosis.

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