Proctitis Alimentary

In medicine, the term “proctitis” is commonly understood as an inflammatory disease of the rectal mucosa, which often occurs in an acute form, is accompanied by severe pain and requires urgent treatment. The disease has several forms - infectious, reactive, mechanical, and also one of the most common - nutritional.

Causes of proctitis of food etiology Many people do not even suspect that they have this disease, since the disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, sometimes it is confused with simple constipation or diarrhea. Moreover, pathological changes in the tissues of the colon can occur at any age, despite the state of immunity and the presence of serious chronic pathologies.

Proctitis caused by eating contaminated food can occur for several reasons:

error in diet and diet. For example, eating stale vegetables or fruits, as well as poor-quality fish and meat, can lead to infection of the intestines and the development of erosions of the surface layer of the mucous membrane;

alcohol and other chemical impurities. Strong drinks or semi-finished products with various additives