Professional cleansing of scalp and hair

Now, many people are concerned about the condition of their hair, the most common problems are hair loss, poor growth, dryness, split ends, and so on. But few people think that healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp, which needs high-quality cleansing, just like the skin of the face and body. Let's figure out why deep cleansing is so important for the health of our hair.


Deep cleaning: what is it for?

Deep hair cleansing is an effective cleansing of hair using special shampoos and scrubs. Deep cleansing is necessary for complete hair care, it is designed to thoroughly cleanse the hair and scalp of all kinds of impurities that regular shampoo does not provide, and it also strengthens the hair, awakens dormant hair follicles and stimulates growth.

For the health of the scalp and hair, only superficial cleansing is not enough; you need to periodically use products that deeply cleanse the pores, allowing the scalp to breathe.

Scalp peeling

The condition of the hair depends not only on what shampoos and masks we use, but also on how regularly and efficiently we cleanse the scalp, namely deep cleansing of the skin, which removes all impurities, dead cells and styling products. After peeling, blood supply to the hair follicles improves and all beneficial vitamins and substances penetrate better into the scalp. After peeling, it is very good to rub in various anti-hair loss serums, lotions, tonics; their properties improve several times.

Today there are several types of scalp peeling:

  1. Chemical
  2. Fruit
  3. Ultrasonic
  4. Gas-liquid
  5. Professional products for deep cleansing of hair and scalp

At home, scalp cleansing is carried out using sea salt, clay, colorless henna, activated carbon, essential and base oils.

Contraindications for scalp peeling

There are no contraindications to the use of peeling, but it is still advisable to postpone peeling for a while or not do it at all if there are:

  1. various types of damage to the scalp (wounds, scratches, ulcers);
  2. inflammation and irritation on the scalp;
  3. too sensitive scalp;
  4. individual intolerance to the components of the products.


Technique and frequency of the procedure

Before using homemade scrubs, determine whether you are allergic to the components or have other contraindications. The procedure will, of course, be beneficial if you follow the recommendations:

  1. mix the scrub immediately before the procedure;
  2. peeling is done on dirty hair before washing;
  3. first you need to wet your scalp well (3-4 minutes) to open the pores;
  4. then we begin to rub the scrub into the scalp along the partings, doing a light massage;
  5. Massage for about five minutes and leave the scrub on your hair for another five minutes, and then wash your hair as usual.

The most popular homemade scrub recipe is based on sea salt and natural base oil:

  1. 2 tablespoons of medium-ground sea salt;
  2. 1 tablespoon of base oil (olive, grape seed, sesame, hemp);
  3. 5-8 drops of essential oil (bay, rosemary, mint, lemon, orange, patchouli).

How often should you exfoliate your scalp?

Exfoliating the scalp should not be done too often, as this can lead to irritation, dryness, itching or even dandruff.

If the scalp is prone to oiliness, then peeling can be done once every two weeks, undergo 4-5 procedures, and then take a break for a month.

If your scalp is normal or prone to dryness, peeling can be done once a month. And if the scalp is sensitive, then even less often.

Deep cleansing hair shampoo

Shampoo for deep cleaning of hair is designed to thoroughly cleanse the hair and scalp of residues of cosmetics, mousse, hairspray, foam, silicones, sebum and other contaminants.

Deep cleansing is necessary before coloring, chemistry, toning, lamination and other salon procedures, especially if you do these procedures at home. That is, by renewing the keratin layer as much as possible, it makes the hair more susceptible to the nutritional effects of subsequent products.

Using a deep cleansing shampoo is no different from using regular shampoo. But, since shampoo for deep cleaning of hair opens the scales, be sure to apply a good professional mask to your hair after shampoo, and its effect will be better than after regular shampoo.


Rating of shampoos for deep cleansing of hair

Now almost every manufacturer of hair cosmetics has a deep cleaning shampoo in their line, we decided to provide you with the most popular ones:

  1. CHI Clean Start (USA)
  2. Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Hair & Scalp Deep Cleansing Shampoo (Germany)
  3. Goldwell DualSenses Scalp Specialist Deep Cleansing Shampoo (Germany)
  4. Estel ESSEX Deep Cleaning (Russia)
  5. Wella SP Expert Kit Deep Cleanser (Germany)
  6. Joico K-Pak Chelating (USA)
  7. Matrix Total Results Pro Solutionist Alternate Action Clarifying Shampoo (France)

The principle of operation of a deep cleaning shampoo is similar to that of a scrub.

Dead cells on the head, dandruff flakes, acne - this is a fairly serious problem, and scrubbing will help to cope with it. We suggest considering how salt and gas-liquid peeling of the scalp is performed, as well as which methods are the best.

Why do you need peeling?

Every day, about 50,000 dead cells form on the human body. A third of them fall off, but the rest remains on the skin, mixing with sebum, contaminating the pores, contributing to the formation of dandruff and other troubles. This biological process is irreversible and new cells are formed in place of dead cells, but the problem is that over time it becomes more difficult for the body to get rid of pollutants.


Scalp scrub

Benefits of scalp peeling:

  1. Helps against hair loss by stimulating hair follicles;
  2. Relieves dandruff;
  3. Used to improve blood flow to the head;
  4. Used to cleanse the roots of hair strands from sebum and dirt.

Exists several types of peeling:

  1. Saline;
  2. Chemical;
  3. Fruit;
  4. Ultrasonic;
  5. Professional (using special tools).

Video: hair scrub recipe

How to cleanse the scalp with traditional recipes


Most simple and famous peeling for the scalp - salt, it is easy to prepare at home and helps strengthen hair and increase thickness. To prepare it you will need a teaspoon of sea salt, 10 drops of cosmetic ether (we recommend using peach or coconut), 5 drops of burdock oil. Mix all ingredients and heat over low heat. Do not boil, then cool the mixture. Rub the resulting pulp into the scalp with gentle massage movements; you can use cotton pads, tampons or fingers. Continue the massage for 5 minutes, then leave the mixture on your head for another 2-3, after the time has passed, rinse with warm water. This is a water-soluble composition, so getting rid of salt in your hair is not difficult; it is much more difficult to wash off the oil. To do this, after washing off the mineral, you need to take a mild shampoo. For example, baby soap or foam from baby soap, and thoroughly clean the hair roots.

Good recipe for dry hair with sugar. Mix two teaspoons of sugar with a base oil (for example, olive) and cosmetic oil, it can be burdock, mint, rose, peach, almond or coconut. Heat in a water bath and apply to the skin, gently rub into the skin, leave for 10 minutes, rinse off in the same way as the paste in the previous recipe.

The mixture for cleansing the head with fruit acids has proven itself to be excellent. It should be noted that this technique is only suitable for owners of oily strands. You will need:

  1. a teaspoon of orange juice;
  2. spoon of apple juice.

This remedy will also help cure seborrhea on the head, thanks to the presence of glycolic acid in apple juice. Mix the liquids and rinse your hair with the solution. If you notice severe hair loss or loss of volume, we recommend heating the mixture. You need to keep it on the locks for 10-15 minutes, but the first 3-5 require a light massage. Wash off without detergents.


Photo – Salt peeling

For deep cleansing of the skin, you can use blue clay. As you know, the Cambrian mineral is a leader in the fight against acne and inflammation. If you have oily and weak hair, and your scalp is covered with pimples and blackheads, then use this method: two teaspoons of blue clay should be mixed with one spoon of milk. Rub the mixture onto the roots and leave for 10-15 minutes. We recommend doing this scrub only for those with short hair; girls with long strands may have serious problems with leaching mineral particles from their heads.

At home, a cocoa scrub helps get rid of dead cells in the scalp. This product is simply universal: it helps get rid of ingrown hairs, oily skin, pimples, blackheads, very gently and gently cleanses the epidermis, it can be used on the sensitive and delicate dermis of the head. Mix a spoonful of cocoa powder and hair oil, apply to the surface of the skin, rinse off after 10 minutes. This mass can set off the strands, so blondes should refrain from such cleansing.

More tough but effective – mask with coffee. It has undoubted advantages: cleansing the skin of dirt and grease, but there are also disadvantages: it cannot be used for fragile and dry hair, not the best option for blond young ladies. Mix a spoonful of ground natural coffee with mint oil and a spoonful of milk. Apply to the roots and rub in, leave for 5 minutes. Do it no more than twice a week.

For girls with light hair, this technique is suitable: mix a spoonful of lemon juice with a solution of salt and water (1:1). Rinse your hair in the resulting liquid, leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse without shampoo. This gentle and non-abrasive exfoliator will help lighten your strands several shades and relieve oily skin.

Professional products

Many people simply don’t have the free time to make their own mixture, so let’s take a look at the list of professional scalp peeling products. All of them can be classified according to the form of the drug (shampoo, mask, gel, cream, paste), but what is more interesting is their focus and effectiveness:

  1. Professional biopeeling for the scalp Nioxin (Nioxin Scalp Renew) – provides cleaning with enzyme elements and salt, helps stop hair loss and accelerate growth. Contains alpha acids and vitamins, use with caution - allergies are possible. Apply to damp skin, leave for 10 minutes, but during this time it is advisable to massage the hair. Wash off with shampoo;


    Photo – Nioxin
  2. Bonacure Pre-Shampoo Peeling Schwarzkopf is a shampoo that provides effective scalp cleansing. Cosmetics from this company are aimed at restoring the balance of hair and scalp;
  3. L`Oreal Professionnel Expert Power Repair - cleanses pores well and promotes healing of small wounds on the head. L'Oreal is quite an expensive drug, but very effective;
  4. Teotema (TeoTema) is an imported phytopilling that contains extracts of natural herbs and minerals. It can even be used on a child’s head (for example, for rashes, seborrhea, pimples or acne);
  5. Reibi Utena – contains glycolic acid, which is excellent against accumulating skin particles and dandruff flakes. When exposed to this product, the pores open and are cleansed from the inside;
  6. Lebel – normalizes the balance of the surface of the dermis of the head, clears acne and blackheads, stimulates hair growth;
  7. Keune - this company is famous for its hypoallergenic and effective products. Consists of nutritional components, vitamins and minerals;
  8. Belita-Vitex is the best phytoessential skin peeling, it will gently and without allergies cleanse the skin, add shine to the curls, and retain freshness for a long time after washing. It is recommended to buy a line of drugs.


Photo - Applying peeling to the head

Other products: kemon, payote, farmavita, ezheneperma, estelle, indola, clean line. Any products for peeling the scalp should be purchased in professional stores; they can also be ordered on the official websites of manufacturers or purchased by visiting a good beauty salon.

The newest methods for clearing scales from the head have also appeared - this is ultrasound therapy. With the help of sound, which creates air vibrations, dead cells are separated from the skin and the processes of “awakening” the hair follicles are activated. The procedure is effective, but expensive - from 2000 rubles per session. Laser peeling is not used for the scalp.

Tips from a hairdresser:

  1. You need to apply the products to damp skin, then the abrasive particles will damage it less;
  2. Peels can be used no more than twice a week;
    Many people advise that you prepare for the session - do not wash your hair. This is not entirely true; it’s really better not to wash dry hair or sensitive scalp, but oily strands are pre-cleansed;
  3. Mesotherapy, nourishing masks and massages are perfectly compatible with peeling, but not painting, so during the dermis cleansing course, refrain from using coloring chemical compounds (henna is allowed);
  4. Peeling is full of benefits, but only if used carefully and correctly. If you increase the number of procedures, you risk drying out the dermis and worsening the condition of the strands.

Peeling cleansing is a wonderful modern technique that will help significantly improve the appearance of your hair, making it tidier and more manageable. If you have experience using the techniques listed above, we will be glad to read your feedback in the comments to the article.

Scalp peeling is a necessary cosmetic procedure that allows you to cleanse the skin of various impurities. Today, stores have a wide selection of professional peeling products. Thanks to this variety, everyone can choose a product suitable for their skin type and solution to a specific problem.


This Korean manufacturer demonstrates a unique peeling serum, which gently exfoliates the upper keratinized layer of epidermal cells. In addition, it has the following effect:

  1. eliminates sebum accumulated in the pores;
  2. eliminates the remnants of styling and coloring products;
  3. hair and skin become fresh, renewed;
  4. restoration processes are activated;
  5. the protective function of the skin is enhanced;
  6. the structure of curls improves.

The peeling serum contains: the following components:

  1. hydrolyzed collagen – restores damaged areas of hair and skin;
  2. argan oil – nourishes strands along the entire length, saturates them with vitamins and amino acids, without destroying the natural water-lipid balance;
  3. natural extracts - normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, increase blood circulation and hair growth.

Application process:

  1. Cleanse your hair and scalp with a clarifying shampoo. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  2. Distribute the composition onto the scalp.
  3. Perform a light massage with your fingertips, and then rub the product along the entire length of the curls.
  4. Leave for 5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

It is recommended to exfoliate with La’dor serum immediately before complex cosmetic procedures. From contraindications only individual intolerance.


Lebel is used to deeply cleanse the dermis of the scalp from dead cells and residues of styling products that cannot be removed with regular shampoo.

The composition contains the following Components:

  1. orange oil;
  2. bamboo root extract;
  3. jojoba oil;
  4. peppermint oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Divide moistened hair into strands and apply peeling agent to the scalp along the partings.
  2. Give a light massage, after 3 minutes remove the composition with warm water and shampoo.
  3. Apply peeling once a week.

Contraindicated if you are allergic to these components.


L'Oreal scalp scrub is one of the most effective means for cleaning dead skin cells, sebum and excess cosmetics. With the help of peeling of this brand, various problems are solved, because the active components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Hair becomes strong and healthy. The drug has excellent exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Due to its special composition with a high concentration of unique active ingredients, the scrub gently and thoroughly cleanses the dermis and strands, preparing it for further application of a mask and shampoo.

The composition contains the following Components:

  1. tea tree oil;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. burdock extract;
  4. hexamidine diisenthionate.

Mode of application:

  1. Pre-moisten your hair, apply the product and distribute over the skin.
  2. Massage with your fingertips. After 2 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with water.
  3. After the procedure, you can apply shampoo and simply wash your hair.

From contraindications only individual intolerance.


This product is presented in the form of a mousse. With its help, you can eliminate dandruff and prevent its further occurrence. Peeling serves to detoxify and deep clean the dermis of the head.

The effect Ollin provides directly depends on componentsincluded in:

  1. bamboo extract – strengthens and tones;
  2. Seborami complex – has an antiseptic effect, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  3. silicon dioxide – gently cleanses the scalp of impurities and traces of styling products;
  4. aloe extract – refreshes and tones the skin;
  5. Vitamin B5 – nourishes hair and makes it manageable.

Mode of application:

  1. Distribute the peeling mousse onto the scalp.
  2. Lather with gentle movements and distribute through hair.
  3. Leave for 2-5 minutes, remove with warm water.

Use peeling mousse for 2 weeks, and for prevention – once a month. Contraindicated if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.


This product is presented in the form of a peeling shampoo. It is advisable to use it to combat dandruff. Moreover, it not only eliminates the symptoms of seborrhea, but also the causes of its development. Estel peeling shampoo gently and effectively cleanses strands of impurities and excess sebum. In addition, the product exfoliates and removes dead skin flakes.

Thanks to these natural antioxidants, the skin is protected from free radicals, while all nutrients are absorbed to the maximum. Due to allantoin it is achieved calming effect. Irritation and itching go away, skin sensitivity decreases and sebum production is regulated.

Application process:

  1. Apply the composition to pre-wet hair.
  2. Perform a light massage lasting 1-2 minutes.
  3. If dandruff is too strong, then increase the amount of time to 4 minutes.
  4. After this, rinse the composition with water.

Not recommended drug for individual intolerance.

Time to grow

This cosmetic product has found active use in beauty salons today. Its action is aimed at increasing the resistance of the skin barrier to the influence of environmental factors. Regular use of the product increases the synthesis of ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

The composition contains the following Components:

  1. Dipotassium glycyrisanate – reduces inflammation near the follicles;
  2. green tea phytosomes – have an antioxidant effect;
  3. Soap tree saponins – suppress pathogens.

Application process:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo. It is better to use an organic product.
  2. Apply serum with teramides to the hair shaft.
  3. To do this, use a brush designed for painting.
  4. Leave 1 cm between partings.
  5. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water.

From contraindications only individual intolerance. In addition, during the procedure the patient may feel a tingling and slight burning sensation.


The remedy is made on the basis of acids and plant extracts. Effective in the treatment of seborrhea and dandruff. Peeling ability in its natural composition. It promotes deep cleansing of the scalp from excess sebum and enhances the restoration of scalp dermal cells.

Application order:

  1. Apply the composition to dry scalp, distributing along the length of the hair. Perform circular movements, without pressing.
  2. Give a light massage for 2-3 minutes and then leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub with water and shampoo.

Not recommended peeling of this brand for people with individual intolerance to the components.

The products presented for peeling skin and hair are some of the most effective. They do their job perfectly and rarely lead to allergies. To maximize the effect of peeling, it is better to do it before applying the mask.