Folk remedies for stretch marks on the stomach


The appearance of white scars, which represent a change in the relief and density of the skin, has not added joy to any woman. Everyone who has encountered them is looking for the opportunity to remove stretch marks at home or with the help of a cosmetologist. However, are there any chances to restore the original beauty of the skin and prevent the situation from recurring?

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home?

First of all, you need to understand why this problem occurs. Professionals advise even women without stretch marks to take care of the issue of combating it: prevention will not be superfluous. Doctors call the main and most common reasons for the formation of stretch marks:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Characteristic of adolescence, complicated by malnutrition, lack of physical activity in the proper amount, and pathologies of the endocrine system.
  2. Sharp fluctuations in weight, resulting in changes in volume. Stretch marks occur as a result of strict diets, especially in obesity, when weight loss at the initial stage occurs rapidly (loss of water). Postpartum stretch marks tend to appear in every third woman.
  3. Genetic predisposition. Preventive measures in such a situation rarely guarantee the absence of stretch marks.


If we talk about how to get rid of stretch marks at home, professionals tend to give a disappointing answer: success stories are one in a thousand. It makes sense to try to protect yourself from stretch marks, but when they appear, you can catch a chance to restore the skin if you do this while the stretch marks are young: they have not yet turned white. Old stretch marks are characterized by changes in blood vessels in the connective tissue, so they cannot be removed - only to reduce the contrast between healthy skin and scars.

Proper healthy eating

If you are thinking about how to remove stretch marks on your stomach by changing your diet, you can immediately abandon this thought: the hope will be false. This method is only suitable for preventing the formation of new scars, since it will protect you from sudden fluctuations in weight and volume. If you need to lose extra pounds, choose gentle options that do not promise a change from size 50 to 42 in a week.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the nutrition of adolescents, who, due to an unbalanced diet, suffer from hormonal fluctuations, skin imperfections, and a number of other cosmetic problems, which leads to complexes in girls. It is recommended to build the menu according to the classical principles of healthy eating, trying to protect yourself as much as possible from “empty” foods rich in factory-made sugar and animal fats.

How to remove stretch marks from your stomach at the gym

The benefits of physical activity for the skin are greatly underestimated: women are looking for ways to eliminate cellulite and decide how to remove stretch marks on their stomach with a miracle cream, when they should just sign up for the gym. Regular workouts not only tighten your silhouette, helping to get rid of fat: they increase skin tone, which leads to an improvement in its structure. Young red stretch marks from the abdomen can be removed, but more often this method only works as a preventive measure.


Vitamins against stretch marks

Ineffective, but a good method based on stimulating skin regeneration. To achieve this goal, they focus on vitamins that can affect connective tissue and the upper layer of the epidermis: these are retinol and tocopherol. They are rubbed into the area with stretch marks individually or made into a two-component cocktail. Some women add castor oil (a couple of drops), but the real benefits of such a mixture have not been proven.

What to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention measures become highly important when a woman is preparing to become a mother. If during pregnancy she gains extra pounds all over her body, the likelihood of getting an ugly and almost lifelong reminder of them after childbirth increases significantly. Instead of thinking about how to remove them, you should take care to prevent stretch marks on your stomach during pregnancy. In addition to the already mentioned healthy diet and adding physical activity, some pharmaceutical and other products for external use make sense:

  1. Bepanten. Aimed at tissue restoration. Expectant mothers rub the abdomen and nipple areolas (during lactation) to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or cracks.
  2. Olive oil. The benefits of this food product in the fight for female beauty are invaluable, and it also turned out to be indispensable for the prevention of stretch marks. The safest product that can be used as often as you like.


How to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach after childbirth

If preventive measures did not help or were not taken on time, you have to start fighting the problem that has arisen. How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy without harming the body? Young tears from the abdomen can be removed with folk remedies - scrubs, wraps, massage, and for old ones it is worth trying ointments or salon treatments.

Gels creams ointments

The previously mentioned Bepanten makes sense, and even if you are trying to figure out how to remove old stretch marks on your stomach - for example, a year or several years after giving birth. From the reviews of women, you can find out that the ointment showed itself with dignity even in relation to stretch marks “at the age” of 10-12 years or more. Shallow scars are completely eliminated; more noticeable scars are not so noticeable. The “cure” period is individual: the approximate course of using the ointment is 4-6 months.

What other drugs will help:

  1. Zinc ointment. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis and the condition of connective tissue. Apply once a day.
  2. Heparin ointment. Restores blood circulation that is lost in the vessels of old stretch marks. Doctors often recommend this remedy to young mothers.
  3. Retinoic ointment. The principle of action is to destroy the dying layer of skin.
  4. Elaskin product. Claimed to be an effective fighter against stretch marks of any degree, based on oils: almond, jojoba, rose.
  5. Clearvin. Pharmacy cream with Indian herbs that affect skin tone. The estimated duration of the course is 6 weeks.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth using folk remedies

Most of these methods involve scrubbing the skin and wrapping problem areas. The last procedure is most convenient for the thighs, but some women also do it for the abdomen. How to get rid of old stretch marks safely and on a budget?

  1. Scrub made from ground coffee beans with sea salt and sea buckthorn oil. The mass should have a very thick consistency, proportions can be determined by eye.
  2. A scrub made from salt with honey and glycerin, taken in equal proportions. Can be done morning and evening.
  3. It is advisable to perform wraps with blue clay and any citrus essential oil before scrubbing the abdominal skin. They require changes in temperature conditions: mandatory heating of the treated area.
  4. Cooling the abdomen with an ice cube after all procedures will affect the blood vessels.


How to deal with stretch marks in the salon

Cosmetology, especially hardware cosmetology, is perceived as something omnipotent. This is largely due to the wide range of services offered. Removing stretch marks from the abdomen is also among them, but do the procedures that are done in aesthetic clinics and salons help, and which of them deserves absolute trust?

  1. Ozone therapy. Injections into the abdominal area that affect metabolism. Additionally, they trigger cellular renewal, which eliminates the severity of stretch marks. Real beauty injections that help with any problem that requires an effect on skin tone.
  2. Mesotherapy is the hardware or manual introduction of a special cocktail that stimulates collagen production.
  3. Laser cosmetology. All women who have at least once wondered how to remove deep stretch marks on their stomachs have thought about this. Today, such a procedure is the only reliable way to correct the condition of the skin. How to remove stretch marks on the body with laser? Perform fractional thermolysis - painless, local, to any depth of the dermis.

Video: how to remove stretch marks on the body

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Throughout life, our body constantly undergoes some kind of transformation. A person can gain weight or lose weight, play sports, build beautiful muscles, and then quit; women get pregnant and give birth to children. Often, all of these changes can directly affect the appearance of the skin.

On the stomach, and not only, cellulite appears, and sometimes even worse - ugly raised stripes that resemble scars, but in fact are not scars. They can be light, almost invisible, or they can acquire a red-purple hue, which is visible from afar. This phenomenon is quite common, so many people have a question about how to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach for men and women. Indeed, is it even possible to do anything to help in such a situation without a surgeon’s scalpel? Should we rely on advertised procedures and remedies?

Causes of stretch marks on the abdomen

People have many different opinions about what stretch marks are and how they appear on the skin. Most of them are erroneous theories that are long outdated. In fact, scientists have long figured out what it is and what it is eaten with. Obese people with excess weight, women during pregnancy and, oddly enough, athletes are much more susceptible to the occurrence of such defects if the training process is improperly organized and the diet is incorrectly selected.

In fact, the occurrence of such skin defects is largely provoked by a failure in the synthesis of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts, while the production of collagenase and elastase continues. In simple words, this means that cells begin to produce enzymes that actively destroy collagen, as well as elastin proteins, which maintain the strength of the skin surface. As a result, a rupture occurs at the site of strong stretching, and the mesh layer of the dermis literally creeps apart, while the epidermis remains intact.

Vessels also suffer, collagen fibers are torn, and a “dip” or “dent” appears on the skin. The mechanism for the occurrence of stretch marks is the same for both sexes, but the reasons for their appearance can be seriously different. Let's find out why stretch marks occur on the abdomen in men and the reasons for this phenomenon in women.


Despite the fact that stretch marks on the abdomen of men are much less common than in women, this skin defect can hardly be called unusual or exotic. At the same time, women are more prepared for what process, they know in advance what it is, why it appeared and how to deal with it.

  1. Sudden weight gain. This leads to the fact that the skin simply does not have time to stretch, which is why stripes appear.
  2. Intensive gain of muscle mass during sports activities. This can also cause the skin to lack elasticity to “encompass” new volumes.” Most often, such stretch marks can be located in the area of ​​the shoulders, arms, and closer to the armpits.
  3. Hereditary predisposition, sudden disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas or thyroid gland, hormonal fluctuations in adolescence.
  4. Taking drugs from their subgroups of glucocorticoids or corticosteroids. They noticeably reduce the elasticity of the upper layers of the skin.

Unsightly stripes in men usually appear in the shoulders, arms, legs, back, but most often they appear on the stomach. If women react to them violently, then the stronger sex is more restrained. Realizing that such formations do not pose any harm to the body or danger to health, they do not begin to “ring all the bells.” But this does not mean at all that the problem of eliminating stretch marks for men is irrelevant.


Just like guys, girls can gain and lose weight rapidly. This is the very first common cause of unsightly stretch marks on the surface of the skin.

  1. Excessively rapid growth during adolescence can provoke skin tears, resulting in stretch marks.
  2. With sudden jumps in body weight, this outcome is also very likely.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth also often cause the appearance of such a cosmetic defect.

An additional provoking factor can be called an unhealthy unbalanced diet, an inactive lifestyle, and constant stress. This already applies to both sexes, and regardless of age or country of residence. They can appear throughout the body, but still most often appear on the stomach.

The main ways to combat stretch marks on the stomach

When the problem makes itself felt, it is already too late to think about prevention, which we will discuss below. Here you need to take specific steps, although you must understand that these cosmetic defects will never completely disappear without the intervention of an experienced plastic surgeon. However, they can be made completely unnoticeable and pale.

Cosmetic camouflage

The easiest way to avoid worrying about your belly skin not looking the way you want is to have it cosmetically camouflaged. This means that with the help of different products you can simply hide skin defects. They can easily be found in almost any woman’s cosmetic bag, and for men, we can advise you to rummage through the stocks of your girlfriends or wives.

  1. Powder.
  2. Foundation or foundation.
  3. Corrector or concealer.
  4. Bronzer.

You should not expect a striking effect from such funds. Rather, they can be used as emergency measures in case of urgent need. A special makeup spray, which can be bought at any specialty store, will help to lightly fix the “makeup” of your belly. However, you need to understand that it is better not to conduct such experiments on the beach or in the gym, where you will sweat profusely. So it’s not far from embarrassment, when all your beauty and silkiness of your skin begins to fade.

The most determined ones can pay attention to the camouflage of stretch marks with the help of a new service provided by tattoo parlors. You are invited to simply inject a carefully selected pigment under the skin that matches the natural color of the skin. In addition to pain, the tattoo procedure has other negative aspects. For example, over time, the pigment is “squeezed out” by the body, as it is introduced to a shallow depth. Therefore, once a year you will also have to go for a correction.

Creams and lotions for rubbing

Continuing the topic of the cosmetic industry, it is necessary to note the various creams, oils, sprays and other products positioned by the manufacturer as capable of removing stretch marks.

If this is clearly written on the bottle or bottle, then this means that this is clearly a low-quality product. A smart manufacturer, realizing that there is no way to completely get rid of the defect, will never write anything like that. Using creams or lotions, you can improve the elasticity of the skin, make it smoother, and even out the tone. Because of this, stretch marks will appear paler or completely invisible.

Masks and scrubs

This is a fairly reliable remedy for stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth, and not only after childbirth. Professional special equipment is also suitable for men. They perform exactly the same functions as creams or lotions, but at the same time they also polish the skin, remove the upper stratum corneum, and eliminate flaking of the skin. There are many different options, which are better to choose individually, depending on your skin type, personal preferences, reviews of effectiveness and other considerations.


Another good way to make stretch marks less noticeable, almost invisible, is, of course, wraps. In this case, natural remedies are mainly used for the procedure. Here you will have to observe regularity; you will need not one, but several procedures, or even several dozen, to achieve a significant effect. Over time, the set of procedures will have to be repeated several times.

Chemical peeling

Traditionally, chemical peels are used on the face, décolleté and neck. However, in our case we are talking about stretch marks on the abdomen. Surprisingly, the area of ​​action of acids, and we are talking about their effect, can be significantly expanded and good results can be obtained.

Previously, peeling agents were excessively traumatic, especially for such a serious problem, but over time, scientists invented a protocol for the treatment of stretch marks, consisting of an acid solution, as well as an active post-peeling cream. It is applied immediately after the procedure is performed to negate the negative effects (burns). With such means you can fight not only stretch marks, but also relieve the symptoms of acne, tighten sagging skin, and smooth out pigmentation disorders.

Laser resurfacing

Another really effective remedy is laser resurfacing of stretch marks on the abdomen. It will allow you to eliminate the skin defect almost completely. There are three main types of procedures: tonal carbon dioxide, fractional, light lifting. The essence of this procedure is that a certain area of ​​the skin is exposed to several hundred laser microbeams at once. They stimulate collagen production, which allows cells to renew themselves. Because of this, the skin is smoothed, and stretch marks on the abdomen become almost completely invisible.

Even one session of laser resurfacing is enough to see firsthand the effectiveness of the method. However, doctors usually recommend completing the entire course, consisting of 6-10 procedures, depending on the complexity of the case. After it, slight swelling of the tissues and redness may occur, but for most these symptoms pass quickly.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is considered one of the most advanced in the fight against stretch marks. It is divided into several separate medical forms.

  1. Droppers with a special solution.
  2. Injections under the skin with thin needles.
  3. Autohemotherapy with ozone (blood saturation with gas).

For stretch marks on the abdomen, a cosmetic type of procedure is most often used. It stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, improves microcirculation, due to which it becomes more elastic. Efficiency directly depends on the degree of “neglect” of the problem. The advantage of ozone therapy is that its results are visible immediately, and no rehabilitation is required after it.

Mechanical peeling

Despite its low prevalence in Russia, it makes sense to talk about another method of combating unsightly stripes on the stomach. Western cosmetologists recommend carrying out just such a procedure, using special abrasive discs. They mechanically act on the surface of the skin, while the specialist can fully control the depth. However, you need to be extremely careful, as a careless employee can injure the skin, which is unacceptable.


The purpose of this procedure is also to eliminate visible cosmetic defects of the skin, but the type of effect here is completely different. Using a special apparatus, special solutions are injected under the skin, which stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, as well as the active renewal of all cellular structures. There are three types of mesotherapy.

  1. Injection.
  2. Non-injection.
  3. Factional.

The first option has the highest degree of effectiveness, since the cells are additionally stimulated by needles. But other methods also show very good results.

Folk remedies for stretch marks on the stomach

Many people, having learned that stretch marks can be completely removed only through surgery, traditional medicine are completely discounted. However, this is completely false. Contrary to popular stereotypes, using them, even at home, you can do a lot to eliminate traces of stretch marks. There is even a specific system consisting of three main stages: cleansing the skin, applying special compounds, and high-quality massage. There are many recipes for various natural masks, scrubs, and other products that you can use at home.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: methods of prevention

We have already found out that connective tissue tears due to the lack or destruction of elastin and collagen. Therefore, to prevent such an unpleasant skin defect, you need to do everything possible to provide the skin with adequate nutrition and hydration.


A correct, balanced diet for a pregnant woman from the first days is of enormous importance. This is the first point in preventing excessive stretching of the skin, which ultimately leads to tears and stretch marks.

  1. Consume legumes, whole grain breads, don't forget about beef, chicken, nuts and hard cheese.
  2. Include in your set of standard foods those that contain a lot of protein and vitamin E, which is also called “feminine.”
  3. Always be aware of how much your body weight is growing. Excess weight while carrying a baby can lead not only to the appearance of stretch marks, but also to more serious consequences.
  4. Fatty fish, such as salmon, should not be excluded from the diet. It is these varieties that contain omega fatty acids, which increase the elasticity of the skin and its ability to stretch.
  5. If you choose between a bun and porridge, choose the latter. It is better to refuse baked goods in general, especially rich ones, and at the same time sweets.
  6. Sugar, French fries, smoked ribs - it's best to stay away from all of this.
  7. Try to eat more vegetables, fruits, and lactic acid products. All this stimulates collagen synthesis.

If you absolutely cannot live without sweets, you can come up with a way out. Sugar-free candied and dried fruits will help satisfy your cravings. But when you really can’t bear it, you should try the stevia plant, which even doctors call a worthy replacement for beet or cane sugar.

Physical training

The second step in preventing the occurrence of stretch marks is regular exercise. The key here is moderation, as excessive effort, such as high-interval strength training or marathon running, can harm your baby. Particular attention should be paid to training the lower body - legs and hips. However, you need to monitor the load on the press, which is unacceptable.

Well-stretched muscles, ligaments, and a trained body are the best way to prevent stretch marks. It is worth choosing special complexes for pregnant women or going to the pool. Even long walks will be a good solution. They are very effective and do not cause any unpleasant consequences.

Special bandages and underwear

Properly selected clothing during pregnancy will help relieve stress and also protect the skin from damage. This is especially true in the last trimester, when the tummy is already sticking out sensitively and it becomes difficult to wear. It makes sense to pay attention to special supportive underwear and bandages, which must be selected according to the following criteria.

  1. The priority is naturalness.
  2. All items of clothing must be true to size.
  3. Minimum number of seams.

As a rule, from about the beginning of the second trimester, you need to constantly wear a bandage, as well as a prenatal bra. This precaution will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Contrast shower and various home remedies

To maximize the elasticity of the skin, its elasticity, and ability to stretch, it does not hurt to regularly carry out such procedures. However, we must remember that in cases of uterine bleeding or the threat of miscarriage, a contrast shower is completely excluded. If everything is in order, then it will be a good means of preventing stretch marks.

After a shower, it is good to massage the surface of the skin, using various creams, scrubs, masks, essential and base oils or other products for home use. In addition, it would not hurt to massage the thighs and/or buttocks with a dry brush.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen in men

It is much easier to prevent stretch marks on a male body than on a female body, and the chance of their occurrence in guys is several times lower than in girls. However, men often prefer to remember preventive measures only when everything is already too advanced and only a surgeon’s scalpel can help. In order not to bite your elbows later, it makes sense to think about this in advance.

  1. Just like for women, men need to adjust their diet. It is from sudden jumps in mass that stretch marks can occur. You need to eat rationally, balanced and correctly, then nothing like this will happen.
  2. Regular exercise will help make your skin elastic, so stretch marks on your stomach can be avoided.
  3. Hardening and contrast shower.
  4. Don't forget to stay hydrated, as the skin may lose its elasticity due to dehydration.

Despite the fact that men are quite skeptical about cosmetics, their use against stretch marks also makes sense. The same procedures of a contrast shower or massage will become doubly effective when used. Moreover, these can be industrial or folk products: creams, masks, scrubs, base or essential oils. If all this is done on time and regularly, then the risk of unsightly brown stripes appearing on the surface of the skin, which fade over time but do not disappear at all, will be minimized.


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Olive oil nourishes cells with squalene, tocopherols, polyphenols, vitamins A, D and E, valuable organic acids and other components necessary to maintain skin elasticity. At the same time, olive oil has regenerative properties: it slows down the aging process of the skin. In addition, “liquid gold” removes toxins and impurities, cleanses the skin and activates collagen production.

Using Pure Olive Oil

When fighting stretch marks, it is recommended to use cold-pressed olive oil. Before use, “liquid gold” is heated in a water bath to 35-40°C. Apply olive oil to previously prepared skin of problem areas with intense massaging movements.

After such a massage, it is recommended to walk around naked for 7-10 minutes (the oil should be absorbed as much as possible), and then the remnants of this product should be removed with a dry cloth. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day for 1.5-2 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Cosmetics based on olive oil

Liquid Gold can be used as a base oil. To prepare a remedy for stretch marks, you will need the following components:
- 100 ml olive oil;
- 100 ml aloe juice;
- 5-6 drops of vitamin E.

The ingredients are mixed, after which the mixture is lightly beaten and applied with massaging movements to the steamed skin of problem areas. Half an hour later, take a contrast shower. This procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day for half a month. If the cosmetic composition will not be used at once, the container with the remaining product is placed in the refrigerator (the maximum shelf life of such a mixture is 3 days).

A cosmetic product, the recipe for which is as follows:
- 2 tbsp. olive oils;
- zest of one grapefruit;
- 150 g sour cream.

The zest is mixed with olive oil and sour cream. This mask is applied to the prepared skin, the body is wrapped in cling film on top and wrapped in a terry towel. Afterwards take a cool shower. This procedure should be carried out three times a week.

In addition, a cosmetic product made from the following components perfectly fights stretch marks:
- 50 ml of “liquid gold”;
— 100 g of coffee;
- 50 g honey.

The ingredients are mixed and the cosmetic paste is applied with massaging movements to the prepared skin of problem areas. After 15-17 minutes, take a contrast shower. This procedure should be done no more than 2 times a week.