
Proline is an essential amino acid in human nutrition, which is part of almost all proteins in the body. It plays an important role in maintaining the health and functioning of many body systems, such as the immune, nervous, bone and connective tissues.

Proline is one of the most abundant amino acids in the human body. It can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids such as methionine and lysine, but can also be obtained from food. Proline is found in large quantities in meat products, dairy products, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The role of proline in the human body is that it participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are the main components of connective tissue. Proline also plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of the structure of proteins such as hemoglobin, myoglobin and others.

In addition, proline may affect blood glucose and cholesterol levels. It is also involved in regulating hormone levels such as insulin and testosterone.

Proline deficiency can lead to various diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone and joint diseases. Also, a lack of proline can lead to disruption of the immune system and other diseases.

To get enough proline, it is recommended to eat foods rich in this substance, such as meat, fish, dairy products and legumes. Additionally, proline supplements can be taken as needed to maintain health and normal body function.

Proline is an essential amino acid in nutrition and an important part of protein compounds in the human body. Takes part in collagen synthesis. At the same time, it is an indispensable link in the formation of hemoglobin - a protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen through