Promethazine (Promethavne)

Promethazine (Promethavne) is a potent antihistamine; It is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions and - due to the sedative effect of this medicine - in the treatment of insomnia. Promstazin is included in various cough mixtures as an antitussive. Promethazine can be given orally or by injection; Possible side effects include: drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion. Trade names: Avomine, Phenergan.

Promethazine is a powerful antihistamine that is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. Due to its sedative effects, Promethazine is also often used in the treatment of insomnia.

Promethazine is included in cough mixtures as an antitussive. As a rule, Promethazine is prescribed orally or by injection.

However, Promethazine has a number of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and confusion.

Trade names for Promethazine include Avomin and Phenergan.

Promethazine: from allergies to insomnia

Promethazine, the active ingredient in the antihistamine Promethavne, is potent and widely used to reduce allergic reactions. However, it is also used as a sedative for insomnia. Thus, this medicine can be used for both therapeutic and symptomatic purposes. In addition, Promethazine is one of the components of mixtures for dry cough; its action is aimed at suppressing the cough centers of the brain and relieving cough.

Action and use of the drug:

Promethazine has an antihistamine effect and can be used to treat allergic reactions in both adults and children. This drug has a powerful antiallergic effect that lasts up to 24 hours. When administered orally, Promethazine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and reaches maximum plasma concentrations after 1 hour. The most effective concentration lasts for approximately 8 hours, after which it acts as a half-concentration. Promethazine is excreted mainly in urine (60%) and bile (40%).

Side effects may occur with increased use of the drug, but they are usually minimal and can be eliminated by reducing