Radiation Protection Biological

Radiation protection is a set of measures aimed at protecting people from exposure to radiation and other types of radiation. Biological radiation protection is one of the most effective methods of protection against radiation.

Biological radiation protection is based on the use of biological agents that are capable of absorbing and neutralizing radiation. These drugs contain components that can bind radiation ions, such as iodine, bromine, sulfur, phosphorus, etc.

The most common biological radiation protection drugs are iodides and bromides. Iodides, such as potassium iodide or sodium iodide, are used to protect the thyroid gland from radiation. Bromides, such as sodium bromide, potassium bromide, or calcium bromide, are used to reduce the level of radiation in the blood and tissues of the body.

There are also other types of biological radiation treatments, such as antidotes, that prevent or reduce the effects of radiation on the body. They can be used either alone or in combination with other drugs.

The use of biological radiation protection can reduce the risk of developing radiation diseases and protect the body from the effects of radiation. However, like any other type of protection, biological radiation protection has its limitations and may not be effective at high levels of radiation. Therefore, it is important to use all available protection methods and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Anti-radiation protective system in Russia and the world: the importance of biological protection in the military and civilian fields

In the modern world, the problem of radiation danger is becoming increasingly urgent. Radiation is an extremely dangerous damaging factor and can cause significant damage to human health and the environment. That is why the development and use of biological means of protection against ionizing radiation