Providing first aid for typical head and spine injuries

The human head is an easily vulnerable place because it is not protected by muscle and fat layers. The bones of the skull can be felt almost under the entire surface of the scalp.
In addition to following the four basic principles of emergency care, provide first aid for subsequent head injuries.
Brain concussion
Any strong blow to the head can cause a concussion, which results in a temporary weakening of brain function. How
this generally does not result in permanent cerebral stimulation, although large bruises and bruises may be found.
Signs and symptoms of a concussion
• Blurred vision.
• Confusion.
• Temporary loss of short-term memory (that is,
what happened before the injury).
• Nausea, vomiting.
• Lack of coordination.
• Drowsiness.
• Pupil difference.
• Unconscious.