Taking care of your own body. Nutrition

If you take care of your health now, you will only benefit from it in the future. Normal daily activities: eating, exercising, resting, working and sleeping are the main components of a healthy lifestyle. And it’s up to you to make this a reality.
A healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy diet. A proper diet is a balanced diet that ensures the functioning, growth, development and restoration of the human body. We always feel more comfortable and happier if we eat right and are healthy.
A healthy, balanced diet requires the presence of basic foods in the daily diet: bread, cereals, potatoes, dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.
Almost all food consumed is a mixture of nutrients, that is, it consists of varying amounts of sugar, starch, fiber, fats, proteins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, vitamins and water.
However, it is necessary to know what a nutrient is and how the body uses it.
Meanwhile, many of us eat foods that are very high in salt, sugar and fat, and conversely, there is not enough fiber and liquid.
However, the presence of fiber in the diet is very important. Rich sources of fiber include brown bread and vegetables. Eating fatty foods for a long time contributes to the development of atherosclerotic processes in the human body, and eating food with a reduced content of salt, fat and cholesterol helps prevent certain diseases.
In order to consciously choose products for a properly balanced diet, we recommend that you refer to the data that you can familiarize yourself with.
"Body's Use of Nutrients"
Nutrients: Carbohydrates: starch, sugar and fiber.
Example: • Cereals, bread, rice, pasta, cereals • Vegetables (corn, potatoes and fruits (bananas, berries)) • Honey
How they are used by the body: • provide energy for the body’s functioning • promote fat accumulation • aid digestion • prevent constipation

Nutrients: Fats: animal origin
Example:• Animal oil, cheese, fatty meat, groundnuts
How they are used by the body: • Provide energy. Serve as material for building body cells

Nutrients: Vegetable fats
Example:• Sunflower, corn, olive oil (vegetable oil)
How they are used by the body: • Promote fat accumulation

Nutrients: Proteins
Example: Meat, chickens, fish, eggs, beans, milk, kefir, cheese, ground nuts
How they are used by the body: • serve as a material for building body cells • are necessary for the formation of total water in the body • contribute to chemical processes in the body. Provide energy. Provide protection against infection

Nutrients Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus
Example: • Vegetables: starchy, green, yellow or orange
How they are used by the body: • Serve as material for building body cells and maintaining their full condition

Nutrients: Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, K
Example: • Dairy products: milk, yogurt • Beef, lamb, liver
How they are used by the body: • Necessary for the formation of total body water
• Promote chemical processes in the body. • Provide protection against infection.

Nutrients: Water (daily value is 1000 - 1500 ml)
Example: • Liquids consumed (juice, soup, tea, coffee) • Fresh vegetables and fruits
How they are used by the body: • Promote chemical processes in the body. • Serve as material for building body cells.

Here is a basic rule that is recommended to be followed daily:
• 2-3 minimum norms of lean lamb or beef (1 minimum norm is 60-100 grams of meat or 120 grams of fish or chicken meat).
• 2-3 minimum norms of dairy products (1 minimum norm is 300 ml of milk or 40 g of cheese or 200 g of yogurt).
• 2-4 minimum quantities of fruit.
• C—5 minimum standards for vegetables (leafy greens, orange or yellow, starchy).
• 6-11 minimum amounts of milled grain products (1 minimum amount is 1 piece of bread or 1 cup of oatmeal or 0.5 cup of cooked rice or 1 cup of cooked pasta).
Proper fluid intake is also of great importance. The daily requirement is 1000-1500 ml. Water consumption is largely determined by working conditions, the type of work performed and individual constitution.
The amount of energy a person needs to get from food to maintain their health and ensure an active lifestyle varies from person to person. For example, children need more energy to grow, be active, and fight off infections. Energy expenditure decreases with age as growth stops. During pregnancy, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein, vitamins and mineral salts contained in the five main food groups listed above. During the feeding period, you should increase the amount of milk consumed and eat more vegetables and fruits. At the age of 60 years and older, metabolism becomes less intense, so older people are advised to significantly reduce or completely eliminate spicy and fatty foods, as well as salt, from their diet, preferring fruits and vegetables. Those suffering from atherosclerosis (fat deposits in the blood vessels) should consume more foods rich in fiber, such as brown bread, buckwheat and beets.
Giving up your usual diet is not necessarily difficult. The main goal is to eat less salt, fat and cholesterol.