Causes of acne on the face during pregnancy

When a woman is expecting a baby, her body undergoes hormonal changes. A rash that appears on the face is a clear sign of changes occurring. Acne on the skin occurs in every second pregnant woman.

Sometimes they appear painlessly, and in some cases the rashes cause discomfort and pain. Why do acne appear on the face during pregnancy?

Basic information

If before pregnancy a woman’s skin was subject to rashes in the form of pimples or acne, then in an interesting situation the problem will worsen even more.


Those with clear and normal skin are also not spared from the possible occurrence of similar troubles.

Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, you should definitely discuss preventive measures and treatment of possible skin rashes with a specialist.

When a dermatologist prescribes an ointment for acne on the woman’s face, effective help will consist not only in its use, but also in the application of the entire range of preventive measures.

Pregnancy with a girl or a boy?

During pregnancy, if a woman has a lot of pimples on her face, then those around her say that the girl is taking away her beauty. And if the face is clean and there are no various rashes on it, then a boy should be born.

Many women wonder if this is true.

In science, such folk beliefs give rise to several opinions. One part of scientists comes to the conclusion that this is all just a coincidence. Others are inclined to believe that this is due to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. The gender of the unborn child has little influence on this aspect. And this happens at a later date. And rashes in women usually appear in the initial weeks of pregnancy.

The causes of acne in an expectant mother can be many factors characterizing her condition. Whether the pregnancy is a girl or a boy is not important.

Factors that cause acne

The appearance of acne (acne) is possible in those women who had such problems before pregnancy.


Factors that cause acne during pregnancy:

  1. hormonal changes, which increases the level of progesterone, which promotes the production of sebum;
  2. increased amount of junk food for a pregnant woman (fatty, spicy and salty);
  3. lack of vitamins and minerals that the fetus stores;
  4. stressful situations that affect mental balance and cause psychological instability in a pregnant woman (constant crying, hysterics);
  5. liver diseases;
  6. violation of the drinking regime, i.e. reducing the amount of liquid drunk;
  7. lack of proper skin care;
  8. exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  9. rare walks in the fresh air.

Localization of acne during pregnancy

Acne on the face during pregnancy occurs from the combined influence of many factors. When a large number of rashes appear on the face and a delay in menstruation, a woman makes the assumption that she is expecting a child. In some cases these assumptions are confirmed, and in others they are not.

The skin of the face is most susceptible to rashes. Acne can also be located on the neck, chest and upper back.


How to reduce breakouts during pregnancy?

Most often, acne appears in the early stages of pregnancy, when hormonal changes in the body are most active. When the 2nd trimester begins, the number of skin rashes decreases.

To get rid of problems, you need to seek help from a good dermatologist. He will be able to determine the causes of the problems. Possible treatment would be:

  1. Treating the skin with special products that do not contain alcohol.
  2. Taking a complex of vitamins and minerals aimed at reducing their deficiency in the body.
  3. Proper nutrition, aimed at including fresh fruits and vegetables in a pregnant woman’s diet.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  5. The mandatory presence of healthy cereals and fermented milk products in the diet.
  6. Limited intake of spicy, salty or bitter foods.
  7. Prevention of constipation.

To prevent acne on the face during pregnancy from appearing in large numbers, cosmetics containing fruit and glycolic acids are recommended.


Not all means to combat inflammation of the sebaceous glands are allowed to be used. Lotions with salicylic acid when used by a pregnant woman can negatively affect the functioning of the circulatory system of the unborn child.

How to fight?

It would be good if the factors that caused the rash were identified, but this will not help remove acne on a woman’s face completely.

Is it possible to squeeze out pimples on the face? This is not recommended. They need to be treated to improve the condition of the skin and prevent further rashes.

Changing hormonal levels during pregnancy is prohibited, unless the gynecologist prescribes special therapy using hormones.

To normalize the condition, you can use several recommendations:

  1. use clay masks, treat the skin with fruits or vegetables;
  2. to quickly narrow pores, use fruit peels or ice cubes with herbal infusions;
  3. Measures should be taken to remove sebum 2-3 times a day, avoiding drying out the skin;
  4. if necessary, you should use ointment for acne on the face; effective help will also consist of carefully moisturizing the skin and using products with a light texture;
  5. use only special cosmetics (for pregnant women), which consist of natural ingredients and have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  6. It is not recommended to apply foundation, but if such a need arises, only for a short time;
  7. The cleanser should not contain: alcohol, fragrances and hormonal components;
  8. Pregnant women should wash themselves without using hard washcloths.

All treatments used on the skin can improve its condition.

Treatment options

There are many traditional medicines that can be used if acne appears on the face during pregnancy. During use, it is recommended to identify components that may cause allergic reactions and treat them with caution.


If there is no known allergy, you can prevent the complication using a proven method: putting a small amount of the product on your wrist. If there is no reaction from the skin, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures.

Here are some of them:

  1. Mix cinnamon with high quality flower honey in equal proportions and apply to skin affected by acne or pimples. If it works, let it sit overnight.
  2. Wipe the skin with a piece of pumpkin, which needs to be frozen in the refrigerator.
  3. Apply a small amount of tea tree oil to pimples and remove if there is severe burning.
  4. Gently squeeze aloe juice from a plant leaf, apply to areas with inflammation, no need to rinse. Can be used to combat acne in pregnant women.
  5. Mix a small amount of clay with water and apply to the face. The product will help tighten pores and reduce oily shine. It is recommended to use twice a week.
  6. Mix equal amounts of calendula and chamomile and add hot water. Apply the cooled herbal leaves to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Apply the remaining decoction of herbs (calendula and chamomile) with the addition of two Furacilin tablets to areas prone to rashes. You can do the procedure for several days, as a result the severity of inflammation on the skin will noticeably decrease.

It is recommended to use all products until the effect is achieved, but be sure to take breaks. During pregnancy, a woman should take care of her health so as not to harm the unborn baby.

What is prohibited?

During pregnancy, any manipulations with the skin that can lead to negative consequences are prohibited.

  1. If a purulent pimple appears on your face, what should you do? It is not recommended to squeeze it out, especially on the face.
  2. You cannot use medications and folk remedies that are prohibited for pregnant women.
  3. You should not constantly use foundation.
  4. It is not recommended to use products with components such as benzoyl peroxide and steroids.


Is it possible to prevent acne during pregnancy?

It is impossible to say for sure that acne appeared during pregnancy. They usually occur before this state.

Some girls usually have clear skin without various rashes during early pregnancy and are susceptible to the appearance of acne. And those with problem skin during pregnancy can be completely cleared of pimples and acne.

It will not be possible to accurately predict how a woman’s body will react to all the hormonal changes occurring in it.

When will acne go away in a pregnant woman?

It is difficult to say exactly when rashes and acne will go away in a pregnant woman. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

For some girls, pimples disappear when they enter the 2nd trimester, for others they accompany the entire period of pregnancy, and even after the birth of the child.

This is largely due to the normalization of a woman’s hormonal levels.

Preventing rashes during pregnancy

Women are advised not to wait for acne to appear, but to take preventive measures aimed at preventing the formation of rashes or reducing the volume of affected skin. It is best to start prevention before conception or in the first weeks of pregnancy, because hormonal changes in the body are just beginning, and the skin has not yet responded to this with rashes.

It is necessary to properly care for your skin during pregnancy. To improve the condition of the skin and prepare it for subsequent changes, it is recommended to wash your face with gel and cleanse the skin with tonic.

Women during this period need to be especially careful when choosing cosmetics. It must be certified, suitable for your skin type and not expired.


Is it possible to squeeze out pimples on the face? You should definitely know that squeezing leads to a negative result: infection can get on clean areas of the skin, and weakened immunity will affect the duration of healing.

Experts recommend that pregnant women eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. And if possible, completely exclude foods that do not benefit the body from the diet (salty, spicy, fatty). You should definitely drink at least two liters of water a day, which helps improve metabolism and reduce inflammation.

In most cases, acne during pregnancy is temporary, and after the birth of the baby and restoration of hormonal levels, this problem will completely disappear. To treat rashes in a pregnant woman, it is better to seek qualified help rather than self-medicate.

In the article we discuss acne during pregnancy. We talk about the reasons for their appearance on the face, chin, forehead, back, chest, buttocks and abdomen. You will learn how to treat acne in early pregnancy, what traditional and folk remedies can be used, and necessary prevention.

Why do acne appear?

If before pregnancy you had clean and well-groomed facial skin, then after conception the condition of the dermis can change greatly. White and red pimples may appear on it, which cause a lot of discomfort, both physical and mental.


Rashes cause a lot of moral and physical discomfort

The main reasons for the appearance of pimples during pregnancy include:

  1. Genetic predisposition - if your mother, grandmother or sister experienced the formation of pimples while carrying a child, then the same fate will most likely overtake you.
  2. Impaired water balance in the body - most often, problems with the dermis are observed in expectant mothers who do not drink enough fluid. A person must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day for the proper functioning of all metabolic processes in the body. Dehydration inhibits the removal of waste and toxins from the bloodstream, resulting in an increase in progesterone levels.
  3. Stress - any nervous tension changes the production of hormones in the body. For this reason, most women who are constantly under stress experience skin problems.
  4. Hormonal changes - progesterone, actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, helps maintain pregnancy and increase the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, their ducts become clogged and inflamed, attracting the hair follicle into the process. Often in such cases, acne goes away immediately after childbirth, when the hormonal levels stabilize.

Most often, acne occurs in the early stages due to the fact that it is at this time that the pregnant woman’s body undergoes the maximum number of hormonal changes. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, this problem is less of a concern, and after delivery it disappears almost immediately completely.

Localization of acne during pregnancy

In order for the treatment of rashes to bring results, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of their appearance. Depending on the location of the rash during pregnancy, the factors for its development are identified:

  1. Acne on the face - most often a cosmetic problem is associated with this area of ​​the body. It is these rashes that cause the expectant mother the most discomfort, as they are difficult to hide, and even cosmetics sometimes fail to cope with this task. The causes of this condition can be specific, related to pregnancy, or general.
  2. Pimples on the forehead - appear due to the use of inappropriate cosmetics, increased activity of the sebaceous glands and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The problem is aggravated if the pregnant woman wears long bangs or hats that irritate the dermis. Also, using stale towels or sleeping on dirty pillowcases can cause this cosmetic defect.
  3. Acne on the chin - occurs due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, the use of inappropriate cosmetics, gynecological and gastrointestinal ailments. Often the cause of rashes is the habit of frequently touching the chin or propping it up with your hand.
  4. Chest acne is usually caused by hormonal changes. Occasionally, their development is affected by the activity of the sebaceous glands, irritation due to clothing, poor nutrition, and neglect of personal hygiene. In the summer, when the décolleté area is almost always open, acne appears due to street dust entering the dermis, followed by clogging of the pores.
  5. Acne on the back - the main causes of such rashes include liver disease, wearing synthetic clothing, excessive sweating in combination with the active work of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Acne on the stomach and butt is extremely rare. Typically, the causes of rashes in this area include all of the above factors, as well as hypothermia, allergic reactions and wearing tight clothing, due to which only a small air flow is possible.

Acne during pregnancy: who to expect, a boy or a girl?

There is a belief that acne is the surest sign of impending conception. They even predicted the gender of the unborn child by their location.


Acne on the face - boy or girl?

If the rashes were localized in large numbers on the chest and face, then the woman should have given birth to a girl. If a pregnant woman had a slight acne, then she was supposed to become the mother of a beautiful boy.

Is it really? There is no scientific confirmation of this belief. So decide for yourself whether to believe it or not.

When to see a doctor

Acne during pregnancy is a cosmetic problem, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is due to the fact that an incorrectly selected drug or remedy can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

If rashes appear during pregnancy and go away after some time, then you can do without a visit to the doctor. But in certain cases, going to him cannot be postponed, namely:

  1. inflammatory processes have formed;
  2. the rash has spread throughout the body;
  3. acne appeared on the stomach;
  4. acne appeared on the genitals;
  5. a rash has formed on the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose and eyelids;
  6. The rashes do not go away for a long time, but only increase.

It is not advisable to self-medicate in these cases, as this can provoke even greater complications and longer therapy.


How to deal with acne during pregnancy, especially if it occurs in the first trimester? After all, taking and using medications in the early stages often leads to various complications during pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

To solve the problem, you can use traditional and folk medicine, but only after the doctor’s permission. Which ones exactly? We will talk about this further.

Anti-acne cosmetics

Pharmacies and cosmetic stores offer a wide range of products that help get rid of acne. Before purchasing them, be sure to read the instructions, it should indicate the possibility of use during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using products (ointments, creams, gels, etc.) that contain:

  1. peroxides;
  2. isotretinoin;
  3. retinoids;
  4. alpha acids;
  5. salicylic acid;
  6. antibiotics;
  7. benzene.

Cosmetics containing Accutane and Roaccutane are also prohibited. The use of products with such substances can cause the development of fetal organ defects. While carrying a child, chemical and laser peelings and phototherapy should not be performed. Mechanical cleansing and the use of scrubs can lead to very unexpected consequences, and bergamot and soybean oil will only emphasize pigmentation.


You can treat acne with medications during pregnancy after your doctor’s permission.

The following drugs can be used for cosmetics, but only after permission from a doctor:

  1. Skinoren is effective in the treatment of acne and pimples. Can be used to treat the skin on the abdomen. The gel is applied in a thin layer to the area affected by the rash, avoiding the mouth and eye area. If pimples are loosely located, they can be spot-treated. If itching or burning occurs, the product should be washed off immediately. The cost of the drug is from 800 rubles.
  2. Regetsin - produced in the form of a gel, contains zinc, which has healing properties and copes well with inflammation. For prevention, it is enough to use the product 2 times a week. During therapy, the drug is applied twice a day to the affected area of ​​the skin. Before application, you should thoroughly clean the dermis of dirt and cosmetics. The duration of use will be determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 60 days. The effect of use is noticeable only after a few weeks. The average cost of the gel is from 250 rubles.
  3. Zinc ointment is an effective and inexpensive remedy that has anti-inflammatory and adsorbent effects and accelerates the healing process. After application to the surface of the skin, the product does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, but has only a local effect. You can apply a thin layer of ointment up to 4 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. The best therapeutic effect is manifested when applying the product to the steamed dermis. Prolonged use of the product is prohibited, as it is addictive. Cost - from 20 rubles per tube.
  4. Zinerit - a product that copes well with acne. It is applied to a clean area of ​​skin in a thin layer up to 2 times a day, waiting until it dries completely. The full therapeutic course is up to 12 weeks. The result is not noticeable immediately, but only after several weeks of use. Price - from 550 rub.

Folk remedies

Not only traditional medicine can effectively cope with rashes during pregnancy, but also folk medicine. She offers many accessible and inexpensive remedies for cosmetic problems.

For example, the simplest method is to use pumpkin. To do this, cut off a small piece of raw pumpkin, after which it is used to wipe the affected areas of the dermis. It is important that the cut is fresh and juice comes out of it. After some time, the rash goes away.

Below we will talk about the basic recipes for preparing medicinal products that will help cope with a cosmetic problem.

Honey-cinnamon mask


  1. honey - 20 g;
  2. cinnamon powder - 20 g.

How to cook: Combine products, mix.

How to use: Apply the mask at night. Cleanse your face and body of cosmetics and impurities. Distribute the composition pointwise over the affected area. Rinse off with warm water in the morning.

Decoction with chamomile and calendula


  1. calendula - 1 tsp;
  2. chamomile - 1 tsp;
  3. water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Brew the herbs with boiling water.

How to use: After a quarter of an hour, treat the affected areas of the skin with the decoction. If you wish, you can wash your face with the decoction and apply the remaining herbs to the dermis as a mask.

Mask with honey and mumiyo


  1. mumiyo - 2 tsp;
  2. liquid honey - 2 tsp;
  3. water - 20 ml.

How to cook: The recipe uses boiled water. Combine the heated honey with the rest of the products and mix.

How to use: Once a day, apply the prepared mixture to clean skin. After 25-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Apple-horseradish mixture


How to cook: Grate the food.

How to use: Apply the resulting composition to the affected dermis. After half an hour, remove.


Proper nutrition is the key to beautiful skin


Preventing the development of rashes during pregnancy is easier than coping with the consequences of such a condition. For this:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly.
  2. Eat healthy and balanced. Focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, try to completely eliminate baked goods, flour and sweet products.
  3. Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day without gases. Fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are also allowed.
  4. Change bedding and bath items regularly.
  5. Give preference to things made from natural fabrics: linen, cotton.
  6. Swim daily; in summer, you can shower several times a day. Use a suitable shower gel that cleanses the skin well and does not cause irritation.
  7. If you are suffering from constipation, then try to improve your bowel movements. To do this, include fresh fermented milk drinks and foods in your diet.

Following these simple rules will allow you to minimize the risk of acne on your body during pregnancy.


We invite you to read reviews from pregnant women and women in labor about what products they used in the fight for clear skin.

Vasilisa, 36 years old

My mother developed acne while pregnant with me. Unfortunately, the same fate befell me when I was expecting a child. I used zinc ointment for treatment.

Miroslava, 31 years old

Acne is a problem that affected me during pregnancy. I tried everything: I played sports and used folk remedies, nothing helped. Only when I changed my diet did the acne go away.

Alexandra, 29 years old

My pregnancy was easy, it was only marred by acne, which appeared and disappeared. And this was the case for all 9 months. The problem went away on its own after giving birth. It turned out that the rashes were caused by hormonal changes.

Remember, rashes on the skin and genitals can only be treated under the supervision of a specialist; self-medication is unacceptable. Follow good personal hygiene, eat right, and you may not get acne.

Video: Skin care during pregnancy

The appearance of acne during pregnancy causes a lot of inconvenience. This article will discuss the reasons for their appearance, as well as how you can get rid of the problem during pregnancy.

Fighting acne during pregnancy

A pregnant woman has always been associated with special beauty and femininity.

But in reality, women suffer from acne that spoils their entire appearance. Where can I get away from them? What are the safest treatment methods? The answer will be given below.

Why do acne appear during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is always associated with hormonal changes in a woman’s body. The skin reacts especially sensitively to these changes. Dermatologists identify three main root cause problems.

Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal levels automatically adjust to the needs of two organisms - the mother and the fetus. The first trimester is especially famous for sudden surges in hormones. Progesterone is a useful hormone that promotes the safety of the fetus in the womb and its proper development. Without it, pregnancy is impossible.

But progesterone activates the sebaceous glands. Sebum and dead skin particles clog pores. In such an environment, bacteria multiply intensively, causing inflammation in the form of pimples and blackheads.

Skin structure

Skin consists of 70% water. During pregnancy, the body dehydrates faster. Because of this, hormones are not diluted, toxins and sebum accumulate in the pores, and the skin structure deteriorates. And this is a direct road to acne.

Oily or combination problem skin

A woman's metabolism is disrupted. The beneficial substances now go to the child. The result may be poor skin condition. It becomes more oily or combined (nose, forehead and chin - oily, cheeks - dry).

If painful acne appears during pregnancy, how to treat it

Acne is an inflammation of the skin due to clogged pores, in the form of individual pimples. Acne is an accumulation of pimples followed by the formation of scars (the effect of “bruised” skin).

Acne and acne on the face, forehead, chin

More often than not, it is the face that suffers from acne, because that is where the most sebaceous glands are located. Acne on the face is a wake-up call about the presence of diseases in the body:

  1. Ditso. Rashes on the face are a sign of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gynecology.
  2. Forehead. The functioning of the intestines and stomach is disrupted.
  3. Chin. Acne appears after suffering from colds, seborrhea (painful skin condition), problems in endocrinology and gynecology.

On the chest and shoulders

Pimples form on the chest due to changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. This is largely due to poor nutrition.

Shoulders suffer from skin inflammation due to:

  1. failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  2. wearing tight synthetic clothing;
  3. metabolic disorders;
  4. problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, thyroid gland;
  5. influence of heat;
  6. long hair;
  7. bad habits;
  8. improper nutrition.

How to deal with back acne during pregnancy

Pimples on the back are very painful and cause a lot of inconvenience, as they have the shape of tubercles. The causes of acne on the back may be the following:

  1. allergy;
  2. viral infection;
  3. liver problems;
  4. increased sweating due to heat or synthetic clothing;
  5. unhealthy food (soda, fast food, large amounts of sweets).

A dermatologist or nutritionist will choose a balanced protein diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and cooked meat. This will significantly improve the condition of the skin on your back. If your diet changes, your acne will also begin to go away.

Acne on the body

Acne can also appear on the arms, legs, stomach and buttocks. The rash itself, in some places, is not dangerous for the baby in the womb. This is just discomfort for the mother. The danger is represented by the reasons for its appearance, or too large an area affected by the rash (sepsis occurs).

Traditional methods: how can you safely treat?

Face masks are very effective in combating acne during this period. They are applied twice a week. Masks can be made:

  1. Fruit:
  1. strawberry;
  2. raspberry;
  3. grape;
  4. apricot;
  5. apple with lemon juice;
  6. cinnamon + honey

2. Clay (blue, black, white, green).

Instead of lotions in the morning, it is advisable to use ice cubes based on herbs (chamomile, rose, calendula, sage, aloe). A replacement for tonics will be salicylic acid (followed by application of a hypoallergenic cream). And to tighten the pores, you can take herbal steam baths.

How to determine the gender of a child by rashes: boy or girl

It is believed that if a mother has acne, she will have a girl (she takes away all the beauty of the mother). If there is no acne, it will be a boy. But this is just a myth. It is impossible to determine the gender of a child by the presence and number of acne on the body.

What not to do

It is important for a pregnant woman to be careful about food and certain procedures. But there is something she absolutely cannot do:

  1. take medications and antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription;
  2. eat large quantities of fatty, salty, spicy foods;
  3. do facial cleansing, peelings, laser hair removal and phototherapy;
  4. squeeze out pimples yourself (the immune system is weakened and wounds will take longer to heal);
  5. touching your face with dirty hands;
  6. be nervous.

A woman should remain a woman at any time, especially when pregnant. You need to take care of yourself and take preventative measures to improve the condition of your skin. But doing this is not detrimental to the health of your unborn baby.

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